Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Importing Migrant Workers

So you're an antiminingtard...also against the national interests.;)

I wonder does he know whats in the national interest at all?
Cut Australia away from the world and get everyone to live in isolation for the fear oftrespassingg on someones liberty?
So you're an antiminingtard...also against the national interests.;)

Nothing the mining industry does is in the national interest.

Just like "miningtard" is a word coined by a certain ill-liberal blowhard so that he could label anyone who disagrees with him a "miningtard" - and not have to actually mount any reasonable, coherent argument.:D

Pretty sure I always have a good argument, the miningtard is just icing on the cake.

Yet local and state governments would go bankrupt if ther werent recieving grants from Federal Government.

That's because the Federal government has stolen from the states a lot of their power to collect various taxes, and in turn has agreed to pay them the collected taxes in whatever ratio it chooses.

Last time Australia didnt have a standing army they were left completely exposed to Japan.

Last time we didn't have a UN, didn't have free trade, didn't have nuclear weapons, and the world was a very different place in general.

And still, no Japanese soldier has set foot in Australia in WW2.

I suppose its OK not to have a big army once the US have your back eh? :D

Australia's relationship with the US is the greatest loss of national sovereignty. A country does not have to have a military relationship with anyone else to remain neutral - just look at Switzerland.

If you read the article you would have learned that Xenophobia is actually a Greek word, you know those guys that lived 3,000 years ago that provided the basic foundation of western civilization. Anyway whine away..

That doesn't stop liberals from using it to label anyone whom they disagree with, as though it means something.

I wonder does he know whats in the national interest at all?
Cut Australia away from the world and get everyone to live in isolation for the fear oftrespassingg on someones liberty?

You only make yourself look like stupid by inventing things and putting them in my mouth :rolleyes:

I guess it's because you're incapable of debating - so you must resort to strawman arguments to cover up your deficiencies.

So in summary, its all the federals governments fault, the UN will save Australia if attacked, the US is using Australia as a 51st state and I am a strawman!

Your perception of reality is frankly disturbing. There is a real world out there, try live in it sometime.

Again, who is your idol? Who do you follow, what are you for if anything.
Your perception of reality is frankly disturbing. There is a real world out there, try live in it sometime.

Again, who is your idol? Who do you follow, what are you for if anything.

Don't be too disturbed by SCM's nonsense. It is all just a game to young Max. He lives in a fantasy world. Between playing juvenile video games and posting his rants he obviously can't be doing anrthing productive.
So in summary, its all the federals governments fault, the UN will save Australia if attacked, the US is using Australia as a 51st state and I am a strawman!

You sure are, and you're doing it again.

Don't be too disturbed by SCM's nonsense. It is all just a game to young Max. He lives in a fantasy world. Between playing juvenile video games and posting his rants he obviously can't be doing anrthing productive.

I believe that's called an ad hominem? It wouldn't be so sad to your post post if you didn't claim moral superiority. Are you a child stuck in a man's body?

Here, this is for you. You should print it out onto a big poster and hang it up on your bedroom wall. Then, whenever you think about posting something stupid, have a look at it first.

I believe that's called an ad hominem? It wouldn't be so sad to your post post if you didn't claim moral superiority. Are you a child stuck in a man's body?

Sorry Max for exposing you. It is strange that you should accuse me of possessing your faults and your attributes.:)

Here, this is for you. You should print it out onto a big poster and hang it up on your bedroom wall. Then, whenever you think about posting something stupid, have a look at it first.

A blank poster! Very subtle. I like it.:)
Don't be too disturbed by SCM's nonsense. It is all just a game to young Max. He lives in a fantasy world. Between playing juvenile video games and posting his rants he obviously can't be doing anrthing productive.

Wow, 3000 hours is over 125 days of constant video game playing. If we take an average 8 hours of sleep a night that is almost 188 days of doing nothing else but sleeping and playing video games. Add in a job that your average man/woman of 40 hours a week that is 480 days of sleeping, working and video games. I dont even include toilet breaks, eating, shopping, posting rubbsih on this website, etc...
So after sleeping and work SCM has done NOTHING but play video games for 480 days.

Yet he has the cheek to call others scroungers and deluded!

You could not make it up. No wonder he is so ****ed up, his mind is melted by Starcraft and Modern Warfare. His ability to think in clear, concise terms, in a rational logical manner is beyond fixing. He cannot put forward an arguement with any basis of fact or reason at all. Clearly demonstrated in his numerous Tourette's like posts here

Ah, not his fault. I say blame the parents!
Wow, 3000 hours is over 125 days of constant video game playing. If we take an average 8 hours of sleep a night that is almost 188 days of doing nothing else but sleeping and playing video games. Add in a job that your average man/woman of 40 hours a week that is 480 days of sleeping, working and video games. I dont even include toilet breaks, eating, shopping, posting rubbsih on this website, etc...
So after sleeping and work SCM has done NOTHING but play video games for 480 days.

Yet he has the cheek to call others scroungers and deluded!

You could not make it up. No wonder he is so ****ed up, his mind is melted by Starcraft and Modern Warfare. His ability to think in clear, concise terms, in a rational logical manner is beyond fixing. He cannot put forward an arguement with any basis of fact or reason at all. Clearly demonstrated in his numerous Tourette's like posts here

Ah, not his fault. I say blame the parents!

No job ?
Maybe! However, it would be the ultimate irony given his outlook on life and the "welfare" state. I suppose mammy and daddy by his defintion are not welfare! :)

He's 22 and on the PC all day...
He's 22 and on the PC all day...

Agreed! He has done nothing with his life yet, yet feels the need to tell everyone they are wrong. If he spent those 3000 hours doing something more productive like reading a frigging book or two he may... sorry he WOULD be better off! He is an empty vessal. A bit of passion granted but totally mis-directed. A waste tbh.
Agreed! He has done nothing with his life yet, yet feels the need to tell everyone they are wrong. If he spent those 3000 hours doing something more productive like reading a frigging book or two he may... sorry he WOULD be better off! He is an empty vessal. A bit of passion granted but totally mis-directed. A waste tbh.

Video games are the devil's own work.

Gotta get back to FlightSim , see you

Agreed! He has done nothing with his life yet, yet feels the need to tell everyone they are wrong. If he spent those 3000 hours doing something more productive like reading a frigging book or two he may... sorry he WOULD be better off! He is an empty vessal. A bit of passion granted but totally mis-directed. A waste tbh.

Gina might be able put him to good use him the Pilbara, then we would not have to put up with his megalomania.:p:
Either way, I do not use healthcare services, because I am not an old sickly person. I don't even get sick thanks to a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise.

Quite a few people in your position are victims of circumstance. One random act of violence has left healthy young people with disabilities, requiring large sums of other taxpayer's money for the rest of their lives. In the wrong place at the wrong time.

Extraordinaly healthy people have suddenly felt a bit off - to find they have a terminal illness or a permanent debilitating condition. And their lifestyle and genetics do not explain it.

The oncoming driver nods off, crosses the line at the last minute. Injury or disability.

I know a few people who have been unfortunately affected like both scenarios above.

I do hope nothing like this happens to you - but it can and does happen to people. And you are one as well. Unfortunately, you appear to be linded by what you portray as blind naivety. I may be wrong but that is the image you portray.

Of course, you may trolling. In which, a job well done.. And thank you for such an excellent example of trolling.

Good luck.
Either way, I do not use healthcare services, because I am not an old sickly person. I don't even get sick thanks to a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise.

That's probably what that 22 year old Norwegian swimmer thought before he collapsed and died of a heart attack in the shower, or the pro footballer who had a heart attack on the field.

All you young blokes think you are immortal.

Think again..
Quite a few people in your position are victims of circumstance. One random act of violence has left healthy young people with disabilities, requiring large sums of other taxpayer's money for the rest of their lives. In the wrong place at the wrong time.

Extraordinaly healthy people have suddenly felt a bit off - to find they have a terminal illness or a permanent debilitating condition. And their lifestyle and genetics do not explain it.

The oncoming driver nods off, crosses the line at the last minute. Injury or disability.

I know a few people who have been unfortunately affected like both scenarios above.

They are a very small minority, charities can look after them. Remember that the government does not have any money which taxpayers don't give it. Taxpayers can choose to aid these people to a certain level if it were not mandatory - and indeed that is what would happen.

That's probably what that 22 year old Norwegian swimmer thought before he collapsed and died of a heart attack in the shower, or the pro footballer who had a heart attack on the field.

That is a usual occurrence for young men on steroids. Of course, I do not use steroids.