Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Parliamentary member responses to ETS/Copenhagen emails/letters

23 September 2008
I received a response today from Member for Canberra - Annette Ellis on my questions relating to the ETS, Copenhagen Treaty and the Climategate email scandal.

The response on her behalf was an unwavering support for climate change, the CPRS and a need for immediate action (no surprise here). In addition, the response includes:

  • Disregards Lord Monckton's views and information as he is not a scientist - no surprise here, yet in his presentation he delivers the views from a multitude of scientists in the climate field.
  • There is no Copenhagen Treaty and no strategy to construct a world government - I guess they didn't Google it, I may need to rephrase my question.
  • Does not answer questions relating to ClimateGate email scandal at all. I guess they haven't had time to put together an official response.

The response has invited me to contact her office if I feel a need to discuss the topic in further detail - thanks - I will.

To Ms Ellis's credit - Her office responded swiftly. I hope further correspondence will be a quick.

I have sent emails to a number of other Members/Senators and am awaiting responses.

I'm wondering if any one else has made progress
I have sent emails to a number of other Members/Senators and am awaiting responses.

I'm wondering if any one else has made progress
Hope you're not holding your breath. I've had no responses to what I've sent.
To be fair, most of the senior members have been flooded with thousands of messages.
Probably all that really matters if that your sentiments will have registered with them.
In the shoes of the M.P.'s. They probably get bombarded with "I'm a teapot" questions every day on this subject and have to sift through these and respond to only rational and pertinent questions. This in itself would be time consuming along with the fact that the same questions are asked over and over.

The M.P.'s could do themselves a favour and release widespread facts about any proposed changes to life as we know it, Jim.
So is this world govt thing actually stated in the Copenhagen treaty? Anyone here read the thing?