Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Perfect Storm brewing for a real war

Sean K

21 April 2006
It's looking untidy out there.

Really untidy.

This financial kerfuffle timed with some political instability about the place is of concern. The only saving grace is that we do not have two teams set up facing each other with definitive politico/military alliances.

While we have ANZUS/ABCA and other pacts ourselves, the other team is a bit loose. Watch out for any other groups of countries forming strategic alliances that will counter us.

Especially China with other like minder socialistic type countries.

Or, predominantly socialist countries teaming up with the Muslims against the US backed West (us). Unlikely, but in times of self preservation, we do some odd stuff.

Troubling times.
What about a global depression first ?

A 2-sided global conflict is extremely unlikely from this time forward as destructive capabilities far outweigh the benefits to the winner. More than anything else, that is what kept the cold war cold.

Are you considering storage options for your tinned food ?
Are you considering storage options for your tinned food ?


These days I struggle to imagine a geuinely large scale "world" war ever occuring. Please don't mistake me as being niave and saying it's impossible, I just think it's highly improbable. Like drsmith mentioned, the destruction would most likely far outweigh the benifits. Mutual destruction and all. I spose we have WMDs to thank for that. :eek: ironic

At this stage I think we're looking at a VERY long period of skirmishes with "terrorist groups" all around the world.
I must be living in a cave
please spell it out...cause I don't understand
of note the Dow slipping a 1000 pts was the 4th story on channel 7 or was it channel 9
is there somthing bigger going on???:eek:
maybe we can finally go into Iran, theyv'e apparrently got the 1/3rd largest gas reserves in the world Why (TF) do they need a uranium reactor
Keep buying Gold mate ya can't go wrong:)
I agree it's improbable at this time, but the stars are lining up. I'm not trying to sound like an war junky alarmist but see the result of the current developments being internal and international conflict. Just look at Greece and Thailand and Honduras and ... their turmoil is an indication of what's going down. The unemployment level of the world is going up and up. That is not good for stability.
It's looking untidy out there.

Really untidy.

This financial kerfuffle timed with some political instability about the place is of concern. The only saving grace is that we do not have two teams set up facing each other with definitive politico/military alliances.

While we have ANZUS/ABCA and other pacts ourselves, the other team is a bit loose. Watch out for any other groups of countries forming strategic alliances that will counter us.

Especially China with other like minder socialistic type countries.

Or, predominantly socialist countries teaming up with the Muslims against the US backed West (us). Unlikely, but in times of self preservation, we do some odd stuff.

Troubling times.

i see us going nuclear very soon-if there are not supplies onland already left over from cold war-both in electricity and desal plants, but strategic weapons too. i doubt with the uranium supplises-ie power it gives us and friends-that we need a plant for plutonium, trition etc.
the political spin has started too.

tho maybe the new types of weapons that are talked about make nuclear weapons partially redundant. they seem to have become a poor mans weapon somewhat due to technilogical advances and that very helpful pakistanian scientist khan? thus suits america to talk of a no nuc world.

i still can't understand why osama and co didnt put one togeather, loads of plutonium etc around his neighbourhood back then, if not a whole bomb, and knocking one togeather isnt hard, it just gets difficultish if u want a very efficient one. i assume he really didnt want to let one go, back then, for various reasons.

will b interesting if kim gets his next one better...we should know soon supposedly.

These days I struggle to imagine a geuinely large scale "world" war ever occuring. Please don't mistake me as being niave and saying it's impossible, I just think it's highly improbable. Like drsmith mentioned, the destruction would most likely far outweigh the benifits. Mutual destruction and all. I spose we have WMDs to thank for that. :eek: ironic

At this stage I think we're looking at a VERY long period of skirmishes with "terrorist groups" all around the world.

you assume war is ultimately always logical, the late mcnamara's doco, the fog of war, is well worth watching.
he tried his best while in power, but he admitted it was only luck that saved us back then.

theres only so much conventional energy left, and the 'easy' resource bodies of both this and minerals have largely been found.
If so, this is not good for us, for all we have in regards to weapons of mass destruction is our leader Kevin and our communication minister (who cannot present a speech without looking down at his dialogue 20 times in the space of 1 minute) Conroy. Oh noess. :(
I can't ever see a western nation rallying behind a war like they did in the 1940's again. It's an era that is long gone. To me, people today care more about themselves than anything else. Sadly, nationalism has gone the way of an old 286 dos based pc. As long as the average person had food on their table, a roof over their head and beer money, they won't stand for a war. They'd rather let themselves be ruled by whomever just so long as there is stability and money in their pockets. Sad.
WW3 fever is hitting every one. Even guys at work who I thought had no such interest in such things are telling stories that involve Germany, US, India, Iran, Australia and China selling arms to everyone.

A quick google search of such topics shows numerous similar stories.

There's also talk of the 'illuminati'. I've got no idea why, but some time ago I found my self watching David Icke videos who talks about such illuminati. I never thought of my self as a 'whack-o' and I did take everything he said with a grain of salt; but I can see some truths in things he says.

Also; as a good Sunday School atender as a child, verses from Revelation always ring true eveery now and then. One verse saying something about animals basically going berko; reallt rang true the other night when in USA somewhere 2 deer went rampaging through a glass door in a pub/restaurant.

Anyway; at the end of the day what can you do? Sell everything, invest in baked beans and wait? I think all you can do is be 'ready'. Be ready to sell short when the first invasion, bomb, etc. is fired? Who knows.

Interesting times ahead, lets all enjoy the once in a lifetime oppurtunites and think ourselves lucky that we don't live in USA, Europe, Middle East, China, India etc. We are pretty lucky!
Gotta love the people who say they would sell their shares if a world war broke out. Surely you'd be doing more critical things then logging onto your broker and putting in a sell order. El oh el :p:
Hmm I dunno about Illuminati but definitely Rothschild. The family rules me and you in a general way. If they want a war, there will be a war.
Hmm I dunno about Illuminati but definitely Rothschild. The family rules me and you in a general way. If they want a war, there will be a war.

And they will win it from both sides as usual.

Back to da mug's Sundy sleep.
I agree it's improbable at this time, but the stars are lining up. I'm not trying to sound like an war junky alarmist but see the result of the current developments being internal and international conflict. Just look at Greece and Thailand and Honduras and ... their turmoil is an indication of what's going down. The unemployment level of the world is going up and up. That is not good for stability.

WW3 fever is hitting every one. Even guys at work who I thought had no such interest in such things are telling stories that involve Germany, US, India, Iran, Australia and China selling arms to everyone.

A quick google search of such topics shows numerous similar stories.

There's also talk of the 'illuminati'. I've got no idea why, but some time ago I found my self watching David Icke videos who talks about such illuminati. I never thought of my self as a 'whack-o' and I did take everything he said with a grain of salt; but I can see some truths in things he says.

Also; as a good Sunday School atender as a child, verses from Revelation always ring true eveery now and then. One verse saying something about animals basically going berko; reallt rang true the other night when in USA somewhere 2 deer went rampaging through a glass door in a pub/restaurant.

Anyway; at the end of the day what can you do? Sell everything, invest in baked beans and wait? I think all you can do is be 'ready'. Be ready to sell short when the first invasion, bomb, etc. is fired? Who knows.

Interesting times ahead, lets all enjoy the once in a lifetime oppurtunites and think ourselves lucky that we don't live in USA, Europe, Middle East, China, India etc. We are pretty lucky!

Very interesting set of comments people! kennas is spot on - if China's madcap rush to build entire empty cities simply to keep people in work hits the wall, their unemployment would make the rest of the worlds looks mickey mouse, and 100 million or so unemployed migrant workers could/would make some major noise! If China gets unstable, there's not much around that could stop it spreading IMO.

ANy good Sunday school attender should know how to "be ready";) for the last days, and it's not by stocking up on baked beans:eek:
ANy good Sunday school attender should know how to "be ready";) for the last days, and it's not by stocking up on baked beans:eek:
jono, my Sunday School days are a distant memory. How should I prepare for this armageddon? (don't like baked beans anyway)
I'm sure the people in the late 30s said the same thing about WWI.

'The war to end all wars'.


That's a fair statement.
But today is really different from that era. I'm afraid that if there really was a ww3, with the weaponry available today, after 2-3 weeks of mass destruction of lives and properties, one side or the other would just give up.
Also, don’t discount electronic warfare nowadays. One country could literally shut down another’s computer systems and render many things useless. Simple things that would affect people’s daily lives, such as banking, paying with debit and or credit cards, basic transport logistics, electronic grids being shut down a host of other things.
Let’s face it, most people in our society today have never done it tough. Tough for them would be losing their mobile and or loss of cable television. Even the wars that are happening today, most only see it on the TV or newspapers.
With all these factors I just cannot see many countries actually facing war for prolonged periods of time.