Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

The government pulled off a stroke of genius with the high court judgement on the refugees.
It got Thomson off the front page of the newspapers. LOL LOL :D
In the Australian.
"Broke MP Craig Thompson planning $100,000 home extension."

It is interesting that Tim Lee, general manager of Fair Work Australia, has ben promoted to Commissioner. This is the guy who has been investigating claims against Thompson for 2 years.

Meanwhile Kathy Jackson who blew the whistle has been admitted to hospital- possibly for stress- a week after she received the threat.

Well this sums up how this government works.
I think over the weeekend a new pol will be taken and I am looking forward to the result.
And yet another twist to this saga in a further seeming desperate to prevent the course of justice. Surely Mr Lee should have to step down from his new job until investigations have been completed?

Opposition workplace relations spokesman Eric Abetz said in Mr Lee's new role as Fair Work commissioner - a quasi-judicial role - he would be shielded from any questions and scrutiny in Senate estimates about the investigation.

'One would also have to question just why Labor has, by appointing Mr Lee to the position of FWA commissioner, effectively shut down any possibility of him being questioned further at Senate estimates about the Craig Thomson inquiry.

Read full story from The Age by Ben Schneiders and Royce Millar:

Former head of Thomson inquiry to avoid scrutiny
Perhaps my previous post above, needs amendment in light of the revelations about Craig Thomson's $100,000 home extensions, a man saved from bankruptcy by his party................

In the Australian.
"Broke MP Craig Thompson planning $100,000 home extension."

It is interesting that Tim Lee, general manager of Fair Work Australia, has ben promoted to Commissioner. This is the guy who has been investigating claims against Thompson for 2 years.

Meanwhile Kathy Jackson who blew the whistle has been admitted to hospital- possibly for stress- a week after she received the threat.

Well this sums up how this government works.
I think over the weeekend a new pol will be taken and I am looking forward to the result.


Not allowing union leaders to live high off their union members contributions is un-Australian.

And not allowing union leaders to have a root at a brothel in between $300 meals and $500 bottles of wine is a capitalist plot to deny workers the right to have spent their union dues as they see fit.

And not allowing former union members who become ALP members of parliament to commence house extensions of $100,000 subsequent to being recently bailed out of threatened bankruptcy by the ALP, is also un-Australian.

This thread is degenerating in to an anti-union rant.

Leave the unions out of this.

Leave Craig Thomson to the parliament.

...Leave Craig Thomson to the parliament.


sorry, GG. Not while Thomson receives his salary (or some of it) from taxpayer's funds. If he has fraudulently taken public money from the unions, then he's not fit to be representing his electorate, imo.
Sails, I've been assuming gg's remarks are very much tongue in cheek.
At least I certainly hope so.
Sails, I've been assuming gg's remarks are very much tongue in cheek.
At least I certainly hope so.


There must be an election on the way, everyone is so anxious. A picture closer to what I really looked like when I posted the above.



There must be an election on the way, everyone is so anxious. A picture closer to what I really looked like when I posted the above.



My apologies, gg...:)

I should have known better. ..:eek:

Hopefully there is an election on the way because a change of leadership back to Rudd isn't going to fix anything, imo.
My apologies, gg...:)

I should have known better. ..:eek:

Hopefully there is an election on the way because a change of leadership back to Rudd isn't going to fix anything, imo.

I agree sails.

It is not a good look for the country, the Indons, Chinese and others in the region must be wetting themselves laughing at the state of our nation, a quarry-ship with a crew of fools grappling with the helm.

The opposition is vowing to keep up the pressure on Craig Thomson. What can they actually do now that NSW Police has categorically said there is no basis for a criminal investigation, and the expectation is that Victoria Police will find likewise?

Doesn't the opposition run the risk here of looking hysterical rather than reasonable?

A further point: Mr Thomson's wife is apparently due to give birth soon. The opposition have said they will not grant the government a pair if the birth occurs during the carbon tax debate, thus preventing Mr Thomson from being present at the birth of his child.

Is this reasonable?

The opposition has suggested that if the government chooses to schedule the carbon tax debate during the anticipated delivery time for Thomson Jnr, then that's their problem. Sounds sensible, or does it?

PS It's just possible the opposition might be doing Mrs Thomson a favour by preventing her husband attending the birth. Given his apparent interests of the bordello variety, she may well prefer alternative support at such a time.
A further point: Mr Thomson's wife is apparently due to give birth soon. The opposition have said they will not grant the government a pair if the birth occurs during the carbon tax debate, thus preventing Mr Thomson from being present at the birth of his child.

Is this reasonable?

The opposition did not say this.

*An earlier AAP version of this story reported Mr Abbott as saying there was no way a pair would be granted to Mr Thomson. AAP has now amended that as Mr Abbott did not make a specific declaration about Mr Thomson. Mr Abbott's office has issued the statement above to clarify the Opposition Leader's position.
Read more:
It never ceases to amaze me how right wing rags such as the Sydney Morning Herald pursue unions, unionists and workers in their hegemonist goals.

The latest rubbish to appear in that organ is an allegation that Craig Thomson and a Mr.Williamson when they were officers of that union, received American Express credit cards which were used inter alia for school fees.

The cards were supplied to the officers of the union it is alleged, by the publisher of the union's newsletter a Mr. Gilleland, who was paid it is alleged more than ten times the going rate for publishing the newsletter.

THE Labor MP Craig Thomson and the union leader Michael Williamson, who is on the ALP national executive, allegedly received secret commissions from a major supplier to their union.
The two men, both senior figures in the Health Services Union at the time, were provided with American Express cards by John Gilleland, who runs a graphic design business, a Herald investigation has found.
The credit cards were issued in the names of Mr Thomson and Mr Williamson but were attached to Mr Gilleland's account.

Read more:]

Mr. Gilleland it is alleged was paid over $600,000 per annum for producing the newsletter. This is said to be more than 10 times the going rate or 1000% more than it is allegedly worth.

I have downloaded the newsletter from those halycon times, and, Shakespeare it ain't.

Nonetheless it is shameless for the Sydney Morning Herald to pursue Mr.Thomson, a person without tarnish, with no outstanding charges against him, in a manner such as this.

There is little justice available to the just, the members of the HSU and their families, lowly paid and doing work that few in the community appreciate. It is appalling that the Sydney Morning Herald should castigate their representatives for organising their affairs in relation to essentials such as private school fees, as they see fit.

I must state a conflict in this matter, as I have this morning offered to produce the HSU newsletter for $550,000 per annum, and am out to JB to buy Microsoft Publisher. I must remember to keep my receipt for my ATO return.

Do any ASF posters know how to get an American Express card that authorises others to pay school fees and other essentials for their families?
