Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

Let Krudd run the country for another 1 or 2 terms. About time the country got run into the ground:) Hopefully a lot of the undesirables will return back where they came from
I hope he makes it through. The liberal party would have nothing going for it if he got the boot - just a bunch of twits living 20-30 years in the past.
I think eventually he will. It all depends on his genes and how long it takes him to grow new balls.
I think eventually he will. It all depends on his genes and how long it takes him to grow new balls.

I see some Liberals are looking at Robb the Blob as a replacement.

Gee whiz - what are they thinking!! If this happens, come next election, I'm going to vote Greens just to smite them!!

Come on Mal, kick these dickheads in the gollies & straighten them out.

I see some Liberals are looking at Robb the Blob as a replacement.

I thought Abbott was the bottom of their barrel. Robb would be an absolutely incomprehensible choice. He's one of the most inarticulate politicians ever.
I doubt they'd seriously consider him.
I thought Abbott was the bottom of their barrel. Robb would be an absolutely incomprehensible choice. He's one of the most inarticulate politicians ever.
I doubt they'd seriously consider him.
Labor has already tried the blobby, cuddly, likeable, but essentially useless leader route. It doesn't work.
Malcolm Turntable is a former merchant banker of the Aussie arm of Goldman Sucks.

He also started his own fund raising arm mob who have enough links via the Wentworth Fund. The same fund that moved in on people within the USA that had their homes repossessed due to hurricane KATRINA damage.

His greatest work as a barrister was to defend a Mr. Wright and his "Spycatcher" diaries. Not that there is anything wrong with someone re-collecting their experience with the British home office as most of the tory voters that are members of this website should agree. More power to the guy for doing his job as an advocate. Mr. Wright was living in Tasmania at the time and Mr.Turntable got his claim to fame.

What I don't understand is why Turntable accused the PM of Oz and the Treasurer of our country of impropriety with regard to the "Utegate" affair?

Turntable has advertised it, tried to confirm it and as a result has egg on his face. For such an experienced Merchant Banker, Litigator, Barrister and politician one has to only question the aptitude of the man Mr.Turntable.

This really is unfortunate and shows the inept opportunism of a person who has abandoned the principles of his own training and experience.

Turnbull was excellent on Q and A last night, Gillard was boring repetative and robotic.

Labor have the attitude, never answer the question just take the opportunuty to rant over the same old BS hoping it will stick.

Interestingly the audience all young people didnt seem to like Gillard one bit.

There's hope for our young yet.

The education revolution got a serve, one guy saying he wrote a thesis on something or other and even though he cant spell he got high praise for it.

Education BS election spin more to the point.
Agreed. Turnbull came across as human and had a sense of humour.

Gillard should go back to pushing the tea trolley at Labor conferences. And please, Julia, stop trying to look hip with that makeover, it's getting embarrasing.
Agreed. Turnbull came across as human and had a sense of humour.

Gillard should go back to pushing the tea trolley at Labor conferences. And please, Julia, stop trying to look hip with that makeover, it's getting embarrasing.

Turnbull was excellent on Q and A last night, Gillard was boring repetative and robotic.

Labor have the attitude, never answer the question just take the opportunuty to rant over the same old BS hoping it will stick.

Interestingly the audience all young people didnt seem to like Gillard one bit.

There's hope for our young yet.

The education revolution got a serve, one guy saying he wrote a thesis on something or other and even though he cant spell he got high praise for it.

Education BS election spin more to the point.

Boys...boys...(Whoops and girls...sorry Julia) can anyone join your mutual admiration society or is it exclusively the domain of disgrundled, carping, whinging, vindictive right wing malcontents who in days gone by waited dilligently at Kirribili's Gates every morning for a glimpse of the illustrious JWH, thereby obtaining confirmation of the impending rising of the Sun?:)
Boys...boys...can anyone join your mutual admiration society or is it exclusively the domain of disgrundled, carping, whinging, vindictive right wing malcontents who in days gone by waited dilligently at Kirribili's Gates every morning for a glimpse of the illustrious JWH, thereby obtaining confirmation of the impending rising of the Sun?:)

No don't be silly of course Labor people can join and they will after they wake up one morning and find their jobs are gone and interest rate on their mortgages have doubled and Ruddy is in Europe writing essays full of BS.

The "I've got my rights and someone else can pay brigade" will swarm to vote Lib when their freeby benefits have dried up and someone insists they should work for their money.

All welcome:)
Boys...boys...(Whoops and girls...sorry Julia) can anyone join your mutual admiration society or is it exclusively the domain of disgrundled, carping, whinging, vindictive right wing malcontents who in days gone by waited dilligently at Kirribili's Gates every morning for a glimpse of the illustrious JWH, thereby obtaining confirmation of the impending rising of the Sun?:)

disgruntled, carping, whinging, vindictive, right-wing malcontent? - time for a visit to the thesaurus don't you think?

.....and judging by the way you've made such acute observations based on a single post? also time to re-think whatever method you use to discern facts and observations. I-Ching was it? Crystal ball? Astrology?
would just like to take this opportunity to point out that before liberals LOST the election they also gave away swags of cash in the forms of baby bonuses etc etc ......

labour did not offer any free money to win the election

they WON the election .voted in by the MAJORITY

suck it up ya buncha whining nancy boys :D
would just like to take this opportunity to point out that before liberals LOST the election they also gave away swags of cash in the forms of baby bonuses etc etc ......
labour did not offer any free money to win the election
they WON the election .voted in by the MAJORITY
suck it up ya buncha whining nancy boys :D

You only voted him in because you wanted the freebies , well the jokes on you because you've had a hand out or two but you'll be eating low grade crap from rented caravans for the rest of your life when the debt kicks in while the astute Lib voter , superior in every way , kicks back relaxing with the wealth they accumulated when Howard and a real treasurer was in power.

Suck on that, while chocking on your home brand mung beans in your unheated bed sit:D
You only voted him in because you wanted the freebies , well the jokes on you because you've had a hand out or two but you'll be eating low grade crap from rented caravans for the rest of your life when the debt kicks in while the astute Lib voter , superior in every way , kicks back relaxing with the wealth they accumulated when Howard and a real treasurer was in power.

Suck on that, while chocking on your home brand mung beans in your unheated bed sit:D


um i DID vote labour YES

i have not recieved ONE payment from them

scroll thru my stimulas payments posts , you will see in fact ive done plenny of whinging about how im paying for your nursing home and pokie cash mr burns :D

mung beans are for hippys and greenpeace types , i am neither , blow them all to bits i say......

now get back outside and finish weeding my garden or i,ll cut your benefits
I hate it when the market falls. Everyone is much less grumpy when its going up. :)
No don't be silly of course Labor people can join and they will after they wake up one morning and find their jobs are gone and interest rate on their mortgages have doubled and Ruddy is in Europe writing essays full of BS.

The "I've got my rights and someone else can pay brigade" will swarm to vote Lib when their freeby benefits have dried up and someone insists they should work for their money.

All welcome:)

LMAO...Burnsy et al, why do you automatically assume that anyone that doesn't conform to your world view is a Labor supporter?

My dear china plate, your legs aren't strong enough to leap to that conclusion!!!:D