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Australian Labor Party Surplus cruels Diggers Flights Home

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
After all the waste of this Labor government and the findings of the Sweet FWA investigation in to Craig Thomson of rorting of $500,000, these ALP muppets are now taking away the entitlement for diggers to fly home to their families.

With the carbon tax imminent these fine men and women will be further financially disadvantaged by being posted far from home.

ABOUT 22,000 unmarried military personnel will lose their annual free flights home because of Budget cuts aimed at boosting the Government's surplus.

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Diggers come before rorting politicians.

It is rule 101 in Australian culture.

What an absolute bollox of a decision.

I love the political spin of everything - wasnt it the Liberals that sent our Diggers to this thankless hell hole that still supplies 90pc of the worlds Heroin circa a decade ago ?

You right our courageous Diggers should get a flight home - Permanently.
They are most likely paying for the RAAF for fly around and gain experience why not send a Hercules as an exercise even better the personal toy of the Polliesto collect them, Iraq and A/stan will go the same way as all the other wars USA has conned us into.
The main reason the West want Afghanistan is to run a oil and gas line right across the place.
Any one who joins the service is a fool,look how our Vet.vets are being treated, living in poverty
You certainly do.:rolleyes:

I have voted both Labor and Liberal - and Australian Fishing and Lifestyle party in Between :)

This country has an absolute enormous amount of habitual voters who vote according to how their Parents programmed them - atleast im a free thinker - the line between our two major parties is so blurred now that neither are more compelling than the other to me.

Thanks for your comment though :D
Tim the hairdresser flies !st Class, but thats ok:rolleyes:

That Gives me the ****s -

Odds are I will be voting against our current PM at the next election as opposed to voting for any specific political party.

Anyone else in same/similar mindset?
That Gives me the ****s -

Odds are I will be voting against our current PM at the next election as opposed to voting for any specific political party.

Anyone else in same/similar mindset?

I'll be voting for Turnbull. I like him, and he's my member. I wouldn't vote for Abbott or Gillard.
I have voted both Labor and Liberal - and Australian Fishing and Lifestyle party in Between :)

This country has an absolute enormous amount of habitual voters who vote according to how their Parents programmed them - atleast im a free thinker - the line between our two major parties is so blurred now that neither are more compelling than the other to me.

Thanks for your comment though :D

A free thinker.:headshake Pull the other leg. You're Labor in the Doug Cameron mould. You are thoroughly indoctrinated.
A free thinker.:headshake Pull the other leg. You're Labor in the Doug Cameron mould. You are thoroughly indoctrinated.

I have doubts your sultry heroine Gina will ever get her 457 dream the way the world economy is going - that is what your basing your opinion of me on isnt it?

Once these cuts kick in our ADF will be at its relative weakest since the end of WW2. The RAN is a flotilla of rust buckets, with key crew abandoning ship as we speak. The RAAF have a stop gap fleet of craft we can't afford to fly. And the Army post Afghanistan will be a making it's way to the Pilbara to dig up dirt to built our future enemy's military hardware.

No wonder we're happy with the US coming to lodge in Darwin for a few months of the year and use Stirling to park it's ships.
After all the waste of this Labor government

Well, well, well....What do we have here...

MP throws mud at $3m defence huts

A federal MP is accusing the Defence Department of wasting money by spending millions of dollars on mud huts.

South Australian Liberal MP Rowan Ramsey says the department has built 12 huts at the Cultana training base, near Port Augusta, to simulate two Middle Eastern villages.

Mr Ramsey says he is not questioning the need for realistic training.

However, he says a $3 million price tag for the huts is exorbitant.

"So we're talking round about $260,000 a mud hut - now you can buy a brand new four-bedroom house for $260,000 and then we talk about defence procurement," he said.

"I think someone needs to have a good hard look at what's been going on there.

"You could have magnificent mud huts for $260,000 each surely - I presume they're not furnished, I presume they don't have plumbing in them - they would be just walls.

"In fact, having been to Afghanistan, that's pretty much what they are, so someone has done a terrible job."

The Defence Department says opposition claims that money has been wasted are opportunistic and misleading.

Parliamentary Secretary for Defence, David Feeney, says he will not apologise for providing adequate training facilities for troops.

"It is fair to say that the sort of rammed earth construction that we were building here is a particularly labour-intensive and specialist sort of building. It might be routine in Uruzgan Province but it's not routine here in Australia," he said.
I have doubts your sultry heroine Gina will ever get her 457 dream the way the world economy is going - that is what your basing your opinion of me on isnt it?

Not at all. All I have is the evidence of your posts which are extremely biased towards the left's class war. And by the way it is the miners and China that keep our economy afloat. Without them we would have third world status. Take your blinkers off.
Not at all. All I have is the evidence of your posts which are extremely biased towards the left's class war. And by the way it is the miners and China that keep our economy afloat. Without them we would have third world status. Take your blinkers off.

Hilarious- we did comparitively fine before the Credit Boom and the China thing - and the notion that we would become a third world nation without China is simply laughable. But who am I to try change someones religious Conviction. Stick with what your one eye so surely believes.
Hilarious- we did comparitively fine before the Credit Boom and the China thing - and the notion that we would become a third world nation without China is simply laughable. But who am I to try change someones religious Conviction. Stick with what your one eye so surely believes.

Wonder if they got the FHOB :
Maybe they are trying to prop up the RE market???

"You could have magnificent mud huts for $260,000 each surely - I presume they're not furnished, I presume they don't have plumbing in them - they would be just walls.