fund the nbn how?
They already expect 49% funding from private investment - WITHOUT any proper costings or showing how ROI can be achieved. A quick google will get you lots of back of envelope costings that show that its v difficult - if not impossible - to achieve a ROI that will attract private capital, without charging high costs and assuming massive uptake.
Here's just a few links,nbn-cost-debate-picks-up-steam.aspx
You might be right if this was a dictatorship, but the government does not have that luxury of being able to throw away billions without a massive backlash, also blowing a hole in the budget.
lets also not forget the legal issue i.e. if they go too heavy with regulation and destroy shareholder value - the value that they sold off in T1, 2, 3.
Here's a genius idea: NBN is going to cost ~43 billion they say. TLS's market cap is: ~43 billion, with an NBN already effectively in operation and retail arms making good profits. Also govt already has some of the shares so it won't cost 43 billion. See how I am joining the dots..... why is it that this most obvious of approaches (re-nationalise Telstra) has not even been discussed?
Dont understand estimate the length the government go through to keep their election promise, save face and meet agenda, they borrow extra $25B if they have to
to damage TLS if they have to....well they already started.....split up or no more wireless spectrum for's like a gun to the head...
Government can build for $50B and flock to Joe Public on the cheap like they did with TLS because after all it's tax payer money...