Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Slippery Pete

I have no doubts that the Liberal party has the same capacity to do a dirty deed as Labor has done with Slippery Pete (see history).

Irrespective of the past, Labor owns' their decision to put SP in this position. Knowing SP's history and still proceeding means that they now own him.

The bottom line is that, going by this governments incredible and continuous ability to make bad decisions, this will bite them in the long run.

I don't doubt that you are right. Politics is a tactical thing and Gillard is sitting on the edge of a cliff with both Craig Thomson and Wilke's pokie issues waiting to blow. However, Abbott certainly has a right to voice his opposition to yet another questionable move by a government desperate to stay in power.

I didn't agree with Howard's use of Mal Colston, but just because he did, doesn't make Slipper's appointment any better. I don't know why anything questionable by Gillard has to be compared to a similar thing by Howard. It doesn't make it any better.

As you say, Gillard was in huge trouble, Wilke being more of a pain everyday and the Thompson thing that will blow up at some stage. I agreed with Howard doing the Mal Colston thing. He needed to do things and Labor had a rat in the ranks. He got his agenda done. Mal should have been kicked out of the Senate well before, he was a complete rat. By the way Slippery has been preselected 8 times according to Insiders. I was a bit surprised!

The Libs have less rats in the ranks than Labor has historically. Labor has been full of them and defintely still is at State level.

Slippery just saw an opportunity to better his wallet and will now be hated by everyone he worked with. I don't understand humanity sometimes.
I think the Labor plot is starting thicken when I read on the link below how Albanese had been working with Slipper to take the speakers chair since 31st May 2011.

How can anyone be convinced that Gillard was not in on the act also.

Harry Jenkins, being the loyal Labor Party soldier, had decided to make himself the sacrficial lamb in order to shaw up an ailing Labor Party, but Gillard would have known weeks ahead as what would take place.

The mere timing on the last day of a sitting parliament for 2011; the mere fact Slippers wife came down from the Sunshine Coast to see her husband being dragged to the chair is very evident that the whole plot had been set weeks ago.

You can't tell me there are not some nervous Labor MP's crossing their fingers.
Good points, my concern is though about the office of Speaker.

Does it suffer by any of the following

Slipper being Speaker
Slipper being investigated
Slipper being criticised for past behaviour


In my view the office of Speaker has been severely degraded and insulted by installing a man who is known to be dishonourable and dishonest. He is clearly there only to look after himself - which is what he has been doing all along. It disgusts me.
Liberals did 7 times...............when it suited their purposes LOL.

I haven't laughed as long or as loud watching this week unfold.
They didn't make him speaker.

Keep laughing.

The sweet taste will be short lived.
Liberals did 7 times...............when it suited their purposes LOL.

I haven't laughed as long or as loud watching this week unfold.

I would think his electorate actually put him there - they didn't have to vote for him. The ALP candidate must have been worse?

Why else would they keep voting Slipper back in when his excess spendings have been so secret?

Slipper got 46% of the primary vote - alp got 30%. So now tell me why you are laughing? What was wrong with Cummins that he/she couldn't poll better than the spending Slipper?
They didn't make him speaker.

Keep laughing.

The sweet taste will be short lived.

I would agree Doc.

Labor will have their hand's full dealing with Slippery. All the dirt will come out, slowly and consistently as it did with whatisname from the HSU. Only for nobody will ever forget Slippery. He will go down in history.

And he is Labor's problem now, they appointed him when the Libs were about to pull his rug.

I would think his electorate actually put him there - they didn't have to vote for him. The ALP candidate must have been worse?

Why else would they keep voting Slipper back in when his excess spendings have been so secret?

Slipper got 46% of the primary vote - alp got 30%. So now tell me why you are laughing? What was wrong with Cummins that he/she couldn't poll better than the spending Slipper?

If you had bothered to read your own link you would have found he/she to be a he and the seat has been held by the CNP for about 1000years,one family for the most of them:D
They didn't make him speaker.

Keep laughing.

The sweet taste will be short lived.

No they didn't instead just made him government whip, parliamentary secretary to the prime minister, John Howard, parliamentary secretary to the finance minister, Nick Minchin

Still laughing..........hysterically.......:D:D
No they didn't instead just made him government whip, parliamentary secretary to the prime minister, John Howard, parliamentary secretary to the finance minister, Nick Minchin
Disendorsement was going to be the final act, but he jumped first, into the leaky boat with all the other rats.

Labor would make him PM if they thought it would get them an extra 5-minutes in office. :D:D:D
Don't think they would make Pete PM but he would likely fit in nicely with the NSW Right.

My contacts in Sussex St. are trying to find him after hours to inculcate him with other Labor values thus far not possessed, but he does give folk the slip after 8pm of a night.

My contacts in Sussex St. are trying to find him after hours to inculcate him with other Labor values thus far not possessed, but he does give folk the slip after 8pm of a night.


The speakers office comes with its own bar and supplies, Rudd of course would have closed the deal once he pointed this out.

BTW Labor apparently had a plan B and C i.e. other Liberal rats willing sell out.
The speakers office comes with its own bar and supplies, Rudd of course would have closed the deal once he pointed this out.

BTW Labor apparently had a plan B and C i.e. other Liberal rats willing sell out.

Do tell IF.

Do tell IF.

Even the left leaning devoted Canberra press gallery take this with a grain of salt.
They seem to have no idea who these people might be.
Therefore concluded it is simply mischief making by the government.
Who'd have thought?!