Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Weird, Strange, Crazy News & Stuff Thread!

I guess size really does matter.

Short workers 'chosen to stand near Sarkozy'

France's opposition Socialists have mocked President Nicolas Sarkozy over reports his office asked factory managers to choose short employees to stand behind the diminutive leader during a speech.

The Elysee Palace firmly denied the claim from a union leader, as did the management of the Faurecia car parts plant, but a petite worker told Belgian television that she had been picked so as not to overshadow the president.




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Person in Hummer 1:person in Corolla -1 (and in hospital)

The car may have died, but the people inside were safe :p:

Had the accident happened a little faster, it could easily have been deaths in the Hummer with minor injuries in the Corolla though. The Corolla is designed to crumple to protect both drivers. The hummer is just massive, and is more like an unstoppable force - all fine until unstoppable force meets immovable object (or ground)

Had the hummer hit faster and flipped instead of just overturned, fatalities were more likely on the hummer side.
People who bought "baseball bats" also bought ....... Yikees !!!


I think gg, may have come across a few of the customers out Stuart Creek way...:eek:


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Mysterious space glow was astronaut urine

A large, mysterious glow which streaked through the night sky last Wednesday was not a comet or a shooting star but … astronaut urine.

US stargazers saw the human waste after it was dumped by crew onboard the space shuttle Discovery ahead of their descent into earth on Thursday, reports.

The light show was visible because of the 68kg of water dumped with the waste, NASA spokeswoman Kylie Clem was quoted as saying.

"It would have been a large quantity because we don't do water dumps while docked to the station now," she said.

"That is a fairly new restriction over the last couple of flights in order to prevent potential contamination of the Kibo module."

The Kibo module is a Japanese-built research platform that forms part of the ISS and allows experiments to be undertaken in the space environment.

If contaminated with waste, the experiments could be ruined.

Discovery had just undocked from the International Space Station and had not been able to unload the waste during its 10-day visit.

Ms Clem said space water dumps were usually able to be seen from earth.

The waste water normally freezes into ice which melts when the sun hits it, she said.

It then gets turned into water vapour and floats back into space.

An interesting letter in the Australian Shooter magazine this week:

"If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers.

The firearm death rate in Washington , DC is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 percent more likely to be shot and killed in the US capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US , than you are in Iraq .

Conclusion: "The US should pull out of Washington!"
When asked if he had anything to drink, he said yes. He had no explanation for his nudity.

Deputy Christine Post noted in her report that Krauss was standing next to his silver 2006 Kawasaki motorcycle and was not wearing any clothing. Not even a helmet.

The unemployed man told the deputy he did not remember where he was coming from, and said the last thing he remembered was going to Hooters, according to the report. Hooters is off SR 200 near the interstate.

At first I thought this could have been a well known ASFer on holidays stateside
WTF! :eek:

Mystery Beast Terrified Kids

TERRIFIED locals in a South American town are running scared after a strange creature they describe as "Gollum" crawled out of a lake and charged schoolkids.

The beast ”” which has "sparked fear and confusion" in the small town of Cerro Azul, Panama ”” was spotted on Saturday when four 14 to 16-year-olds were playing by the waterfront.

According to their account, reported by Panamanian More.. news service Telemetro, the youngsters "screamed" when the five-foot creature emerged from a cave and started clambouring over rocks towards them "as if to attack them".

In a "desperate bid to defend themselves" the four terrified boys said they hurled rocks at the strange creature to kill it, before throwing its corpse in the water and running away.

Their disbelieving parents returned to the lake the following day ”” and were stunned to discovered the beast's body washed up on the shore.

Experts have yet to examine the images ”” or make any statements regarding their discovery.

