Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Pauline Hanson for PM?

im sorry to correct you but that statement was true, law abiding people handed in firearms that had been perfectly legal til john howard led govt decided to make them illegal HOWEVER criminals do not hand in, nor register their weapons

(i can image the bank robber going to register his saw off shotgun... cop:"what genuine reason do you need this firearm for?" crim:"need it to do over the ANZ this arvo")

anyhow check the beaurea of statistics... gun crime is up.. why? crims have guns, always have always will...

Ummmmmmmmmm what has this got to do with LEGAL firearms? Crims have always had access to ILLEGAL firearms??

Are you saying that if I am standing in the ANZ bank and a criminal walks in with an ILLEGAL firearm than I am able to "shoot to kill" because I have a LEGAL firearm?? Is that it?

Qatar, Singapore, Chile, Ireland and Spain have the LEAST amount of homicide by population with GUN statistics compared to Australia which is less than 1.55%.

Go and live in Colombia with a rate above 62% death rate per population of gun homocide.

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HHHHHHHHHHH baby cause that's how we roll.
That was the best thing he ever did. Why oh why would anyone need to own a AK47 or similar for gods sake? Ridiculous, we don't need to go down the same route as the USA or even worse South Africa. I remember a redneck from Gympie on TV doing the Nazi Goose step March callin John Howard Jack Boot Johny. Is that the kind of moron you think should have arms?

another silly quote,

AK47 is a machinegun... machineguns have NEVER been legal to own in australia and no sporting shooter i know would ever want one (although the crims still have plenty of them)
pistols have ALWAYS had severley restricted access in australia again no complaints from sporting shooters (although again freely available to crims)
sporting shooters were mostly upset by the banning, confiscation & destruction of self-loading & pump action rifles & shotguns which were legitimate sporting firearms in australia pre 1996
your "american path" (usa route) statement is also incorrect at best, american gun laws vary state to state... the states with the worst gun violence are the ones with the 'toughest' gun laws... the least gun violence prone states? ... the ones that have 'concealed-carry' laws... that is after proper police checks etc a person can obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm... the information is easy to obtain just google it.
there are fanatics in all walks of life.. to try to smear the majority of sporting shooters & their elected representitives by the actions of a few redneck dingbats is just plain childish.
and to answer your that gympie redneck should be in a lunatic asylum not on a shooting range!
You can still own self loading and pump actions in Australia BTW. They are limited to the amount of shotfire they can expunge. Can still own pump actions up to 5 shots and semi automatics up to 10 shots??? What is the problem??????
Are you saying that if I am standing in the ANZ bank and a criminal walks in with an ILLEGAL firearm than I am able to "shoot to kill" because I have a LEGAL firearm??

no what i am saying is that linking genuine sporting shooters and their elected representitives to the activities of fanatics and criminals is absolutely retarded!

criminals will always have access to guns... its a fact and will never change for as long as there is a demand for illegal weapons there will be a supplier to meet that demand

THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SPORTING SHOOTERS and THE SHOOTERS/FISHERS PARTY so calling them gun-nuts & morons is rediculous
You can still own self loading and pump actions in Australia BTW. They are limited to the amount of shotfire they can expunge. Can still own pump actions up to 5 shots and semi automatics up to 10 shots??? What is the problem??????

re-read my posts, if you cant work out my "problem" from them then i'll spell it out in black and white.... i am a liscenced firearm owner/user... and i resent fools on this thread labelling me and my elected representitives as gun-nuts, potential crims, rednecks, nazi's blah blah blah. utter BS! :mad:
im sorry to correct you but that statement was true, law abiding people handed in firearms that had been perfectly legal til john howard led govt decided to make them illegal HOWEVER criminals do not hand in, nor register their weapons
This is what Nioka said:
He was such a gun nut that he disarmed the honest people.....
To say 'he disarmed the honest people' implies no gun ownership was allowed.
That is not what happened. Hence my disagreement.
re-read my posts, if you cant work out my "problem" from them then i'll spell it out in black and white.... i am a liscenced firearm owner/user... and i resent fools on this thread labelling me and my elected representitives as gun-nuts, potential crims, rednecks, nazi's blah blah blah. utter BS! :mad:

OK OK OK I get it now......... I am in agreeance with you on the subject matter at hand. I also have firearms LEGALLY owned. I get where you are coming from finally.

Look ...... guns have a "certain" stigmata about them in the real world. They have been demonised to the "nth" degree and in no way deserve the reputation they have in Australia. Genuine sporters and professional shooters should not be victimised nor heaped into the same category as "rednecks, gun nuts and Nazis" ....... no doubt.

Unfortunately owning a gun these days is like admitting to smoking cigarettes or pissing in the bath. Socially unacceptable. It is what it is. The world has turned to the limp wristed, handkerchief blowing psychophants that have the ear of the pollies who make the rules. I have learned to work inside the rules and not let your true colours fly. :2twocents
This is what Nioka said:

To say 'he disarmed the honest people' implies no gun ownership was allowed.
That is not what happened. Hence my disagreement.

i guess that statement could be taken in many ways, i took it as meaning:

'john howards gun laws targeted law abiding people as only law abiding people abide by laws' ...thus the only people affected by the laws were the "honest people" who, by law, had their firearms confiscated & destroyed ...leaving the only people not affected by the law to be the criminals.'

through personal experience i know what it felt like to be a law abiding liscened shooter at that time and it was horrible! the media ran what could only be called a hate campaign against us and we were painted as potential martin bryant's, so for some snivelling little sewer rat to come along and call us gun nuts, morons etc really gets my goat!
however i do appreciate the fact that your quote was not malicious :)
I have learned to work inside the rules and not let your true colours fly. :2twocents

true but it comes back to.. "for evil to flourish needs good men to do nothing" though doesnt it!
and since when is shooting a bunny for the pot put you in the same class of person as a mass murderer?
sad.... very sad! :(
That was the best thing he ever did. Why oh why would anyone need to own a AK47 or similar for gods sake? Ridiculous, we don't need to go down the same route as the USA or even worse South Africa. I remember a redneck from Gympie on TV doing the Nazi Goose step March callin John Howard Jack Boot Johny. Is that the kind of moron you think should have arms?

You and i have a lot in common Bill. :) politicly very ballsy of Howard to do what he did....respect.
This is what Nioka said:

To say 'he disarmed the honest people' implies no gun ownership was allowed.
That is not what happened. Hence my disagreement.

I did not say he disarmed aaaaaaaaaaaALL honest people. He did disarm a lot of honest people. Guns are a tool used by many people. For example the NSW government now lets us get a licence to shoot flying foxes... if you still have a gun that is. Feral dogs and foxes are running wild as a lot of the previous genuine hunters no longer have guns.

I don't know anyone that had or had need for an AK47. They should have been restricted many years ago and the Martin Bryants of this world would never have had one.

By the way the goose stepper at Gympie was demonstrating what he thought of Howard not demonstrating his own ideas. :2twocents
I did not say he disarmed aaaaaaaaaaaALL honest people. He did disarm a lot of honest people.

*that is what i took your comment to mean... and i totally agree with that statement

I don't know anyone that had or had need for an AK47. They should have been restricted many years ago and the Martin Bryants of this world would never have had one.

*no-one in australia has ever legally owned an AK47 for the simple reason an AK47 (and all kalashnikov variants) are machine guns and as such have always been banned thus illegal to own

martin bryants weapon was a colt AR15 self loading rifle that had, many years before he acquired it, been handed into the victorian police by a military firearm collecter in an amnesty when victoria passed gun laws banning military style self loading weapons!

so the question that should be asked is why wasnt this firearm destroyed after being handed in to the vic police, rather than being put back into circulation in tasmania to end up in the hands of an unliscenced psychopath?

in my experience NO genuine sporting shooter had a problem with the banning of military style self loading weaons, the inclusion of sporting firearms and the disgusting media/pollie inspired hate filled smear campaign against firearm owners that followed the introduction of these laws is another matter... the effects of the smear campaign on can still be noticed in some of the lame comments posted on this thread by certain ppl:(
So let me get this straight... spending billions of dollars on the 96 stealback supposedly made Australia a much safer place??? perhaps health care and education would have been much better than Howards knee jerk reaction....

how many people die on the road each yr? yep lets ban any automobile that goes faster than 30kmh because of a small minority.... what about alcohol? surely we should ban that as that attributes to many deaths each yr (much more than legal firearms have ever produced)..... Smokes? Prescription drugs? fark the list goes on....

Switzerland has 1 of the highest gun ownership rates per capita yet they have very little crime rates and are a peaceful society.... yet the U.S is a different kettle of fish and i believe thats due to their media and tv programing..... But if you look at the U.S places like Washington, Chigaco, Detroit that have strong gun regulation have really high crime rates.... yet Florida and other States that have (conceal carry) have low crime rates.....

Outlaw firearms and the only people left with them are "Outlaws"
Prohibition has and never will work "simple".