Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

The more I think of it the more I think he's paved an escape route, either a faked breakdown or an attempt at self harm, I think the breakdown is more likely, he can then withdraw from the spotlight and have a legitimate reason to stall investigations.

We'll see soon enough.
Perhaps he should have just given her a Pearl Necklace in payment instead of using the credit card.:D
The more I think of it the more I think he's paved an escape route, either a faked breakdown or an attempt at self harm, I think the breakdown is more likely, he can then withdraw from the spotlight and have a legitimate reason to stall investigations.

We'll see soon enough.

I have no doubt that this [breakdown] is his latest piece of contrivance. The whole thing about this self harm issue, from any one who's had any direct experience of it, is that it's all so unexpected.

You don't go about telegraphing it on national television.
I have no doubt that this [breakdown] is his latest piece of contrivance. The whole thing about this self harm issue, from any one who's had any direct experience of it, is that it's all so unexpected.

You don't go about telegraphing it on national television.

If he does have a breakdown or fakes it no one will believe it anyway.
Even though just the one ho word on her own is technically not worth spit, you can just sense its going to be grisly for Thompson if this goes to air.

Your average ACA viewer might be an idiot but the lawyers at nine aren't idiots. It won't be going to air unless there is some evidence to back it up beyond the hooker's word.
Funny how this whole thing has been manipulated around so that everyone is now supposed to feel sorry for Thompson.
Who else in his position would get public sympathy ?
Funny how this whole thing has been manipulated around so that everyone is now supposed to feel sorry for Thompson.
Who else in his position would get public sympathy ?

I wouldn't say it's sympathy for him, just a respect for natural justice perhaps, as carried out by due processes of law.
I wouldn't say it's sympathy for him, just a respect for natural justice perhaps, as carried out by due processes of law.

I have never seen the media or anyone back off from anyone like they're expected to do now. I think it's all misplaced. Thompson himself is fueling this and he's sleezy enough to play on it and use it to his own advantage, watch this space for a "breakdown".
I have never seen the media or anyone back off from anyone like they're expected to do now. I think it's all misplaced. Thompson himself is fueling this and he's sleezy enough to play on it and use it to his own advantage, watch this space for a "breakdown".

Burnsy, if he is to get his just deserts, it would be better if the media does back off, otherwise he could argue that the excessive publicity and hounding of him means he can't get a fair trial and he could get off.
Burnsy, if he is to get his just deserts, it would be better if the media does back off, otherwise he could argue that the excessive publicity and hounding of him means he can't get a fair trial and he could get off.

Don't think so, all the main evidence is in, and I cant see the media backing off, quite the contrary.
I have never seen the media or anyone back off from anyone like they're expected to do now. I think it's all misplaced. Thompson himself is fueling this and he's sleezy enough to play on it and use it to his own advantage, watch this space for a "breakdown".

Is he using it to his advantage, or is Gillard using it to Labor's advantage to hopefully deface Abbott through the pursuit of Thompson.

I have put a link on the other thread. 'Whose pulling the strings?"
Don't think so, all the main evidence is in, and I cant see the media backing off, quite the contrary.

It is becoming obvious that Thomson revels in the spotlight. This guy won't break down. He is as tough as Chopper Read and just as big a liar. I can see publishers lining up for his memoirs.

In the meantime it is a big distraction in Parliament. That is a plus. The less governing this government does, the better.
I wouldn't say it's sympathy for him, just a respect for natural justice perhaps, as carried out by due processes of law.

Yes, and the longer it takes the more Gillard likes it to help her stay in power.

I have no sympathy for Thomson what so ever. It is all of his own making. He thought he could get away with spending the HSU members money and he has been caught out.
An article on the ACA investigation: Escort's claims could sink MP Craig Thomson

In the article is says:

The woman has been taken to an overseas location after Channel 9's A Current Affair offered her $60,000 to speak about her alleged encounters with the Dobell MP.

Pretty sad that, in this once free country, someone sees the need to be taken overseas for protection for telling their side of the story. How any fairdinkum Aussie canr stick up for this sort of behaviour is beyond me. Kathy Jackson with a shovel outside her door? This is not the Australia I have known.

And this poll from the same article above:
Do you believe Craig Thomson?

Yes 5.19% (1,572 votes)
No 94.81% (28,734 votes)
An article on the ACA investigation: Escort's claims could sink MP Craig Thomson

In the article is says:

Pretty sad that, in this once free country, someone sees the need to be taken overseas for protection for telling their side of the story. How any fairdinkum Aussie canr stick up for this sort of behaviour is beyond me. Kathy Jackson with a shovel outside her door? This is not the Australia I have known.

And this poll from the same article above:

Who says its for her protection ? Channel 9 may just be giving her an overseas holiday as a reward. Or maybe to keep her out of the media spotlight.
Or to stop the other networks offering her more money.

Thompson is cranky with Channel 9 for paying a former prostitute more money for one session that he paid for several sessions with his credit card.:rolleyes: I think the $60,000 bait will bring more ex-pros out of the woodwork.
Thompson is cranky with Channel 9 for paying a former prostitute more money for one session that he paid for several sessions with his credit card.:rolleyes: I think the $60,000 bait will bring more ex-pros out of the woodwork.

Indeed it might. And there may be pollies on both sides worried about that

A media tart.:D

They say "what goes around, comes around".

An article in Australian, "Who was presumed Innocent when Windsor pursued Anderson", in 2004?

In this case Latham, Albanese and Gillard all demanded Anderson to answer charges from Windsor, all before the police inquiry was finished.
In this case the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions found there was no prima facie case for charges to be laid.
Windsor was pressured to apologies to parliament.