Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Qom Quickies cause Quakes

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
The Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi in a sermon on Friday warned Iranians that "dolled up women incite male youth into extramarital sex promoting earthquakes.

I am indebted to "Democracy for Iran" for these quotes and photo.


Tehran – A senior Iranian cleric has claimed that dolled-up women incite extramarital sex, causing more earthquakes in Iran, a country that straddles several fault lines, newspapers reported on Saturday.

“Many women who dress inappropriately … cause youths to go astray, taint their chastity and incite extramarital sex in society, which increases earthquakes,” Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi told worshippers at Tehran Friday prayer.

After a bit of bang in Bam in Southern Iran in 2003, up to 31,000 people were killed by an earthquake.

The ole Ayatollah himself looks quite earthquake proof.

I've heard of the earth moving , but this must be in miracle territory. Iran does straddle many earthquake prone hotspots, or should that be hotspots prone.

No shortage of wankers over there eh.
Townsville seems to be a different story though, there could be an opportunity for you to get on the BRW rich list yet GG if you pull your weight :D

Queensland Fertility Group, the largest fertility clinic in Townsville, 1300 kilometers from Brisbane, pays more than $700 an ampule for sperm imported from the U.S.

In the past, clinics used to rely on university students who were short on cash to donate sperm but these days not enough north Queensland men, or even Australian men, are prepared to donate.

Infertility specialist Dr Ron Chang attributed this decline to recent changes to the law that mean sperm donors have to be contactable once the child they helped to conceive turns 18.

"All the donors stopped coming forward because they didn't want a knock on the door in 18 years time," he said.

Ronnie Chang has a good run rate, partly due to the fact that I front up every Tuesday morning to do my duty.

There are hundreds of kids wearing fedoras and smoking macanudos knocking about the North and barracking for the Cowboys.

The ole Mullah of Qom looks like he pulls his weight whenever he can.

I have today spoken to The Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi via Skype from James Cook University using an interpreter.

He is certifiable strange and full of godbothering, and asserted that a recent quake in Taiwan was due to the devil influence of women.

I quoted to him a recent investigation by scantilywomen on the incidence of earthquakes. An earthquake in Taiwan ensued.

Breasts were big on Facebook on Monday as a female blogger called on women to prove wrong an Iranian cleric who preached that cleavage causes earthquakes.

As a cyber-organized event dubbed "Boobquake" got underway, a temblor measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale hit Taiwan prompting playful online banter about whether there was merit to the cleric's contention.

More than 55,000 people were backing the official "Boobquake" page of Jennifer McCreight, a self-described "geeky, perverted atheist feminist" putting her D-cup breasts where her mouth is

Perhaps the Ayatollah is on to something.
