Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Swan Named World's Best Treasurer LOL

10 July 2004
Treasurer Wayne Swan has been awarded the prestigious finance minister of the year award for his handling of the Australian economy.

The award is judged by leading European banking and finance magazine Euromoney on advice from global bankers and investors.

Each year the award honours the finance minister, treasurer or central bank governor whose decisions "have directly benefited both the performance and perception of their country's economic and financial achievements".

Trust the leftie ABC to dub him "World's Best Treasurer". That's it, I'm lost for words apart from...

Still riding on Costello and Howard's coat tails, despite having bagged them in Opposition. Gifted a $27 Bill surplus, and has turned that into a $200 Bill deficit, and with govt policies in place that will accelerate that slide. What a cruel joke.
Or was the award the Least Worst Treasurer...

I'd have Swannie over Tim Geithner anyday.
Still riding on Costello and Howard's coat tails, despite having bagged them in Opposition. Gifted a $27 Bill surplus, and has turned that into a $200 Bill deficit, and with govt policies in place that will accelerate that slide. What a cruel joke.
Let's be fair: Name one country in the world that did not run into deficit during the GFC.
Keeping the Australian economy as strong as it held up, having not a single Australian Bank keel over like so many Overseas, must surely count for something.
You can argue that it wasn't Swan's merit alone, so it would be better described as an award going to Australia's Treasury; but given the international competition, I reckon Australia can be proud - at least thank our Lucky Stars - that our feathers remained comparatively unruffled.

Note: It wasn't the Government initiative's fault that so many insulation batts were installed shabbily or so many school projects ripped-off. The true culprits were the shonky operators. Some flow-on effect from our convict "heritage" maybe??? ;)
The ABC didn't dub him, it was an International award.
Shows the quality he was against, there have been a lot of bad examples like Tim Geithner as SKC said.

Yes, if Swanny is the world's best treasurer it's no wonder the world economy is in such a mess. God help us!

Here he is grinning like a rat with a gold tooth;

Good picture Calliope! Love his suave attempt with the coat.

Every dog has his day:D
Still riding on Costello and Howard's coat tails, despite having bagged them in Opposition. Gifted a $27 Bill surplus, and has turned that into a $200 Bill deficit, and with govt policies in place that will accelerate that slide. What a cruel joke.

100% with what you say.... I wonder what sort of "award" SuperSwan would have received if he didn't have that Coalition devised treasure-chest full of moolah at the start of the GFC?

Perhaps the eejits bestowing this crap would have done better to confer an honorary "posthumous" Best Finance Minister award to Mr P. Costello instead, in recognition of his uncanny "foresight" in recession-proofing Oz?? LOL

Meanwhile, back at SuperSwan Ranch, the vomit-inducing gloating has begun....

Treasurer Wayne Swan says he is happy to be compared to US rocker Bruce Springsteen after being named 'the boss' of the world's finance ministers.

The ABC obviously loves the little guy... :vomit:
Note: It wasn't the Government initiative's fault that so many insulation batts were installed shabbily or so many school projects ripped-off. The true culprits were the shonky operators.
I'd disagree that the government was blameless in the massive rip-offs.
They should have put in place stringent regulation for proper training in the case of the pink batts, and allowed individual schools to choose quotes and supervise the building for the BER.

Imo those conferring this award on Mr Swan are failing to take into account the hideous waste that has occurred: funds that have been squandered in handouts to individuals which were spent just to keep the retail industry looking OK for another quarter.

Now, as they try to return to surplus, we have e.g. flood levy because the money that should have been available for real help in a real need no longer exist.

To be fair to Mr Swan, however, he did at least acknowledge the contributions of past governments of both persuasions.
I'm with Julia.

Grand ideas and dismal implementation.

National Broad Band.
Sola Energy

More money is wasted through Government stupidity and in experience than my wife can spend in a department store----No mean feat!
The Australian economy should of been given an award for suffering Swan's ineptitude and surviving!

The problems with these types of awards is that they are based on economic parameters that apply when the treasurer is in office. However, everyone knows that good economic policy is setting and achieving long term goals, so the beneficiaries are often those lucky enough to be in power at the time, which are often a different team to those who did the hard yakka.
Note: It wasn't the Government initiative's fault that so many insulation batts were installed shabbily or so many school projects ripped-off. The true culprits were the shonky operators. Some flow-on effect from our convict "heritage" maybe??? ;)

Ever been out on the great barrier reef and thrown some bread or prawn heads over the side? Do the fish form an orderly queue or does all hell break loose and anything goes? When the govt puts a sign up that says "free money to anyone who can write legibly", it's no surprise that havoc ensues. To assume any other result reeks of naivety and unworldliness. It's almost as though these people have no real-world experience.
It's almost as though these people have no real-world experience.

"Swan was born and educated in Nambour, Queensland. He attended Nambour State High School, graduating in 1972.[3] Kevin Rudd attended the same school at the same time, although the two did not know each other. Swan won a Commonwealth scholarship to study public administration[4] at the University of Queensland, becoming a lecturer in the Department of Management at the Queensland Institute of Technology (now the Queensland University of Technology) before entering politics.[5]

From 1978 to 1980 Swan was an advisor to the Leader of the Opposition Bill Hayden, and from 1983 to 1984 was an advisor to federal Labor ministers Mick Young and Kim Beazley. He was State Secretary of the Queensland branch of the Australian Labor Party 1991–93."

No I don't see any real world experience in any of that. He has been in politics since he was 24.

I heard this yesterday morning on the radio, l have been flat out this week and really hoped that someone had posted this on ASF.

I'll be honest, l was laughing when l heard this. I thought it was the 1st of April...

As others have said, Swan was left a Christmas sock full of cash and a Chinese economy that was consuming iron ore like there was no tomorrow...and where do we stand now???
I'd disagree that the government was blameless in the massive rip-offs.
They should have put in place stringent regulation for proper training in the case of the pink batts, and allowed individual schools to choose quotes and supervise the building for the BER.

Imo those conferring this award on Mr Swan are failing to take into account the hideous waste that has occurred: funds that have been squandered in handouts to individuals which were spent just to keep the retail industry looking OK for another quarter.

Now, as they try to return to surplus, we have e.g. flood levy because the money that should have been available for real help in a real need no longer exist.

To be fair to Mr Swan, however, he did at least acknowledge the contributions of past governments of both persuasions.

Further to what Julia has said. At that point in time we didn't need any handouts, everything was going along fine, low unemployment, mining boom picking up, retail no problems. Rather than hold back untill we are really in the s#!t ,they have to throw it round like dicks.
Well now when we are really going to need it, guess what, the tank is empty.:eek: