Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Shock Jocks: Why Do We Have Them?

The thing that I find really confronting from Jones that he has made the suggestion of killing a PM.

This as far as I know has never been done by a public figure before in Australian political history. The Coalition was pretty much silent on the matter

Political violence is not part of the Australian landscape......ywet

The comments he has made about Gillards father is just a measurement of his character lack of.

Wow you have a short memory. Union members called for the death of howard as did gun owners. Howard copped a lot more abuse in his time. Are you really that blind or just pushing the leftie bs
And deservedly so.

Linking members of this forum with Hitler's regime is way way WAY beyond the pale Nulla.

Indignant right? Oh my word, have a look in the collective leftist mirror. The left have created a whole industry fro getting all indignant about nothing at all.

You have destroyed your right to criticise AJ or anyone else as what you have said here is actually worse than what AJ said.

Others have mentioned character, you have shown that you have none... and have kicked a massive own goal.

And by the way, I am not of the right.

I note that once again you have been selective in quoting from my post. Foprtunately in Australia we have freedom of speech (regardles of our origins). Jackboot Stormtroopers are not exclusive to nazi germany but you are free, in Australia, to twist my comments or express you opinion in anyway you prefer.

I find it sweet that you refer to Mr Jones in such a familiar manner as "AJ". I leave everyone else to draw their own conclusions and I make the point that I am not making in inferences in mentioning your choice of expression, allegiances or association.

My right to criticise is inherent (please forgive my lowbrow spelling) in the right of Freedom of Speech where I have not libelled or slandered anyone. As to my character, your perspective, well established from the consistancy of your posts is hardly likely to concern me in the least. I make the point that I have not singled you or any other forum member out to cast aspersion against the character of any individual poster. If anything you have outed yourself by the vehemence of your post.

I sleep well of a night and am not worried by bully boys of any political or national persuasion.
The real irony in this, is the opportunity extended to John Laws by channel 7 to promote his sponsor "Wild Turkey" while commenting on Mr Jones poor form. As Mr Laws said, "it is all about commerce". Morals never get in the way of money.
Mr Laws, in his interview, was at least candid, as your quoted comment above shows. If "7.30" chose to provide him with a platform, more fool they.

No doubt I will draw more flack for this post from the indignant right. :) Life's good.
This comment suggests that you are writing the post to provoke comment from those who perhaps take a more objective view. Genuinely felt comments would earn considerably more respect.

I find it sweet that you refer to Mr Jones in such a familiar manner as "AJ". I leave everyone else to draw their own conclusions and I make the point that I am not making in inferences in mentioning your choice of expression, allegiances or association.
Oh, stop being so precious. Of course you're making some pejorative inference.
I don't suppose you considered for a moment that the use of the initials 'AJ' might have been nothing more than a saving of typing, given it's entirely clear to whom the poster was referring.
You are becoming as silly as the politicians you admire with such irrelevant observations.
Mr Laws, in his interview, was at least candid, as your quoted comment above shows. If "7.30" chose to provide him with a platform, more fool they.

Agreed, just more of channel 7 stirring the pot and sensationalising

This comment suggests that you are writing the post to provoke comment from those who perhaps take a more objective view. Genuinely felt comments would earn considerably more respect.

My initial post pointed out that once again the thread was highjacked by those of an anti labor persuasion. My further posts have only been in response to those posts directed to me.

Oh, stop being so precious. Of course you're making some pejorative inference.
I don't suppose you considered for a moment that the use of the initials 'AJ' might have been nothing more than a saving of typing, given it's entirely clear to whom the poster was referring.
You are becoming as silly as the politicians you admire with such irrelevant observations.

If you read too much into it that is your problem not mine. Your defence of the "AJ" supporters is not unexpected and it is also you right to express it. As to the politicians I admire, they are all retired and the present lot, regardless of party leave a lot to be desired.
For the record, the John Laws interview was on channel 2, the 7.30 report on Tuesday night, and was replayed by channel 7 on "Sunrise" news etc today. :) Apologies for the error.
How is your thesis going?

My original hypothesis proved to be stunningly accurate with no revisions necessary. It has passed peer (shock jocks) review with flying colours and the Vatican is considering entering it into its official cannon.

Most people have responded with "well DUHHH! We could have told you that!"

However I suppose much science is obvious, it just needs to be quantified and labelled.

A bit like the "discovery" of gravity.

Mouthpiece for the Labor party?

Isn't that some thing a shock jock would sprout?

I wouldn't know, I don't listen to them. It's my assessment of what the ABC has become. If you consider a comment like that shock jock material then your definition is very wide.
News anchor on TV this morning after an item about the Jones affair:
Words to this effect - "Ah.. political controversy - we love it"

The "we" here, I think, is the TV station, the viewers, the media and the general public.

Controversy and nastiness between politicians sells better than the discussion about policies.

The reality is that the media loves it, the public loves it - so that is what we get!
John Laws is way past his use by date.:eek:

I wouldn't know, I don't listen to them. It's my assessment of what the ABC has become. If you consider a comment like that shock jock material then your definition is very wide.

ABC breakfast on 720 WA hosted by ex Federal Liberal MP...................rates very highly, mouthpiece for the Labor party?
John Laws is way past his use by date.:eek:


Wasn't it great he had to be having a joke.....surely.......he not that deluded is he?
Wow you have a short memory. Union members called for the death of howard as did gun owners. Howard copped a lot more abuse in his time. Are you really that blind or just pushing the leftie bs

I know Howard collected plenty of flack and threat's particularly over gun laws and the unions were certainly sticking it to him over work-non choices but don't recall public figures (union official's or gun association officials)suggesting he should be killed and dumped in a chaff bag or the like but happy to be proven wrong.
ABC breakfast on 720 WA hosted by ex Federal Liberal MP...................rates very highly, mouthpiece for the Labor party?

Some people don't weant a diversity of views, they want their view only.
By the way here is a list of where ABC staff go to work when they leave.

ABC to Labor:

Maxine McKew, Mike Bailey,
Deborah O’Neill,
David Hill,
Bob Carr,
Mary Delahunty,
John Bowler,
Clare Martin,
Malarndirri McCarthy
Neville Oliver
Diana Warnock
Ian Baker
And here are some of the ABC staff who went on to be Labor staffers: Mark Bannerman was a journalist for 30 years, working on several programs for the ABC, such as AM, PM, The World Today and Background Briefing. He also worked as an adviser to the-then Labor minister for industry, technology and commerce Senator John Button. Barrie Cassidy is the current host of Insiders on the ABC; he was Bob Hawke’s press secretary from 1986 to 1991. Kerry O’Brien is the former host of the 7.30 Report on the ABC and the present host of the current affairs show Four Corners. He worked as the press secretary for Labor’s Gough Whitlam. Jeremi Moule, worked for ABC news then later became a minder for the ALP.

ABC to the Coalition

Sarah Henderson,
Dai Le,
Gary Hardgrave, a former minister in the Howard government, is a former journalist with the Brisbane bureau of the ABC’s 7.30 Report.

Peter Collins, leader of the Liberal Party in NSW for several years, was also a former ABC TV journalist.

Pru Goward, a Canberra-based high-profile ABC journalist, who reported on federal politics for several years. She is currently the Liberal representative for the state seat of Goulburn, NSW.

Rob Messenger was an ABC radio broadcaster in Bundaberg. He then went on to become the National Party member for Burnett in the Queensland Parliament.
Grant Woodhams, National Party member for Greenough in WA, worked with ABC radio in Tasmania, South Australia, NSW and Victoria.
Eoin Cameron, the former Liberal member for the federal seat of Stirling, presents the breakfast program on ABC local radio in Perth.
Cameron Thompson worked for the ABC in Longreach and Darwin before winning the federal seat of Blair for the Liberal Party.

Scott Emerson, a former ABC journalist, won the Queensland state Parliament seat of Indooroopilly for the Liberal National Party.

Ian Cover, a member of the ABC’s Coodabeen Champions, served as a Liberal member of the Victorian Parliament between 1996 and 2002.

Peter McArthur, a former current affairs reporter and TV newsreader for the ABC, served several years in the Victorian state Parliament as a Liberal member.

Bruce Webster was a sports broadcaster for the ABC and later the Liberal member for Pittwater in the NSW Parliament.

Peter Kennedy, worked for ABC news then was later the unsuccessful liberal candiate for the seat of Bendigo.

And here are some of the ABC staff who went on to be Coalition staffers: Michael Duffy, presented Counterpoint on ABC’s Radio National, he now works for the NSW Liberal government. Chris Wordsworth, after resigning as ABC Queensland state director in 2008, became a Coalition staffer. Cathy Job, a current affairs presenter for ABC radio in Brisbane, became a media adviser to David Kemp after resigning from the ABC. Vicki Thompson, a senior political reporter for ABC radio in Adelaide, became chief of staff for John Olsen, Liberal premier of South Australia. Chris Nicholls, an Adelaide ABC journalist, went on to work for Liberal Senator Grant Chapman. Jim Bonner, after leaving the staff of Malcolm Fraser, held senior editorial positions with ABC radio and television in Canberra and Adelaide. He later assumed the position of director of the Liberal Party in South Australia. Ken Crooke, state director of the National Party for 13 years, and a close associate of Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen, was an ABC journalist before taking up his position with the National Party. Mark Tobin, the veteran ABC 702 state political reporter who left the public broadcaster to work as a media adviser to NSW premier Barry O’Farrell. Josephine Cafagna, former State 7.30 Report presenter went onto become head of strategic communications for Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu. (And while it’s going the other way, we feel obliged to include ABC Managing Director Mark Scott on this list - in his younger times he worked for then NSW Liberal education minister Terry Metherell). Allen Callaghan, a former Brisbane ABC staffer, became the late Queensland premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersens media adviser.

Doesn't seem very balanced, way too many people working for the Libs.

Read the full article below.
I don't think any shock jocks have ended up in the Liberal Party as MPs. Shows they do have standards.