Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Importing Migrant Workers

You can't find anything legitimate to level at Ms Reinhardt so wish her ill health.

I guess you missed the part about her giving away thousands of jobs with little effort to filling them locally ....

Im surprised you dont too considering you seem to detest the "handout" crew ....

457 might be the only way she can fill jobs going forward anyway- she certainly wouldnt be peoples employer of choice ..... Twiggy and others would make by far better employers imho.
Class warfare? The ****? Okey so how about this.

One person, very smart, builds up their business from scratch, does amazing things, their own hard work and skill builds up a multi-billion business. I think nobody here would have any problem with that.

Then you have these scum like "Gina" who inherit their wealth, get lucky off a commodity bubble, do absolutely **** all for the country, and then offshore jobs.

And apparently unless you love them it's class warfare? Please :rolleyes:

I believe in honest pay for honest work. If you do nothing your entire life but get fat and walk around in an ugly dress, off-shoring jobs and taking over media for your own personal propaganda while screwing over the country which gave you your wealth - well, I take issue with that.
Class warfare? The ****? Okey so how about this.

One person, very smart, builds up their business from scratch, does amazing things, their own hard work and skill builds up a multi-billion business. I think nobody here would have any problem with that.

Then you have these scum like "Gina" who inherit their wealth, get lucky off a commodity bubble, do absolutely **** all for the country, and then offshore jobs.

And apparently unless you love them it's class warfare? Please :rolleyes:

I believe in honest pay for honest work. If you do nothing your entire life but get fat and walk around in an ugly dress, off-shoring jobs and taking over media for your own personal propaganda while screwing over the country which gave you your wealth - well, I take issue with that.

Look....she's doing everything within the law, if you had the chance to earn billions what would you do.
So what if she inherited, good luck to her.
Look....she's doing everything within the law, if you had the chance to earn billions what would you do.
So what if she inherited, good luck to her.

It is not enough to follow the law - one must behave in an ethical manner. If one does not, others have every right to call them out on it.

So if you have billions, people are losing their jobs in your country with the precise skills you are after, and yet you hire people from overseas to do the jobs they can easily do - people have every right to call you out on it.
So if you have billions, people are losing their jobs in your country with the precise skills you are after, and yet you hire people from overseas to do the jobs they can easily do - people have every right to call you out on it.

You mean iike the banks ?
or Telstra? which is part Govt owned ?

Don't expect business to do anything but follow the money thats what theyre there for , if it doesnt suit, get Govt to çhange the law.
Don't expect business to do anything but follow the money thats what theyre there for , if it doesnt suit, get Govt to çhange the law.

Like the MRRT ? That's the government following the money as well. There is no point trying to get taxes from people who haven't got the money.
Like the MRRT ? That's the government following the money as well. There is no point trying to get taxes from people who haven't got the money.

Thats just bludging extra out of companies to cover your own waste, they dont follow the money as in earn it they just take.
Don't expect business to do anything but follow the money thats what theyre there for , if it doesnt suit, get Govt to çhange the law.

It's not about the law; the government shouldn't have to legislate anything - businesses should do the right thing. If they don't, people should take their business elsewhere.

Likewise I can't believe people complain when others call out these mining tossers for offshoring.
Everyone should earn and deserve everything they have. If they didn't, then they are bad people.
Bad because you fall into wealth? So anybody who has built up their wealth and has a child - they're automatically labelled 'bad'? Sounds like a reasonable thought process...:rolleyes:

That's a pretty arbitrary accusation. If you fancy me a troll, I'd rather not discuss things with you.
We can discuss anything...

I like Australia as a country, I bag the crappy governments which continue to ruin it. Do you think anyone ever wants to leave their country of residence? I would much rather Australia become a freedom, liberty, democracy and capitalism loving nation. A libertarian paradise. But that ain't happening anytime soon - is it?
I agree that some governments aren't as strong as the other (for the record I would really like to see the back of this one) - but on the whole Australia is pretty free and liberal. I too am more capitalist leaning than probably both governments but I can't think of another place I'd rather try and build myself than Australia.

Nobody is forcing her to hire people from overseas. If I was an Australian businessman, not to mention one of the richest people in the country, there's no way in hell I would ever offshore with 9% unemployment (Roy Morgan). It is simply immoral.
She is a businesswoman - trying to ensure that holders of her company are seeing growth and profit in their investments - as well as her own. To simply mothball (a huge project that will employ thousands) this because she couldn't adequately find people in Australia seems like the stroke of someone going from a billionaire to a millionaire no? If she didn't think of an EMA and couldn't get the project off the ground you'd be shouting from the treetops that she's a failed businesswoman. Besides - if I was in her shoes I'd go the EMA option also - keep the greedy unions off my site and ensure a project gets close to being built on time and in budget.

EMA is not the government paying business money or giving them any incentive to hire overseas workers - it is merely allowing them to do so. Still, I do not disagree that it is clear our government is utterly corrupt because there is no justification for said agreement.

I find it highly ludicrous how they claim that there aren't enough construction workers at a time when construction firms are going bankrupt due to lack of work.
Have you ever looked up the meaning of corruption? Just because they signed the EMA doesn't mean they're corrupt? Remember - a lot is in this for them also - they get the taxes from this project and infrastructure is built - unemployment is kept down etc etc.

How many people want to move to WA and work at Roy Hill? Sure there are jobs - but who's going to stick around and finish the job? As mentioned previously - the drop off %s may be too great to ensure the budgeting of this project.
It's not about the law; the government shouldn't have to legislate anything - businesses should do the right thing. If they don't, people should take their business elsewhere.

Likewise I can't believe people complain when others call out these mining tossers for offshoring.

Business should do the right thing ?

Who do you invest in ? the soft weak organisations or the ones that make the money ?
The Rinehart fan club that seems to have a few members here keeps repeating that she "cant" find locals to fill positions - do you have proof of this ?

I just linked an article about a jobs fair in Perth this weekend in which 14k people attended and team Rinehart didnt even have a careers tent at the event .... For someone who needs to import 1700 457s there is a surprising lack of adverts on her website or

Its a rort ...
The Rinehart fan club that seems to have a few members here keeps repeating that she "cant" find locals to fill positions - do you have proof of this ?

I just linked an article about a jobs fair in Perth this weekend in which 14k people attended and team Rinehart didnt even have a careers tent at the event .... For someone who needs to import 1700 457s there is a surprising lack of adverts on her website or

Its a rort ...

I think if it was a rort the socialists in Canberra would be right onto it.
Bad because you fall into wealth? So anybody who has built up their wealth and has a child - they're automatically labelled 'bad'? Sounds like a reasonable thought process...:rolleyes:

You contradict yourself. If they built up their wealth when they were young - then sure they deserve it. I don't see how age is relevant. How does one fall into wealth? If they do, it is their responsibility to earn it and use it for the betterment of humankind IMO. They didn't deserve it, therefore they should stake no specific claim to it.

I agree that some governments aren't as strong as the other (for the record I would really like to see the back of this one) - but on the whole Australia is pretty free and liberal. I too am more capitalist leaning than probably both governments but I can't think of another place I'd rather try and build myself than Australia.

How is it free and liberal? As Australians we have no freedoms - zero, nada. No bill of rights - nothing. This government even almost introduced Internet censorship. How crazy is that? We were a hair's width from living in an Iran. And what about Julian Assange? Sell him out as an Australian citizen because USA pissed in Darwin to mark their territory. Not to mention Australia has even broader terrorism definitions than USA. Pathetic.

There is no freedom and liberty here. And there's nothing capitalist about very high taxes and taking 35% of all tax revenue from the most productive members of society and giving it to the most unproductive and undesirable members of society to reproduce. Even in the Soviet Union that would not happen - they'd send the lazy bogans to gulags instead. Even a quasi-communist country is better than Australia.

She is a businesswoman - trying to ensure that holders of her company are seeing growth and profit in their investments - as well as her own. To simply mothball (a huge project that will employ thousands) this because she couldn't adequately find people in Australia seems like the stroke of someone going from a billionaire to a millionaire no? If she didn't think of an EMA and couldn't get the project off the ground you'd be shouting from the treetops that she's a failed businesswoman. Besides - if I was in her shoes I'd go the EMA option also - keep the greedy unions off my site and ensure a project gets close to being built on time and in budget.

And all this could easily be done with Australian labour.

Have you ever looked up the meaning of corruption? Just because they signed the EMA doesn't mean they're corrupt? Remember - a lot is in this for them also - they get the taxes from this project and infrastructure is built - unemployment is kept down etc etc.

If you are a politician, employed by the Australian people - powered by Australian taxpayers, how can it not be called corruption when you give companies the power to hire from overseas, the exact same workers who are presently losing their jobs in Australia? That doesn't keep unemployment down - it only increases it, and the tax collections would come either way.

Our politicians do not represent our best interests - they represent the interests of the rich. "Oh Ms. Rinehart, would you please publish positive things about ALP in Fairfax's newspapers so that I could get the PM salary again for 3 more years?". These people are filthy pigs, and taxpayers ought to be pissed off.

How many people want to move to WA and work at Roy Hill? Sure there are jobs - but who's going to stick around and finish the job? As mentioned previously - the drop off %s may be too great to ensure the budgeting of this project.

Kill unemployment benefits and people will be signing up by the tens of thousands. Either way, there's no way to prove that there's not enough people unless locals get a chance.

Business should do the right thing ?

Who do you invest in ? the soft weak organisations or the ones that make the money ?

I don't invest, I trade. And I fail to see how investment decisions come into this.
Not saying for a second I support the EMA.

But how about big businesses setting up call centres in India? Or major retailers importing from China rather than manufacturing locally? Big business are motivated by profit. Labour is getting very very expensive here.
Not saying for a second I support the EMA.

But how about big businesses setting up call centres in India? Or major retailers importing from China rather than manufacturing locally? Big business are motivated by profit. Labour is getting very very expensive here.

Blame the government for creating the biggest housing bubble in the world result in what can only be called wage hyperinflation.

Still, allegedly, we are told, that these foreign workers will be paid equivalent to local ones? Hah - I have my doubts. Why should the best performing industry get special exceptions to deal with this while others left to suffer?

What gives the federal government to pick winners and losers, and why pick the industry which employs the least people and yet has the most adversely terrible economic impact on Australia to be the winner?

Corruption - that's why.
The reality of the world is
Business are not charity, they exist to make money for their owners
If they break the law fine them, suspense their license etc... but if they operate within the law you cant penalise them for it because that is the nature of the beast (make money)

Whether they import jobs or source local job that is their moral and not many business has great social moral, the one that do mostly end up at corporate graveyard.

It's a dog eat dog world in business, they are all out there cut each other throats within the boundary of the laws.

BHP/RIO cut a good deal on the resource tax at the expenses of smaller miners and that is their's all around you, you cant escape it learn to work with it.

Gina probably do this deal to even out BHP/RIO for cutting other deals with the government on resource tax