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How did you become an atheist?

I think most atheists realise they are an atheist around age 7 when they become aware of how they fit in to the world around them. The age when you start to discern fantasy from reality. That's what happened to me.

The bible is simply not logical - but still a source of endless entertainment for me. My favourite part is the book of Leviticus - where God tells his followers the exact manner in which animals should be sacrificed to him - by cutting their throats inside the church and then burning the remains on the altar! Absolutely true!!!!

Having said that, people don't understand when I tell them that I am an atheist but also a buddhist !!!
I'd like to know why I won't get to live for 930 years.

"Get behind me Satan ! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." Original Sin. LOLOL. Nahhhhhh ... Prolly cause you drink and smoke and are given to tempation.

OR Moses really stuffed it up and was dyslexic and could not count when he data entried the dates on the birth certificates. :D
"Genesis said that Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Able BUT no daughters recorded?" I asked this question in Religious Instructions when I was 8 years old. I was sent out of the classroom, never to return.
What if you said you thought Genesis was where Spoc was resurrected.

Nun might have then had company under the statue of Mary.
hey crusty

maybe its like the ole feelin duped thing

first the tooth fairy isnt real

then e bunny is not real..

then santa...

then you kinda go.. hang on a minute... wtf is this thing with walkin on water?

and coming back to life?? come on!!

about then you dont need to be told another thing. being duped a number of times. not going to happen again..

i mean when a guy in robes and a hat starts chanting and singing praises and swings smoke from a shiny thing on a chain.. pretty easy to start sayin "theres something loopy goin on here"
I'm not even sure if I am an atheist. I don't believe in God. I also don't disbelieve in God. I just don't care.
i was listening to this guy on the radio a few weeks back.. i liked his views myself and he spoke well, i think he was trying to organise a meeting with all people from all beliefs.. a sort of belief fest so to speak..

anyway i think he has reasonable clarity in thought..

Is Atheism a Belief?
David Nicholls

It is reasonably common for religious persons and others to class Atheists as those that have a "belief" system. It is taken for granted that the Atheist's "belief" system is somewhat different from a "belief" in the supernatural and sundry. Proponents of such loose use of the language would wish to bring Atheists down to their level of accepting un-evidenced dogma. They then "reason" that it is far better to have a "belief" in that which has some perceived beneficial or "moral" good than that which is "godless" and therefore immoral. How very wrong, incorrect and opposite to the truth is that thought.

The Macquarie Encyclopedic Dictionary definition of "belief" is:

1. that which is believed; an accepted opinion.
2. conviction of the truth or reality of a thing, based upon grounds insufficient to afford positive knowledge:

Most other Dictionaries tender similar definitions.

Those definitions are basically saying that a "belief" is not formed by critical scientific investigation but by emotions, feelings and unsubstantiated opinion.

As a child I can hold a "belief" that the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus are real characters. I can have a "belief" that Unicorns exist and that Ghosts and Goblins etc. are also real.

As an adult I can hold a "belief" that any one of the numerous gods purported, do actually exist, and that humans have an immortal "soul". Some even have a "belief" in UFO's, the power of crystals and a myriad of other unproven paranormal activity.

Atheists do not accept that any of the above imaginary creatures or powers do exist as no scientific evidence is extant in support of those propositions. This is not a "belief", it is just lack of scientific evidence in their support.

The word "belief" has been incorporated as part of the religious language of ethereal nonsense with a design to confuse the faithful. Certain words have been with humanity since the beginning of time and have been refined in use to fool the unwary. "Belief" is one of them.

If religion was not evolutionary driven, with its majority acceptance "seen" as a herd benefit, then the word would not exist in its present form but would simply be a word or phrase that states that we do not know.

That which we do not know is our ignorance and seen in that light, a "belief" in the supernatural etc. is giving ignorance far greater credibility than reasoned thinking should permit.

Many so-called examples of our "beliefs" are thrown at the Atheist, but none come anywhere near being good explanations. For example, we have a "belief" the Sun will come up tomorrow. Forgotten, so it seems, is that by example of the Sun coming up every day for billions of years hence, shows a pattern that cannot be denied that it will come up again tomorrow. "Belief" has nothing to do with it.

Another is since we do not fully understand how electricity works, we somehow have a "belief" in the workings of electricity. It may not be fully understood but it is accepted that if a toaster is connected to it, the bread will cook. Again and so on and so forth, "belief" has naught to do with it.

If religions and such could do likewise and show by previous experience or experiment that some part of future action could be predicted, it would then no longer be a "belief" system.

If "belief" in the super-natural had some kind of quantifiable substance to it, then it would escape the realms of our acceptance of ignorance as a way of explaining the world.

The religious and others have a "belief" that ignorance is superior to empirical knowledge.

Atheist see no credible empirical or scientific evidence for the super-natural and therefore reject the notion as one only originating from our ignorance.

There is absolutely no similarity between the Atheist philosophical stance in life and that of the religious. Atheists accept only facts, whereas the religious et al find no need for them.
I don't believe you "become an atheist" , i think when we mature and think for ourselves we unlearn the lies and superstitions that our parents chose to indoctrinate us with. We really just return to a more natural level state when we stop believing in some "carrot and stick " deity.

You could just have easily have started this thread with , when did you stop believing in Santa or the easter bunny, it's no less ridiculous , in fact some may find it more plausable.
This cartoon says it all.



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I don't believe you "become an atheist" , i think when we mature and think for ourselves we unlearn the lies and superstitions that our parents chose to indoctrinate us with. We really just return to a more natural level state when we stop believing in some "carrot and stick " deity.

You could just have easily have started this thread with , when did you stop believing in Santa or the easter bunny, it's no less ridiculous , in fact some may find it more plausable.

Yes, you are right, it's just a matter of growing up. The corollary of course is that those who believe in a supernatural deity have never grown up. How can we trust leaders who profess to believe in a supreme being? They are either liars or fools.
I have to take a position of agnosticism, given I have seen no evidence for or against any sort of God.

Maybe there is some supernatural entity out there which only reveals itself to those who profess a belief.

I went to Sunday School and Bible Class as a child and teenager, the latter probably more to meet boys than to verify any connection with a God.

Through all that stuff, much was preached about a loving and merciful God.

But when I saw how this God allowed such immense suffering, that was the end for me.
Interestingly, the chances of an atheist being elected as the President of the USA (or PM of Australia) are very slim.

That tells me, there are a lot of fence sitters out there.
Was raised a strick catholic, was serious about becoming a priest at 14 but folks could not afford fees to send me to college, so left school, was a shearer then joined police force. Wound up at uni, read a number of books, most influential "the golden bough" learnt history and realised it was a wank created by men to control the populace.
I read the Bible, in detail.

What a crock!

I've always been an atheist.

I've never found any of the religious fairy tales believable. It's a crutch. Some people turn to booze and drugs, some turn to religion. It helps some people get through their day to day existence thinking that when they die they'll be going to paradise in the sky.

However, as much as I would like to buy into it, intellectually I am unable to.

I think most atheists realise they are an atheist around age 7 when they become aware of how they fit in to the world around them. The age when you start to discern fantasy from reality. That's what happened to me...The bible is simply not logical

I cant really add anything...its all been covered....that's why im an atheist.
I have to take a position of agnosticism, given I have seen no evidence for or against any sort of God.

Maybe there is some supernatural entity out there which only reveals itself to those who profess a belief.

I went to Sunday School and Bible Class as a child and teenager, the latter probably more to meet boys than to verify any connection with a God.

Through all that stuff, much was preached about a loving and merciful God.

But when I saw how this God allowed such immense suffering, that was the end for me.

It makes me wonder how we as humans first came up with the thought of god.

Garpaldog just lives for sunshine, sex, connection with others, one good turn deserves another, food and water, not necessarily in that order.

I tend to go with garpaldog.

It makes me wonder how we as humans first came up with the thought of god.

Garpaldog just lives for sunshine, sex, connection with others, one good turn deserves another, food and water, not necessarily in that order.

I tend to go with garpaldog.

Ah, but garpaldog doesn't realise he's going to die. It's my belief that faith in a God is largely a counterpoint to the fear of dying.

If you believe that adherence to worship of a God will ensure a life after this one, the transport of your soul if you like, then much of that fear of death is replaced by a picture of another existence, free from the worries of this present life.

If you are able to so believe then I expect you would feel much comforted and relieved from the fear of dying, or even of earthly pain, given the prospect of the ultimate residence in heaven.