Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Next US President


9 July 2004
Yes we can turns to - errrr, we didn't really do a lot did we.

My early mail - Mit Romney. ;)


(BTW I reserve the right to back flip, flip flop and generally flub around as often as circumstances dictate :D)
Mit Romney has changed his spots in an attempt to look more voteable to the Average Citizen IMO. Just an observation. He used to be suit and tie guy now has turned into smart casual attire. I know, I know, there is more to the man than the clothes he wears. Does appear very clear cut and speaks extremely well though.

Ron Paul for me. From Texas, a Doctor no doubt and has been outspoken on foreign and monetary policy. Could be a good combination given the climate we are in?

Jesse Ventura as the dark horse. LOL :D
The army is getting restless, Wall Street needs a deversion and the people are getting angry that the rest of the world will not support them anymore,

so my tip is Palin,

and she looks much sweeter than Hitler too

Palin has re written the history books about Paul Revere and her supporters got on Wikapedia to alter it to her version.
Who would want the job anyway USA is sunk
RON PAUL.... everyone else is already bought and paid for!

True, except the present President, who refused donations from Murdoch and the other people. That's why they hate him so much.

Mitt Romney is obviously bought and paid for, everyone has probably noticed he is treated in reverential terms by the right wing media. I wonder what he will do for News Limited when he gets elected? Bush gave Murdoch great stuff.

I would prefer Ron Paul also to Mitt or the other hacks.
I'll say what i always say about politics; It wont make a difference either way who the President is
True, except the present President,

oh god no! surely your not an obama acolyte knobby?!!! :eek: he's a goddamn disgrace! henry kissingers lil puppet!
*bailed out wall st NOT main st (ie bankers not ppl losing their homes)
*continued & expanded bush's global warmongering (after gaining his nobel peace prize for doing SFA)
*extended & expanded the heinous 'patriot act'

etc etc etc......... hes a friggin muppet sorry Knobby!
oh god no! surely your not an obama acolyte knobby?!!! :eek: he's a goddamn disgrace! henry kissingers lil puppet!
*bailed out wall st NOT main st (ie bankers not ppl losing their homes)
*continued & expanded bush's global warmongering (after gaining his nobel peace prize for doing SFA)
*extended & expanded the heinous 'patriot act'

etc etc etc......... hes a friggin muppet sorry Knobby!
Agree. He was going to be America's saviour. What a sad letdown.
After all, he turned out just to be a voice.
Apparently Mitt Romney's perceived drawback is that he is a Mormon. Some are worried that he might make plural marriage compulsory. These are probably the same people who think Obama is a Muslim.

America's experiment with a black president has failed.
America's experiment with a black president has failed.

I'm not sure what you mean by that? Would you say that America's experiment with a white president has failed following the Bush era?

Obama wasn't elected because he was black, but because most thought he would do the best job. If the consensus is that he has failed as president, then America's experiment with Obama may have failed. But I can't see how that would prevent another black person becoming president one day.

I am not saying you intend this meaning, but one could infer that you are implying that Obama failed because he was black.
The whole system failed just like here the previous congress didn't understand grade one maths and were also under the control of the hundreds of thousand lobby's who controlled their financial future and who could dictate who goes in and who gets kicked out.
Some how there needs to be a way a decent bill can be presented and passed with out being fined tune to suit the people with the most to gain.
The next president will be not better and most likely worse as the economy tanks and he/she will make stupid decisions sounds like Palin is the man
Well that certainly came out of left field now didn't it ??? I think what Calliope was trying to elucidate was that Obama was hung out to the masses as a BLACK MUSLIM who would be able to soothe the world politics because of his race and religion. As in the Muslim clerics would negotiate a peace treaty. As in the African nations would allow USA to steal (I meant explore) their oil fields so on and so forth ad infinitum ;)
Obama was doomed from day one he was given a fair trial and then hung I see some one is suing the Government over the Birth certificate he is just a front man for a whole bunch of crooks.
When we have Trump, Palin, Mitt. Cain, Edwards the bottom of the barrel is a better option.