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Taxi Cab Confessions

nun, I work shift and also often pickup son or daughter from clubbing as I'm up at odd hours and they can't get a cab back our way - a 6k $25 drop. nb: did a fair bit of time behind a yellow too. Problem here is the current crop of Friday to Sunday drivers are doing cash runs. They don't drop the meter, the longer the run the bigger their "cut". I follow so many withe passengers that only drop the meter and top light goes out when within a Km of destination - they pocket the diff. They are ripping off the owners, and endanger the lives of passengers - an extrordinay amount are unlicenced runing on photocopied tags of their cousin. I don't get it, I used to be pulled by T'port inspectors if I was missing a hubcap [owner mate kept a few spares in the boot as cheap ones would fly off all the time]. I don't know what they do these days but its not much, or eyes are blind. No art to driving now, no radio work, no knowledge, next-job box, TomTom GPS, and a ton of night work so drivers can go to English school in the day. Yes nun if I need a cab now - I call one of the drivers I've asked for a card off.
Dear nun,

I have a question about cabbies, perhaps you can show me how taxi drivers see a certain way.

I live in Melbourne. Sometimes when I'm at a nightclub at an inner suburb, say - South Yarra, cabbies refuse to take me back to the city (it's only a 10 or so minute trip). Is there anything I can do about this? I mean, I'm more than happy to give a tip, but they often drive away quickly when they hear that the fare is going to be low.

What to do?


I have a friend that has found a solution to your problem. He lives in Frankston, and only wants to go to the local watering hole. If he calls for a cab from his place to the pub (very short drive), no one shows up - and if they do, its a VERY long wait. Happened many, many times. Now when he rings, he says he wants a lift into the city (fair drive from Frankston). Now he waits an average of 5 mins! When he gets picked up, he says "my friend changed their mind, im now meeting them at the local".

Probably not very ethical, but then again, if taxi's are going to refuse small jobs, then they have it coming...
by a.nun


Now this little tale cannot have a date nor year attached to protect the guilty but mainly to protect the innocent.

In a small City in australia there are often many transient workers passing through,a few of these hold taxi licenses.........One such character blew in from another WA city ..... He was hired for the weekend nightshift as a % driver, He actually was making the owner some coin and all was well until a few regulars started to ask questions and complain about him to us.......... It seems this wind blown driver had been putting the hard word on a few of the local younger ladies that frequent the nightclub areas when they got in his taxi....It was of the sleaze bordering sexual advance type of situation whenever the girls were in a single situation in his cab....

Now we Taxi operators in this city are a strange bunch but we abide by certain unwritten rules and general morally good manners ..... Its a small city and we are known by name and we have watched a lot of ppl grow up and travel there paths throughout the years...... We will not let some deviate prey on our young and vunerable, after they leave the nightclubs in a toxic and misguided state.... It also points a spotlight at our industry up here and tarnishes our warped but mainly respected names with our locals .............

People decided to rectify This situation of our young being preyed on.

A lovely lass , a local , a fellow streetwise creature of the night,Decided to give some people a hand once the story was told to her and helped to arrange a "set up"......... It was arranged that this girl would play the part of the toxic pretty young thing and accept the advances...........His taxi was pointed out to her...She played the part well and in the moment of a "lucky score" for the driver she told him to knock off and come back to her place ..... he complied , he dropped the taxi back to the changeover point and went to the address the girl told him to go to.......

The details get a bit hazy from here as it must have been dark and not much can ever be seen on a dark and stormy night.

The couple walked into the house, The girl then left on her own 5 minutes later and got into a taxi waiting for her......... The Driver had to stay for a few hours........ He was later Delivered to a highway parking bay 200 km,s away , along with his car........

Apparently he fell over in the parking bay and broke an elbow and an ankle along with a few other bumps and lumps .......must have been the bottle of turkey he consumed earlier and on the drive out there ...... buggared if i know .....

He was last heard of living in a perth suburb but thankfully not driving a taxi.

the moral of this story is ......... Not all taxi Drivers are the sleazebag monsters one hears about so often in the media but there is the odd exceptions,as in all walks of life .

Oh and the other moral of the story is .......Dont Prey on our young when you hold a position of trust, because maybe one day it will definately come back and bite ya!
Excuse my late night ramblings, i sleep funny hours and often put pen to paper when everything in my world is asleep.

Good thing we got stock s.m.s alerts available to wake one up for those times when one is catching up on bewty sleep :D
by a.nun


I was flagged by a young well dressed man in between the nightclubs..... he gets in and says " get me out of here " , i asked where he wants to go and he replied " anywhere" ....... i get annoyed at these replies and same with the "take me home " smart **** comments that come so reguarly . we are not bloody psychic !

I slammed on the brakes and informed the fella that i need a destination otherwise he can walk or get a different taxi...... He informed me that he had taken something and was having a bit of a meltdown and needed to chill out for a while , as he said this he handed over a 100 bucks and said drive until it ran out ... i told him if he could behave himself i,d be happy to drive until the money ran out .

Drove around the city centre to "strangeway" then on to a 24 hour service station in "ponthella". Here the fella jumped out to buy an overpriced CD and returned, he asked me if he could listen to it and i had no problems with it .....And off we went up to "frummonds cove ". The meter was ticking away so i told him he had enough to get home wherever that may be , he told me not to worry as he had money to cover any extras and i believed him....and off we went ...... neither saying a word to each other , just this young man with his window open staring into space bobbing his head to a " ministry of sound " compilation cd

The meter had now hit $150 , he passed on more cash , $ 210.........more cash .....finally at $270 he turned to me with a big grin and wanted to go back to the club ...... i turned off the meter as i felt my time was paid and drove back to the clubs ..He paid the balance to $ 270 and then gave an extra $50 and said keep the cd ..... He also explained that he had taken 3 eccies in the course of the night and i had turned his night from paranoia and mayhem to one of cruising and feeling gooood.

Good deed done ? . dunno .....Do know that 2 people benefitted from this adventure at least ;)
Yep ......... no shortage of retirees, ladies, and the more sedate people out there that happy to drive dayshifts ..

nice and easy , not much trouble , nice pleasant drives with old grannies and business people .

Personally it bores the hell out of me and not my cup of tea .......... :D i like the people of the night , good and bad.
By a.nun



Halloween,saturday night , full moon ........

Picked up 12 vampires, 8 vampirettes :D 3 jasons , 1 paul stanley (kiss), countless mummies and other scary ghouls.

Halloween parties in every suburb, people getting on down and then they converge to the nightclubs.

Not condoneing violence but geez when you get to see a vampire wrestling with a mowhawked zombie, the world sure looks like a funny place :D

Apart from a cupl of young men exposeing there genitalia to 2 young ladies i had in the car at mcdonalds drive through ,people were generally very well behaved. The 2 young men behaved a lot better after i reminded them that maccas drive through was on camera and the girls in the drivethrough were gunna have a big ole giggle watching the footage.

Lost Property for the night : 2 sets glow in dark vampire teeth, 1 jason mask,1 lightsabre (very cool) and 1 black wig.
By a.nun


A friend i help out on occasion told me a story why he wont drive at night.

It seems a young man had no money on him and said it was in his house , the driver walked to the door with the bloke, the bloke paid and driver was walking back to the car....... The bloke kinghit the driver from behind and proceeded to kick his ribs in while he was trying to crawl back to the car to radio for help.
There was no reason for the attack , the thug was known to police for similar violence in perth .

This happened 3 years ago

My friend turns 70 on thursday.
by a.nun


A drunken fool was kicked out of A nightclub and jumped in A taxi full of piiss and very bad manners . He proceeded to call the driver a very nasty insult so the driver told him to get out. The drunken fool apologised and the driver said if he could behave himself he would be happy to drive him home.

The drunken fool proceeded to call the driver the same insults 100metres down the road away from the surveiilance and door staff so the driver was kind of on his own in the matter. The driver slammed on the brakes and told him to get out , the fool then proceeded to grab the drivers shirt and shake him.

The driver gave the fool a wicked backfist straight on the top of his nose and broke it for him, the driver then dragged the fool out of the car and returned to the nighclubs.

The driver was dragged out of bed at 9am the next morning to be questioned over an alleged assault.

It was just lucky the Driver could explain the error of the fools ways and show that he merely protected himself.
To anyone that speaks to taxi drivers:

Is it a myth that ladies make many raunchy offers to drivers?

I have contact with tow truck drivers, and most are fat, unnattractive fellows, however, I was recently working with a young, well built and handsome (in a strictly masculine sense) towie, we got to yarning, and somehow the conversation turned to this topic.

He proceded to regale me in detail, about the numerous offers he recieved, (but stated, as he was a married man with 3 kids, it was not worth the trouble)
That story makes me sick, people like that shout be burnt at the stake.

Agreed ........ This gentlemans whole outlook on life has been changed for ever. It was a despicable act and i personally am of the belief "an eye for an eye" law should be made available for situations like this.
Agreed ........ This gentlemans whole outlook on life has been changed for ever. It was a despicable act and i personally am of the belief "an eye for an eye" law should be made available for situations like this.

But would society remain civilised with an eye for an eye concept of punishment? If this was the case, how should we punish pedophiles :p:
To anyone that speaks to taxi drivers:

Is it a myth that ladies make many raunchy offers to drivers?

I have contact with tow truck drivers, and most are fat, unnattractive fellows, however, I was recently working with a young, well built and handsome (in a strictly masculine sense) towie, we got to yarning, and somehow the conversation turned to this topic.

He proceded to regale me in detail, about the numerous offers he recieved, (but stated, as he was a married man with 3 kids, it was not worth the trouble)

Yes many ladies and not so ladies have been known to put the hard word on the odd driver.

We are in a position of trust and i view those that take advantage of drunken ladies amorous advances as complete scumbags.

It does happen on a regular basis and all i can say is that i hope it comes back to bite those that take advantage of the situation SEVERELY in the @ss.

Different strokes for different folks but Personally think Its the wrong thing to do Given the fact we are trusted in the first place for them to get in our car .