Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Slippery Pete

Yes GG, you are right and that is why I stated in my conclusion, "time will tell".

Agree noco.

I must admit I was surprised by his choice of a white bow tie.


A mate witnessed one of his "early morning performances" in a Canberra nightspot, and he does tend to slobber when on the turps.

Let's hope his staff keep the grog cupboard key hidden in the Speaker's Chamber.

Its a nice silk bow tie and I'd hate to see a formative golly, being subjected to the forces of both fluid movement and gravity, wending it's way down the satin.

If Pete drools out both side of his mouth we know he is on the level, but not in thought.
I'm sensing some hostility on this thread.

I'm sure GG only meant it as an homage to our new Speaker, That white bow tie says he means business.
I'm sensing some hostility on this thread.

I'm sure GG only meant it as an homage to our new Speaker, That white bow tie says he means business.

Like all turncoats (traitors, renegades, defectors, seceders, deserters, apostates, backsliders, recreants, tergiversators, rats) he is fair game. He has obvious character flaws and he is also a Rudd supporter.:eek:
Like all turncoats (traitors, renegades, defectors, seceders, deserters, apostates, backsliders, recreants, tergiversators, rats) he is fair game. He has obvious character flaws and he is also a Rudd supporter.:eek:

I have not heard the word tergiversator for some years.

A good description of Slippery.

It rhymes with testisevisceration.

The balls are in Slippery's court, but for how long?

I am sure Slippery is in no way a match for Harry in regards to character and integrity.
However Harry seemed to let Labor waffle on a bit, maybe the opposition as well.
It was the Independents who put forward cleaning up Question time a bit(as i recall).

So my comment in a earlier post was about the speaker ensuring that the MP's stuck to their time limit.( after all it would be healthier for Swan to do so, as at times he looks like he will blow a blood vessel.)

For the rest, time will tell.
Slippery is much more intelligent than any of the mojos involved in the ALP death roll at the moment.

Take it away Slippery:

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