Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

What Wayne Swan didn’t tell you was that by 2012 your share of Government Debt will be $8308. Your wife, your husband, each of your kids, your Mum, your Dad, your siblings – each and every one of them $8308 in the red.

When Paul Keating handed back the keys to the Treasury in 1996, that figure was $5258. It took John Howard and Peter Costello nine years to bring us back into the black. All that talk of “temporary borrowings” scattered through the Budget papers sounds more than a little ambitious.



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True Beej there was some of the debt leftover from Little Johnny and cohorts.

Howard as treasurer left a deficit of over 6 billion, does that prove he's a bad economic manager.. not necessarily, it proves that he's an economic realist.


Just the facts Maam, just the facts.

Nice sleight of hand - you are talking about a DEFICIT there (ie the budget shortfall for one year), whereas in your previous post you were referring to the GROSS DEBT figure (ie the total accumulated gross commonwealth debt). Completely different.

What was the GROSS DEBT let by Fraser/Howard? What was that as a % of GDP in 1982 compared to Labors $96B in 1996 as a % of GDP?

The rest of your post sounds more like opinion trying to explain how/why little Johnny screwed things up completely in his previous life....


My mistake on the figures on a few posts back. Fraser/Howard left Australian in the red for this amount = 9 billion. Sorry for the confusion. :banghead:

It was on the weekend 17 -18th July when Howard went to see Fraser and advised him he could not publicise and sell a budget with a deficit of between 5 to 6 billion dollars. Political suicide basically. Read the book by Paul Kelly called "The Hawke Ascendancy" it covers the topic with incredible detail as to WHY this came about. Not my opinion. Just the facts as to what really happened.
MORE than half the "nation-building infrastructure" spending that made up the budget's self-proclaimed "centrepiece" initiative was, in fact, money set aside by the Howard government.

Despite Wayne Swan's budget sales pitch about having to take hard decisions because the Coalition squandered the proceeds of the decade-long commodity boom, $9 billion of the infrastructure funding he announced last night came from the Howard government's $6.5 billion higher education fund and the $2.5billion communications fund the Coalition set up to win the Nationals' support for the sale of the final tranche of Telstra.

Under the Howard Government, infrastructure increased from - spending across the nation - increased from 3% of GDP to 5.3% of GDP, and GDP doubled over the 11 years of Liberal Government.

$10 billion Murray Darling rescue plan was designed to tackle long-term issues.

Hey Spotty, I love the way you 'liberally' (pardon the pun) use the terms like "set aside" and "set up" in relation to the wonderful contribution to world order that was the Howard Government.

What you neglect to point out is that these or most of these initiatives were precisely as you say "set up" or "set aside" and never to this time actualised in the way of 'on the ground' evidence.

Now let me see...if i've got $xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx.00 per year pouring in from everywhere there is a hole in the ground being dug or a bore being sunk halfway from here to the Indos. What's the best way of keeping the population anaesthetised, oops I meant content and thinking 'What a good job the Government is doing' and meanwhile squirrel away as much as possible and syphon off as much as posible to maximise partisan political media propaganda that (theoretically) ensures a comfortable re-election.

"I Know"!!!

Set up these infrastructure funds!

...who ever said you actually had to implement them...pfft you are not worthy of calling yourself a quote "Big Boy"!
Hey QLD55 ..... Under the Howard Government, infrastructure increased from - spending across the nation - increased from 3% of GDP to 5.3% of GDP, and GDP doubled over the 11 years of Liberal Government.

It seems no matter how much you try and educate someone they still don't get it do they? Never to fear, they will be teaching how to read in school soon.

If you have bothered to read some of my previous posts I have enraged the same message as you about the Liberal Party and the massive war chests they build for election promises/pork barreling/future funds etc ad nauseum. This is why we vote them in. To pay off debt and to put money aside. We grow tired of this and get Labor in who spend like drunken sailors. Yipppeeeee.

REFER TO POST #101 for evidence. Oh and post #103 ... just click on the link it will take you to the comparisons of the Liberal vs Labor in the minutest detail of their spending habits. Ooopsies.

Yours Truly,

Big Boy
Great stuff QLD55. The next 20 years is gonna hurt with 315 BILLION DOLLARS worth of debt hanging around your neck. *Yay ... very feebly* :D

Thank God alright (is that what Kevin calls himslef now?) :eek:

Refer to "Does Kevin Rudd inspire confidence" thread for more startling facts.

Back to the topic. No ... Malcolm is done like a dogs dinner.

wow the only dealer Grech helped was apparently a Liberal supporter ;)
PS you'd have to say that Rederob was right all aong .

He [grech] has also hit back at the auditor-general's findings that he favoured one car dealer who was a Liberal supporter.

Mr Grech says he was only trying to find a way to help the dealer who rang him several times a day and told him he was thinking of killing himself because his business was under threat.

"Essentially, they expected me, largely on my own in both a physically and mentally impaired :eek: state, to land a major public policy initiative as well as to deal with some sensitive and challenging dealer representations," he said.

so the Liberal-supporter dealer (seriously considering suicide) was ringing Grech (in a mentally impaired state). and between them they decided to slip a few bucks his way.
PS Grech should maybe be put in charge of mental health payouts?
Today's admission by Mr Grech that he faked the email has coincided with the release of the auditor-general's report into the affair, which has cleared Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan of any wrongdoing.

Bring back rederob. He would feel vindicated in this matter. :mad:

Malcolm Turnbull is dead in the water. Mercilessly the senate will turn on him a' la Julius Caesar style.
Agreed, (re Turnbull's future) ...
but another observation trainspotter ...

were this at the early stages of this matter - of the alleged misdemeanour, (eg the early days of the "has Rudd mislead" thread), there would be a lot more than 1 post in 80 minutes from the Lib supporters around here. :rolleyes:

It would seem that the Lab supporters are "less inclined to squeel" by nature. :2twocents
Ummmm .... still reckon Rudd and Swan misled paliament. They knew exactly what was going on. If they did not then they should not be the captain of the ship. Circumstantial evidence was there with enough smoke to set off the detectors. Guilty by association.

Malcolm Turnbull in a China shop is as dead as a dodo. Grovelling apology scenes will follow with a contrite look on his face. Soon to be followed by the traditional dagger in the back from the rear guard.
Ummmm .... still reckon Rudd and Swan misled paliament. They knew exactly what was going on. If they did not then they should not be the captain of the ship. Circumstantial evidence was there with enough smoke to set off the detectors. Guilty by association.

Malcolm Turnbull in a China shop is as dead as a dodo. Grovelling apology scenes will follow with a contrite look on his face. Soon to be followed by the traditional dagger in the back from the rear guard.

You never know, but KRudd may get caught up in this Queensland commotion - his spin will have to be damn good if anything comes out with his name on it.

Anyway, I still think Turnbull's the best of the bunch. And really, he has still done nothing wrong. Yes, he can be accused of being politically naive - so what, he's a successful business man, with much to learn in a new field.

Give him time, as I'm sure KRudd will eventually hang himself and Government will be sitting on a platter for the opposition to take the reins.

well - knowing how you like to post strange posts / images ... I'll restrain myself to this one (or two or three) .. :eek::eek3::eek:

I am calling my spiritual advisor / guru and advising him of your position. Also having this post / quote sent to the picture framers and having it placed under glass to hang in my secret mens business room. :eek: Have also placed head out the window to see if the sky has fallen. OMFG !!!!!!
I am calling my spiritual advisor / guru and advising him of your position. Also having this post / quote sent to the picture framers and having it placed under glass to hang in my secret mens business room. :eek: Have also placed head out the window to see if the sky has fallen. OMFG !!!!!!

ts -
1. you claim that Rudd mislead parliament
2. you agree that Turnbull is stuffed because he claimed just that
3. your inconsistencies can't be bailed out with bs / bravado / bluster etc :2twocents
Your'e spreading yourself a bit thin their old chap. Not up to the usual standards I am afraid. You are just like the newspaper hacks we have in this country. Can't find a story so invent one.

1) Agree ... I reckoned by the way, not claimed.
2) Agree ... I reckon Turnbull is as popular as fart in an elevator atm. NOT because of the claims he made in parliament at all 2020. If you read the posts I have constantly said THE WAY HE HAS HANDLED THE WHOLE AFFAIR. Fox hunting analogy etc, should have checked his facts before going off half cocked etc, You would think if he was such a hot shot lawyer he would have more debating skills etc. Are you picking up what I am putting down ???
3) It is what it is 2020. No more no less. Call it what you will my little servile factotum.
I am calling my spiritual advisor / guru and advising him of your position. Also having this post / quote sent to the picture framers and having it placed under glass to hang in my secret mens business room. :eek: Have also placed head out the window to see if the sky has fallen. OMFG !!!!!!

:Jesus..."Please don't kiss me on the cheek"

:Judas..."Go f*ck yourself, trainspotter said it was ok!"

LOL with QLD55 ... If the Trainman says it's OK then it's fine with me.

I believe that Malcolm Turnbull has taken too many body blows to keep on boxing at the same level with Kruddy747. Not enough media savvy and spin to keep the public entertained.
Your'e spreading yourself a bit thin their old chap. Not up to the usual standards I am afraid. You are just like the newspaper hacks we have in this country. Can't find a story so invent one.

1) Agree ... I reckoned by the way, not claimed.
2) Agree ... I reckon Turnbull is as popular as fart in an elevator atm. NOT because of the claims he made in parliament at all 2020. If you read the posts I have constantly said THE WAY HE HAS HANDLED THE WHOLE AFFAIR. Fox hunting analogy etc, should have checked his facts before going off half cocked etc, You would think if he was such a hot shot lawyer he would have more debating skills etc. Are you picking up what I am putting down ???
3) It is what it is 2020. No more no less. Call it what you will my little servile factotum.

correction ... await your confirmation ...
you claim that when Turnbull said that Rudd mislead parliament it was "true"

but the basis for that (namely the Greck email - and the mutually - tutored - Godwin Grech - Malcolm Turnbull - Eric Abetz -senate enquiry - conspiracy) was a catastophe?

Is that more accurate?

PS btw, Do you accept that Rudd was far more brave than Howard in that he kept the same public servants when he won power - whereas Howard changed many to his lakies?

btw, it may surprise you to know that I completely agreed with rederob when - what - half a dozen of you were stating the opposite :rolleyes: (hiding to nothing ;))