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Mmmmmm 2nd breakfast
13 October 2004
Find Wikipedia too lefty? Do you dislike change?


If you hate people that don't support the conservative cause then this is your site. It is us against them for everything.

For instance - quote from hybrid vehicles - Hybrids are very popular with Hollywood celebrities, homosexuals and liberals.

You can read that most scientists are liberals and that is the reason why they push the false arguments of evolution and global warming.

Another quote:
Creation science investigates how God brought the earth and universe into being. Young Earth Creationism demonstrates though multiple lines of evidence that the earth is approximately 6,000 years old. Old Earth Creationism, like atheistic evolutionary pseudoscience, claims that the earth and universe are billions of years old.

And of course gun control:
Gun control laws restrict the purchase or ownership of guns, even though guns are typically acquired for defensive and/or sporting purposes. Studies show that more gun ownership results in less crime, but liberals push gun control because it increases the dependency of voters on government for protection. The political effect of gun control is to shift voters leftward, and hence the primary supporters of gun control are the liberal media and leftist politicians.[1] In the United Kingdom, which already has the strictest gun control in Europe, leftists demand control over 120,000 deactivated guns, even though their activation and use constitute only 0.04% of all gun offenses there. But leftists want gun control because fewer guns means greater dependency on government.[2]

All good stuff, you needn't think for yourself again.
Find Wikipedia too lefty? Do you dislike change?


If you hate people that don't support the conservative cause then this is your site. It is us against them for everything.

For instance - quote from hybrid vehicles - Hybrids are very popular with Hollywood celebrities, homosexuals and liberals.

You can read that most scientists are liberals and that is the reason why they push the false arguments of evolution and global warming.

Another quote:
Creation science investigates how God brought the earth and universe into being. Young Earth Creationism demonstrates though multiple lines of evidence that the earth is approximately 6,000 years old. Old Earth Creationism, like atheistic evolutionary pseudoscience, claims that the earth and universe are billions of years old.

And of course gun control:
Gun control laws restrict the purchase or ownership of guns, even though guns are typically acquired for defensive and/or sporting purposes. Studies show that more gun ownership results in less crime, but liberals push gun control because it increases the dependency of voters on government for protection. The political effect of gun control is to shift voters leftward, and hence the primary supporters of gun control are the liberal media and leftist politicians.[1] In the United Kingdom, which already has the strictest gun control in Europe, leftists demand control over 120,000 deactivated guns, even though their activation and use constitute only 0.04% of all gun offenses there. But leftists want gun control because fewer guns means greater dependency on government.[2]

All good stuff, you needn't think for yourself again.'s_Muslim_Heritage

This website is a working example of Poe's law.
Had never heard of Poe's law, wery interesting to read the different interpretation of Wikipedia ans Conservatopia