Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Labor's carbon tax lie

CARBON TAX!!!!!!!!!! WHAT CARBON TAX?????????????

No word for three days. What a break from the constant brain washing from JU-LIAR.


Lets talk about the exciting fast rail and health reform, that'll get your mind off that terrible nasty CARBON TAX.

OMG, HOW this incompetent Green/Labor socialist left wing government works. They must really think every voter like their die-hard supporters are stupid.

I think it is yet another tactic, imo. Gillard talking about it constantly only made voters angry and TV mute buttons were probably wearing out making voters even more angry...:D

Considering that Star something posted that Aussie voters are stupid and it looks as though Gillard has the same misconception, I think this latest tactic is to distract from the carbon tax and HOPE that voters will forget. The sort of thing one does to toddlers...:rolleyes:

It seems that Gillard doesn't realise that toddlers grow up and eventually have very long memories.
Review & Outlook: The Last Carbon Taxer -

The Wall Street JOURNAL July 17th.

Carbon cap and trade is dead in America, the Chicago emissions trading exchange has folded, and European nations keep fudging on their Kyoto Protocol promises. But Al Gore's great green hope still has a champion: Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, who announced last week that her government will impose a cap-and-tax regime.
Her Labor Party-led coalition wants 500 of the country's "biggest polluters" to buy carbon permits issued by the government, starting next year. Canberra would then create new bureaucracies to re-allocate that money to interest groups and selected businesses, to the tune of billions of dollars annually.....
..... The government plans to use some of the carbon tax receipts to triple the income threshold before the income tax hits. In other words, this is in part a scheme to redistribute income from energy users to Labor voters. It is a odd kind of tax reform that narrows the tax base.......
It is if you believe in the theology that loathes carbon fuels and wants government to allocate the means of power production. In a speech Thursday, Ms. Gillard vowed to press forward with cap and tax and said that her convictions are " very deeply held ". We'll see if her government can survive them.

Tony Abott slammed the plan as " socialism masquerading as environmentalism".....

Well thats interesting...
Smurf1976, please clear your inbox....

I was trying to PM you this......

Hey Smurf,
Blue Gen
CSIRO developed (in 1992), a mini Gas Turbine for residential use
Have you heard about these things?

Cost at the moment is pretty high, around 45k as there are no Gov rebates on hand and the technology is not yet in mass production. Once it gets going, l'm sure the price will drop significantly. Maybe the 'Carbon Tax' can contribute towards this?

CSIRO Report confirms Large Carbon Savings from BlueGen Gas-to-Electricity Generator

To be honest, l am really, really surprised that this has not made the headlines. If the Government was serious about 'Global Warming' and 'Carbon Pollution', this little machine could be the saviour for the masses. By the sounds of it, it leaves Solar for dead.
Smurf1976, please clear your inbox....

I was trying to PM you this......

To be honest, l am really, really surprised that this has not made the headlines. If the Government was serious about 'Global Warming' and 'Carbon Pollution', this little machine could be the saviour for the masses. By the sounds of it, it leaves Solar for dead.

Great idea, I wonder what the maintenance regulations would be on a high speed gas turbine whizzing away in your broom closet.LOL
This is what one person did to his junk mail - the problem is that, without a stamp, I don't think Australia Post will want anything to to with them:


And here is a link to Tim Blair's blog with a whole lot of photos of what people are doing with the government propaganda for which we are paying: JUNK MAIL JUNKED

And this one probably takes the prize:

Smurf1976, please clear your inbox....

I was trying to PM you this......
Inbox cleared. :)

The unit being referred to is a fuel cell with waste heat capture running of natural gas.

In a technical sense, it seems workable though obtaining maximum efficiency depends on having a viable use for the heat produced. Certainly during Winter in Victoria that would be easy but if you're in Queensland and have solar hot water then you won't have a lot of use for the heat.

One issue we have in Australia is that, except in Tasmania, electricity demand peaks in Summer rather than Winter (though there's not much difference between summer and winter in NSW). So for large scale application, a system like this would need to be running during periods when there is no use for the by-product heat if it is to be a genuine partial alternative to conventional means of power generation.

On the other hand, if you're somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere, need year round heating and are using gas for the heat then a device like this seems a bit of a no brainer in terms of efficiently using the resource.

Overall, I see it as something with potential and which does have application. But we won't likely see them in 90% of homes or anything like that.

One thing to bear in mind with all of this is that it relies on natural gas, a limited non-renewable resource. Whilst it does use the gas more efficiently than other means, it's still not a permanent option. In the long term, there's only so much gas in the ground.
This is what one person did to his junk mail - the problem is that, without a stamp, I don't think Australia Post will want anything to to with them...
He he, go Sailsy. My local PO seemed happy enough to accept my 'return to sender' post at the counter.
The Greens and Labor have changed the wording to "Advance Australia Fair".

Our new national anthem:

Australians all let us revolt,
...For we are carbon free;
We’ve iron ore and coal and more,
But live in poverty;
Our land abounds in Nature’s gifts,
To use we do not dare;
In history’s page, we’re now stone age
What chance Australia fair?
In worried strains then let us ask,
“What chance Australia fair?”
He he, go Sailsy. My local PO seemed happy enough to accept my 'return to sender' post at the counter.

How disappointing - I think we will miss out. We live in a highrise where no junk mail is allowed. So that means a lot of people in complexes and highrises won't get them.

And I was looking forward to returning to sender...:D
He he, go Sailsy. My local PO seemed happy enough to accept my 'return to sender' post at the counter.
I think if the article is unopened, Australia Post is actually obliged to take them back and return to the sender if they are so marked.
Got the brochure, started to write RTS and all the rest, then the marker ran out....

In progress picture....

RTS Gov 01.jpg
My family return fired 5 of these today.


  • IMG_0251[1].jpg
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There is also a facebook page;
I'm marking the Gov's "CleanEnergyFuture" brochure 'Return to Sender'.

Good range of RTS ideas can be found there. One of the more popular ones is putting a circle around the "Aust Gov" symbol with a big arrow + RTS pointing to it....LOL :D

On Arctic Ice and Warmth, Past and Future

Here’s some input on the new research from Funder (from a press release issued by his university; I’m tied up on other fronts or would have reached out for more):

Our studies show that there have been large fluctuations in the amount of summer sea ice during the last 10,000 years. During the so-called Holocene Climate Optimum, from approximately 8000 to 5000 years ago, when the temperatures were somewhat warmer than today, there was significantly less sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, probably less than 50% of the summer 2007 coverage, which is absolutely lowest on record. Our studies also show that when the ice disappears in one area, it may accumulate in another. We have discovered this by comparing our results with observations from northern Canada. While the amount of sea ice decreased in northern Greenland, it increased in Canada. This is probably due to changes in the prevailing wind systems. This factor has not been sufficiently taken into account when forecasting the imminent disappearance of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean.

On the broader implications of the work:

Our studies show that there are great natural variations in the amount of Arctic sea ice. The bad news is that there is a clear connection between temperature and the amount of sea ice. And there is no doubt that continued global warming will lead to a reduction in the amount of summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocean. The good news is that even with a reduction to less than 50% of the current amount of sea ice the ice will not reach a point of no return: a level where the ice no longer can regenerate itself even if the climate was to return to cooler temperatures. Finally, our studies show that the changes to a large degree are caused by the effect that temperature has on the prevailing wind systems. This has not been sufficiently taken into account when forecasting the imminent disappearance of the ice, as often portrayed in the media.
What's wrong with News Ltd in Australia? Didn't you know the problems are in the UK and not in Australia? Perhaps you should read the

Please tell me you are joking for the love of all Christ. Do you even ever look at any News Ltd newspaper?

The claim that the opposition is scaremongering is the parrot phrase of Swan and Combet.

And this is relevant why?

You are wrong about scientific facts, for this science is based on modelling and has been proven incorrect time and time again.. Just go back to Tim Flanery's predictions. Need I quote any more?

Are you serious? Maybe you should run for the Nobel prize with your scientific knowledge clearly being better than the overwhelming majority of the planet's scientists.

Why are you biased about News Ltd,?

Now I know you didn't just say that.

Who is the Scaremonger now? Tim Flannery is being paid $180,000 to do just that for the Green/Labor government.

Sorry comrade you've got it wrong.

I love how you ignored every argument in the link I posted. Please keep your head in the sand.

There can be no logical, clear, concise debate nor conversation with anyone who refuses to admit that News Ltd has a massive political agenda in Australia. Every single newspaper they publish is nothing but bias in just about every article.

Show me where there is evidence of the illegal problems here in Australia as there have been in the UK before acting like a smarty pants full of propaganda?

It's only your political bias that makes News Limited annoy you. ABC's Q&A I refuse to watch because of the clear left political bias. And News Limited is giving the majority of Aussies a voice and should NOT be controlled by ANY political party.

I think you are simply annoyed that labor is so far behind in the polls and so it's all Murdoch's fault. Much like Gillard blaming Abbott for all her mistates. It's time the left AND Gillard/Swan started taking responsibility for their own mistakes - which are many.

But because you have already indicated that all Aussies are stupid, what's the point of getting into an exchange with someone so clearly stupid themselves that they think everyone else is more stupid?

Here is one of your posts:

...Because people aren't smart. Ask the average bogan what co2 looks like, and I bet you will get a myriad of responses, each more ridiculous than the next....

Grow up.