Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Labor's carbon tax lie

Australians shiver through coldest winter morning in 30 years

Thanks to an Antarctic front blown toward Australia by strong winds, Sydney awoke to its coldest June morning since 1983.

Despite climate change, 2010 has been predicted to be one of the coldest years on record globally. In the northern hemisphere, Britain recorded the coldest January in 23 years and America recorded the coldest start to the year in 25 years.

Just like the share market.
Were making higher highs (summer)
And Lower lows (winter)
Gillard's bull**** doesn't fool this woman for an instant. The look on Gillard's face is so condescending. She is thinking "silly old goat."


" a price on carbon so there's less of it in the air" - disingenuous cow. I was hoping that women would give them both an uppercut. :rolleyes:


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The following exchange between the PM and a member of the public illustrates perfectly the underlying defficiency in how Julia Gillard is has handled her carbon tax,

"Why did you lie to us and why are you continuing to lie?" one woman said.

Gillard: "I can give you an answer right now if you'll let me. What I want to do is put a price on carbon pollution. The big polluters are going to pay.

Woman: "I understand that. I'm not stupid."
" a price on carbon so there's less of it in the air" - disingenuous cow. I was hoping that women would give them both an uppercut. :rolleyes:
If it's the same encounter I heard broadcast on "PM" this evening, the protesting woman definitely got the better of the PM. She was insistent, but quite calm.
The next classic will be when we have to buy back the coal mines, because the gas has run out in the Cooper Basin and the renewables weren't as successful as expected.
What an absolute fiasco.
If you look at the extent of consumption increase that would occur with a shift to gas for electricity then the rate at which our natural gas will be used up is truly frightening.

Wait a few years and there will be a huge industry turning coal into gas... (gas-fired power plants can't be easily converted to directly use coal, though it is possible to convert an existing coal plant to gas quite easily).
HERE IS PROOF OF MORE DAMN LIES BY JU-LIAR. China stopped building wind farms in May and the coal fired power stations she says China is decommissioning at the rate of two per week are being replaced by larger coal fired power ststions.

Why does Gillard continue to lie over and over again when she is being found out over and over again. The woman must have the hide of a Rhino. You could stick a pin in her backside and she would not feel it.

Howard proved her deceitful today by clarifying his intent on his ETS only if the rest of the world participated.
Wait a few years and there will be a huge industry turning coal into gas... (gas-fired power plants can't be easily converted to directly use coal, though it is possible to convert an existing coal plant to gas quite easily).
So, Smurf, if all the existing coal stations were to be converted to gas, would that be economically feasible, and if it were to happen, could baseload power be thus supplied?
Shoppers get hot under the collar

This is also the video where the old lady asks Julia "why did you lie?".

The physical contact from mother Gillard was excruciatingly condescending, but the lady on the recieving end was very dignified about it.

Julia looked one step removed from asking that lady to sit on her knee and start saying, "Once upon a time I said there would be no carbon tax.........., but,........"
What sort of party promotes someone like that to leader. Excruciating is an appropriate description. 'Get your hands off me' that lady with the glasses must have been thinking.

A person is in trouble when they confuse their ambitions with their ability.
Why does Gillard continue to lie over and over again when she is being found out over and over again. The woman must have the hide of a Rhino. You could stick a pin in her backside and she would not feel it.

She has Murdoch in one hand and Fairfax in t'other, with Packer bringing up the rear....


"Yo - bro, she's a Media - ho...."

What sort of party promotes someone like that to leader. Excruciating is an appropriate description. 'Get your hands off me' that lady with the glasses must have been thinking.

A person is in trouble when they confuse their ambitions with their ability.

Spot on there Logique!

As Clint Eastwood sort of said - " a person needs to know their limitations"
So, Smurf, if all the existing coal stations were to be converted to gas, would that be economically feasible, and if it were to happen, could baseload power be thus supplied?

In W.A, Julia, Kwinana power station was originally designed to run on heavy fuel oil. With the 1970's oil crisis it was converted to use coal and finally when the N.W.S gas pipeline was built with the take or pay contract, Kwinana was again converted to run on gas. So now it is one off the only stations that can burn 3 fuels.
However due to advances in high efficiency open cycle gas turbines and combined cycle gas turbines. It would make more sense to replace the steam driven plant with new technolgy gas plant as you would get almost twice the ouput compared to converting the steam plant.
The big problem with using gas as base load fuel is, as smurf said, the rate that you go through it.
It is too versatile a fuel to be throwing through turbines to make electricity. Which then goes over the transmission system, with all it's losses to end up in the kitchen boiling water in a kettle or electric heaters etc. It makes much more sense to boil the water directly with the gas.
The other point is Gillard goes on about the carbon reduction is like taking 140mllion cars off the road. Well they wouldn't have to be taken off the road if they were running on gas. The whole transport industry could run on gas.
Like I said it is criminal to throw such a precious fuel through turbines to make electricity, they had better be sure of their science because if it is proven wrong they are doing Australia and the world a huge disservice
A person is in trouble when they confuse their ambitions with their ability.

Brilliant phrase, Logique.

Hope "The Australian" is still browsing ASF. They might pick this up for their "Strewth" column as they did with one of your earlier gems.:)
Why does Gillard continue to lie over and over again when she is being found out over and over again. The woman must have the hide of a Rhino. You could stick a pin in her backside and she would not feel it.

Gillard is completely unfazed when caught out in a lie. Abbott on the other gets flustered when caught out. The difference is because Abbott had a Christian upbringing and was taught that lying is a sin. With Gillard on the other hand, her ethical standards are pretty blurred.