Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
I have waited over twenty five years for this night, and will stay up, watching Al Jazeera, with my trusty short wave radio, listening in to the beginning of the end for Gaddafi , his family and his goons.

I was, in the company of a good friend, attacked by members of his entourage many years ago, outside the Casino in Biarritz. My friend was seriously injured. All over a game of poker.

He is a loser, and a bad one at that. Let us enjoy his going.

Corporal Jones, and the other members of the British flight/expeditionary force, are ready, willing and able to rain hell on him.

My contacts in the Quai D'Orsay tell that the plan is to bomb the crap out of his home town and those towns loyal to him, to make his troops pause for thought tonight, then bomb the crap out of them as they retreat from Benghazi, tomorrow.

Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

I hope you're right. I'm starting to think it's a bit late and Gaddafi is about to raze benghazi and commit genocide in order to reunite the country under his thumb. The guy is absolutely ruthless.
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

I hope you're right. I'm starting to think it's a bit late and Gaddafi is about to raze benghazi and commit genocide in order to reunite the country under his thumb. The guy is absolutely ruthless.

My sources say that by EST 0200, it will have started.

Time is of the essence.

Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

My sources say that by EST 0200, it will have started.

Time is of the essence.


Quite probably.

That's when the The North Atlantic Council meeting is scheduled to resume (0200 AEDT) to consider the results of a summit of allied leaders in Paris... according to my sources.
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

Quite probably.

That's when the The North Atlantic Council meeting is scheduled to resume (0200 AEDT) to consider the results of a summit of allied leaders in Paris... a bit over 4 hours, according to my sources.

A mate of mine, a Schembri, in Malta says there is considerable activity atm at the Airport there.

Let's hope and pray that the people of Benghazi, who were so good to our troops in WW2 are saved from the monster Gaddafi Family.

Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

A long time financial supporter of terror is finally going to be dealt with.

Thread title sounds very Ted Whitten-ish.
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

By moving his tanks into the suburbs of Benghazi Gaddafi makes it much more difficult for the cruise missiles to target them without collateral damage.

Meanwhile tens of thousands of people are fleeing the city, heading for the Egyptian border.

Action taken a few days earlier could have averted this tragedy.
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

I heard on the 3.00 am radio news that the french led the air raids on Gaddafi.

One report even reckons the french started before the end of the meeting in Paris.

In any event, he's coping more than a bit of his own back and the terrorist thug "don't like it up 'em!'''

THE United States, France and Britain launched strikes against Libya from the air and sea today, the opening salvo in an international military campaign against the regime of longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi.

The US military said more than 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired by American and British forces at 20 Libyan air defence system sites, while France said it carried out four air strikes that destroyed several armoured vehicles belonging to pro-Gaddafi forces.

British Prime Minister David Cameron confirmed that his country's forces were also in action over Libya.
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

By moving his tanks into the suburbs of Benghazi Gaddafi makes it much more difficult for the cruise missiles to target them without collateral damage.

Meanwhile tens of thousands of people are fleeing the city, heading for the Egyptian border.

Action taken a few days earlier could have averted this tragedy.

I heard on the 3.00 am radio news that the french led the air raids on Gaddafi.

One report even reckons the french started before the end of the meeting in Paris.

In any event, he's coping more than a bit of his own back and the terrorist thug "don't like it up 'em!'''

A concern is the support base he obviously has, using themselves as human shields on the one hand, and as heavily small armed thugs on the other.

It will be very interesting to see how it pans out.

He will not go quietly.

Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

Another Iraq or Afghanistan in the making I fear, a tribal conflict that will ultimately have to be resolved by themselves.....

Unless those that are loyal to gaddafi turn over, it will be impossible to sort it out quickly, so I'm betting it will get a lot worse before it gets better, a repeat of the mess in the other middle east conflicts, where nobody wins.....

It still puzzles me as to how lives are going to be saved by using bombs and missiles... it hasn't worked anwhere else, why do they think it's going to work this time, and why wait so long to act...?

I'm sure Gadaffi could have been killed anytime in the past, what was stopping them ?

He wasn't going to sell oil in Euros, by any chance.......?

It would be indeed strange, if there isn't more to this conflict than meets the eye..?
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

Using the logic that the current air raid over Libya was necessary because of Gadaffi's inhumanity to his own people, why has something similar not happened years ago re Mugabe in Zimbabwe?
No oil in Zimbabwe, perhaps.
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

Using the logic that the current air raid over Libya was necessary because of Gadaffi's inhumanity to his own people, why has something similar not happened years ago re Mugabe in Zimbabwe?
No oil in Zimbabwe, perhaps.
Part of it too could also be revenge.

Did Libyan $$ compensation for Lockerbie really settle the score ?
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

Using the logic that the current air raid over Libya was necessary because of Gadaffi's inhumanity to his own people, why has something similar not happened years ago re Mugabe in Zimbabwe?
No oil in Zimbabwe, perhaps.

Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

Another mess for The West.

What exactly replaces Gaddafi should he fall ?
That question was raised on "The Insiders" yesterday. The rebels seem to be a loosely organised group with no obvious leader.
You'd have to hope the architects of this attack (which will inevitably kill civilians) have given some thought to what will happen in the vacuum if Gadaffi succumbs.
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

Another mess for The West.

What exactly replaces Gaddafi should he fall ?

My guess is the army (another colonel?)...or at least that part on the army that defected to the rebels. Of course they would have a problem with such large numbers of the civilian population now armed.
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

I would like to qualify what I said earlier. I do not think Gaddafi will be toppled from power. The Coalition will not displace him, and the rabble civilian army cannot.
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

My contacts in Sirte tell me he is an ex-monster.
