Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Importing Migrant Workers

Why not have the same rules for company execs ? The lowest bid wins. I'll run BHP for $150k pa . I know a bloke who would probably do it for $120k but he lives in Burma so he would probably want FIFO expenses as well.

Alternatively, don't pay execs a salary at all, but make their payments linked to dividends paid to shareholders.

again you free to do so if you control the companies you decide how much you pay for CEO... try it with 150K etc...

you can also apply for ceo jobs and asking for 150k instead of paying millions for these other guys.

Warren Buffet does that and I am sure he doent pay 150k for a good CEO of his business.
but hey everyone is free to do so.
Its amazing how peoples perceptions differ between industries.

If you look at some male dominated, above average paying jobs eg. mining, automotive. The consensus view is we should be protecting these jobs for Australians eg. tariffs, government funding, no foreign workers.

You then look at an industry like retail, female dominated with below average, if not just about minimum wages. The consensus view here is no GST on overseas purchases and competition is good for the consumer at whatever cost.

When Borders closed down did anyone care about their jobs? Yet when toyota sacks a percentage of their workers after receiving huge amounts of taxpayer money we get an 8 page feature in the Herald Sun for the next 3 days...

A $500 product. The Australian retailer employs Australian staff, rents a premises in Australia and all the services that goes with running a business (rates, electricity, accounting etc) and their reward for using Australian services is they have to charge their customers an extra 10% compared to their overseas competitor along with all that goes with GST compliance.
Its basically an anti-tariff.
Reverse the situation and just imagine this ever happening the automotive industry...

Australia needs to stop playing favourites with certain unionised industries. If competition is good for retail, its good for mining and cars. If protectionism is good, its good for plenty of other industries too...

great post...we love our bargain and cheap goods and label our retail here is a ripped off
and willing to give our money to ovesea market and kill local retail jobs

yet a 6 figure mining job, oh no we cant have some oversea guy doing it for 50k etc...

just to show they are not fair dinkum but only protecting their vest interest..

IT jobs get outsource all the time to cheaper market, these guys dont get the protection why should anyone else...

Yah, been happening for years in the hospitals, with overseas trained doctors coming over here, resulting in many very highly skilled practitioners being paid considerably less than $220k per year, for extremely stressful work.

I fail to see how a truck driver in the mine in the remote community should be paid more than their hospital doctor in the same town, but then again, I do tend to value the 12 years of training required.

Bring it on, bring pays to reasonable levels, limit inflation for ordinary "working families" and stop the rot of the mining extortion in the off chance the boom declines and mass closures of mines because of higher wages happens.


fail to see? how long do you think it takes to learn to be a roadtrain driver? just as long as it takes to train a doctor.

how many OVERSEAS trained roadtrain drivers do you reckon we import?

why shouldnt we get first choice of jobs in our own country.
also true the bloke who does a little extra will keep his job

in my working life I have yet to see someone got the sack who work hard, reliable and put in the extra yard when required of them.

I seen plenty of smart people with attitudes and demanding tone get the chopped all the time....
Gillard prefers foreigners to Australian workers

The Gillard government has approved the recruitment of over 1700 foreign workers when Australian workers are looking for jobs in the mines.

I do not believe it.

What is her and her government's plan for Australia?

How can we grow our nation when this government spends without accountability, and outsources work to foreigners that can be performed by Australians.

We need to make money as a population before we can splurge it away.

This is unconscionable.

Re: Gillard prefers foreigners to Australian workers

It's a pity it had to be done.

So why did they do it ?

Probably because they had to.

It's certainly an anti-Labor act so we have to assume that there were not enough Australians around prepared to do the jobs required. If they generate 6000 more highly paid local jobs to support the 1700 imports that's a good deal in my book.

yeah i honed in on a gubmint website "we pay the same" dribble.

like i said someone anyone i challenge you show me how we cant fill a lousy 1700

skilled jobs......

you must work for the guvment to believe that sort of stuff.

like i said ask yourself this & hone in ok

do we not have 1700 skilled workers to take these jobs?

wake up there is no shortage...

so why dont all of us here post the skills needed to do the preferred job



I had my doubts, Tigerboi, whether the presentation of facts was going to persuade you of anything.

But this will be my last try:

"Under its EMA, Roy Hill can import up to 1715 workers over the next three years, out of a total estimated construction workforce of 8473."

So there you go, forget about filling the lousy 1715. Have a go at filling 8473 jobs.

And no - I don't work for the guvment, gubmint or government.
in my working life I have yet to see someone got the sack who work hard, reliable and put in the extra yard when required of them.

I seen plenty of smart people with attitudes and demanding tone get the chopped all the time....

I have closed sites which had reliable, hard working people. Because we couldn't compete with imports. There is no such thing as a permanent job nowadays (if there ever was).

I personally know lots of people incl relatives who FIFO. The "lower end" of the scale in mining are earning 2 - 3x what they did. Why wouldn't you go for that, esp. if young.

As for the earlier post quoting Overseas workers sponsored under an EMA will hold 457 visas and will be subject to the Worker Protection Act 2009.

Direct employers will need to comply with sponsorship obligations, including paying Australian market salary rates. This means overseas workers cannot be used to undercut Australian working conditions.

Employers who do not comply with sponsorship obligations will be subject to sanctions such as a bar on sponsoring further overseas workers or termination of the labour agreement. - perhaps things have changed of late but as I posted earlier, it was 1 year ago that the 457 workers got 1/3 of the wage at a mine. So it did/does happen.

Unions are necessary. Anyone who thinks they aren't needs to work for an abusive employer. The hard part is getting the balance right, for unions shouldn't run companies. Despite trying to.
Our nation has become soft.

If we cannot do the work, we need to encourage fit working migrants to bolster our slack workers.

It has always been thus.

Australia is a nation of migrants.



Your contribution above seems at odds with your outraged protestations against the import of 1,700 foreign workers quoted below. (Originally in the "Gillard prefers foreigners to Australian Workers" thread start by yourself.)

Can you explain the discrepancy between these posts and where you stand on imports of foreign workers ?

Good under the Libs , bad under Labor ?

The Gillard government has approved the recruitment of over 1700 foreign workers when Australian workers are looking for jobs in the mines.

I do not believe it.

What is her and her government's plan for Australia?

How can we grow our nation when this government spends without accountability, and outsources work to foreigners that can be performed by Australians.

We need to make money as a population before we can splurge it away.

This is unconscionable.


Your contribution above seems at odds with your outraged protestations against the import of 1,700 foreign workers quoted below. (Originally in the "Gillard prefers foreigners to Australian Workers" thread start by yourself.)

Can you explain the discrepancy between these posts and where you stand on imports of foreign workers ?

Good under the Libs , bad under Labor ?

Ha - I noticed that as well and just assumed two different people were posting from the same account :)

Or he had a change of heart perhaps ;)
This is out of control though -

1700 Foreign Workers when they can definately fill most those positions from within Oz - Guess Gina Rineharts 50mil a day profit isnt good enough.

We should all apply for one of these jobs just to test the Labor parties pledge that they wont let Foreigners take jobs over Locals !

As a swinging voter this could be the single biggest issue that determines that I vote against Labor .....
A manager at Maccas gets $120k pa
A welder gets $300k pa

I don't know why we all aren't over there:cautious:
Mr B for a welder to get300K he/she would have to be well trained in specialist welding such was under water on an oil rig.
There are not many jobs going for welders at present a lot for mystery shoppers though.

fail to see? how long do you think it takes to learn to be a roadtrain driver? just as long as it takes to train a doctor.

how many OVERSEAS trained roadtrain drivers do you reckon we import?

why shouldnt we get first choice of jobs in our own country.

1. We are talking apples and prunes. I understand that driving roadtrains is specialised and that it is dangerous, but to compare it to working in a hospital, and the training required etc is delusional. I bet that with appropriate motivation and opportunity (which I believe is limited wrt training) roadtrain qualifications at current levels would be more achievable to most than medical practitioner training.

2. No idea how many overseas trained roadtrained drivers we import, please let me know. Also, if it is few, then why would it be unacceptable for overseas trained roadtrain drivers to perform very similar work in Australia, because in many industries (including medical practice) overseas trained workers perform just as well or better than locally trained.

3. We should get first preference, but when the balance of supply and demand becomes crazy, as it clearly is in the trade industry at the moment, then we should import qualified workers to return the balance to normal.

btw with respect to point 3, I am in a profession where my pay is drastically affected by overseas, imported doctors, and I am quite happy to be paid half of what I could achieve if there were even worse shortages than there are currently, but I will not piss and moan about this to protect extortionate demands on consumers/patients. Nope, I accept that this is best for the country, and I am still happy to make a decent living for my work (fwiw I don't work atm, but this applied to the not too distant past)

Protecting the mining industry by having reasonable wages is much preferable than losing expansion and competitiveness to asian, african and south american countries as we become less competitive.

Instead of Paul Howes spitting the dummy, why doesn't get off his soap box and find out why we are impoting Migrant Workers.
As a union leader, one would have thought he would do some homework first and come up with an answer to tell Gillard how many skilled workers he can find to work in the West.:confused:
Unions are necessary. Anyone who thinks they aren't needs to work for an abusive employer. The hard part is getting the balance right, for unions shouldn't run companies. Despite trying to.

So they shouldn't run companies? Well they do run companies courtesy of FWA. And they run the country courtesy of Gillard, Shorten, Combet, Cameron etc. Not bad going when you consider unions represent only 18% of the workforce.

And Paul Howes has made it plain that the breakdown of the class war in Gina Rinehart's favour has him gob-smacked. He thought she is the enemy. Fortunately Bowen, Ferguson and Gary Gray think otherwise.