Ummmmmm why are we laying more cable in the ground when wifi is the answer? Telstra has the 3G network capabilty right now. We have HDMI capability NOW.
Can someone please explain the advantage of fibre optic cable?
Has anyone considered that the problem with technology today is it is obsolete in 12 months time?
Best to get answers here
Bit on wireless vs cable
In any wireless broadband network, the user receives a differing experience regardless of distance from the base station. Similarly to ADSL2+, connection quality and inherent downstream/upstream speeds decrease the further a user is from each cell. While overlapping base stations and wireless coverage, as well as leaps in technology, certainly help to remedy this potential issue, the problem never quite goes away. This especially becomes an issue for those living on the edge of a cell, or in areas where there are only two or three base stations to a given community. Live on the edge of the coverage area, and chances are your Internet speeds are vastly inferior to those at the centre.
For fibre, this is no issue: data travelling down fibre is as fast at point A as it is at point B, with line degradation (or failure) and interference from devices along the network being the largest obstacles in continued, committed speeds.
More importantly, the 100Mbps speed proposed under the NBN is just the starting point for a FTTH network. Look to service provider AARNet and you'll see speeds of up to 10Gbps already in operation, and vision to move to 8Tbps and beyond in the future. A single pair of fibre is capable of 1Gbps and greater, and if the NBN is constructed properly, the use of multiple fibres makes scaling up capacity even easier.