Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

LOLOL ... we could get Tony Liberatore (small AFL player for Western Bulldogs many years ago)to be our spokesman !
Hey Spot , Spotter , Spotticus , the Spotter of trains or just Trainspotter.(as I have seen you've been call previously).Liberal and the Nationals become one!


The theme song by "The Village People" - Liberation
Well, if we were to follow your logic, every person who received a decent education should be able to run the country and should have acquired just as much wealth as Malcolm Turnbull.
I'm pretty sure I heard an ABC discussion about his early life, that his father wasn't around, and his single mother worked pretty long hours to pay for his education. That's much less of a start than a lot of people..

Julia, be reasonable. I made no such suggestion that his achievements were 'standard' or to be expected, just that he had a head start on most. He started with something, not nothing, and turned it into a lot of something by taking his opportunities. I never suggested he came from money or a connected family, but you can't seriously suggest that he hasn't started with an advantage in his top-notch education.

We'll I don't reckon Howard was all that likeable, but he had some exceptional talent behind him which he managed well

I'd prefer this than a likeable PM.


You mistunderstood, I was asking for a likeable and capable PM, which is why I commented that it may be too much to ask.
Hey Spot , Spotter , Spotticus , the Spotter of trains or just Trainspotter.(as I have seen you've been call previously).Liberal and the Nationals become one!


The theme song by "The Village People" - Liberation

LMFAO ... Kinda gay but somehow catchy. I like it. Could see if we could get the copyright on the whole Che Guevara thing. No forget him he was a Marxist and a dirty Commie. But in death his brand has metamorphosised into a capitalist organisation. Hmmmmm .... maybe then. Will you join my party ?
...THIS MAN CAN ACTUALLY RUN A BUSINESS... and the sooner we wake up that Australia is a very large business the better...

Couldn't agree more!!! The sooner Australia can cut ties with the worldwide love affair with trying in vain to make politics work, get rid of politics altogether and replace the whole shebang with the best managerial talent available and give them the simple brief of running the country like a sucessful business, the better.:2twocents
Couldn't agree more!!! The sooner Australia can cut ties with the worldwide love affair with trying in vain to make politics work, get rid of politics altogether and replace the whole shebang with the best managerial talent available and give them the simple brief of running the country like a sucessful business, the better.:2twocents

Politics would still be an issue. Also, how do you ensure that they try to act in the best interests of a country?
Politics would still be an issue. Also, how do you ensure that they try to act in the best interests of a country?

Ensure their level of remuneration was sufficient to alleviate any thoughts of corruption. Pay peanuts and you get monkeys.
He can be as smug as he likes brudda. THIS MAN CAN ACTUALLY RUN A BUSINESS and the sooner we wake up that Australia is a very large business the better. Meglomaniac Rudd steering the good ship "Credit Card" has really given me the irrits. Same friggin mentality of every bloody Labor Party previous. SPEND SPEND SPEND like there is no tomorrow. ZERO fiscal responsibiltiy. Promise the earth and deliver SFA. Yet again.

Yeah the liberals ran the Australia business so well that they spent nothing on growing the business (infrastructure). Good old costello, thinking he is the best treasurer ever, got lucky with a mining boom and squandered it on vote buying - not to mention the ultimate mistake of bringing in tax cuts that were only affordable if the mining boom continued - Yep lets talk about fiscal responsibility. Name one fantastic business on the ASX that doesn't use leverage? No one likes being in debt but we've had a global melt down for freaks sake.

All your jibber jabber about the good ship credit card and banana republic lands etc just makes you look silly. The Liberals would be in debt at the moment as well - to say otherwise means you failed to learn basic maths in school.
I dont' quite see your point stocks. Surely you are not suggesting the Wilson Tuckey is in the same league as those people. You may not agree with his views but that's a preposterous suggestion.

Preposterous? I dont think so! Maybe WT doesnt want to invade poland, or France, or China, or Iraq, yet his views are just as disgusting in many respects. Why not go the whole hog and have WT as PM, and have the new front bench of the Lib's filled with the redneck backward Queensland Nationals. If we are going to hell then lets do it right!

The one thing that politics and politicans lack is creedability. It wont come back - if it ever was there - yet for anyone to take the smallest interest it has to have creedibility, and suggesting people like WT just makes it more of a joke than it needs to be.
Yeah the liberals ran the Australia business so well that they spent nothing on growing the business (infrastructure). Good old costello, thinking he is the best treasurer ever, got lucky with a mining boom and squandered it on vote buying - not to mention the ultimate mistake of bringing in tax cuts that were only affordable if the mining boom continued - Yep lets talk about fiscal responsibility. Name one fantastic business on the ASX that doesn't use leverage? No one likes being in debt but we've had a global melt down for freaks sake.

All your jibber jabber about the good ship credit card and banana republic lands etc just makes you look silly. The Liberals would be in debt at the moment as well - to say otherwise means you failed to learn basic maths in school.

True the Libs would have raked up debt, but they would have spent the money on port upgrades, rail & road upgrades, basically all the infrastructure that would improve productivity for when the economy picks up.

Instead we get handouts where most of this money goes to overseas manufacturers. Or gymnasiums at schools which somehow are meant to improve teaching standards. Go figure

Ensure their level of remuneration was sufficient to alleviate any thoughts of corruption. Pay peanuts and you get monkeys.

It doesn't necessarily work for executives in private business, so what makes it foolproof in public office? Pay them too little and you risk not attracting the talent, but pay them too much and people might go for the job for the wrong reasons (money), or they may just become sloths.

How do you propose to make the hiring process transparent? I don't think that is possible. Candidates will still be backed by people with agendas, and we'll have the same problem as we currently do. The difference will be that with no opposition, for better or worse, it will be easier to get something done.

Gamblor said:
All your jibber jabber about the good ship credit card and banana republic lands etc just makes you look silly.

I find it enjoyable.
True the Libs would have raked up debt, but they would have spent the money on port upgrades, rail & road upgrades, basically all the infrastructure that would improve productivity for when the economy picks up.

Pull the other leg, Buck.

It is not the Liberals philosophy to spend money on infrastructure. "The private sector are much better at doing everything."

The Liberals sold off 83% of Telstra, 100% of Sydney Airport and were pushing for the privatisation of the Snowy Mountains hydro-electricity scheme and at the same time spent sweet f... all on infrastructure.
If Australia was a business, who would its customers be?


China for one. We have 23% of the worlds urnaiom so I reckon North Korea would be interested with who we are. Ummmmm .... Don't we make Toyota Camry's here and export them to America? Aparently Western Australia has a ........... gold mine in Kalgoorlie, LNG on Barrow Island, iron ore deposits throughout the Midwest, Wheat exported to Iraq (our biggest customer) 800 million dollars crayfishing industry goees to Asia. Soooooo not much really ....... just to name a few. I could go on but it would take days.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Yeah the liberals ran the Australia business so well that they spent nothing on growing the business (infrastructure). Good old costello, thinking he is the best treasurer ever, got lucky with a mining boom and squandered it on vote buying - not to mention the ultimate mistake of bringing in tax cuts that were only affordable if the mining boom continued - Yep lets talk about fiscal responsibility. Name one fantastic business on the ASX that doesn't use leverage? No one likes being in debt but we've had a global melt down for freaks sake.

All your jibber jabber about the good ship credit card and banana republic lands etc just makes you look silly. The Liberals would be in debt at the moment as well - to say otherwise means you failed to learn basic maths in school.

Whooopeeeeeeee .. look at me the naysayer looking silly. Repeat after me 315 BILLION DOLLARS ... I repeat 315 BILLION DOLLARS. It helps if you put you little finger on your bottom lip like Dr Evil. 315 BILLION DOLLARS. Bwaahhahahahahahhahahah hahah ahah ah aaaaaaaa !

NEVER in all of my posts have I once stated that Liberals would NOT be in the same quagmire as the LABOR party has dropped us in. I have consistently STATED that there was no need to give 42 BILLION dollars to the MUG PUNTERS in the street ($300 x9) Not once have I mentioned IF the Liberals could have done a better job.

ZERO DEBT ZERO DEBT ZERO DEBT .... PAID OFF 96 BILLION FROM KEATING ... SETUP FUTURE FUND (for preservation of Govt superannuation) You have been asleep at the wheel Gamblor if you think that LABOR is going to lead us out of this mess.Your heroic dogooder television addict of a leader has SOLD US DOWN THE RIVER. :eek:
Pull the other leg, Buck.

It is not the Liberals philosophy to spend money on infrastructure. "The private sector are much better at doing everything."

The Liberals sold off 83% of Telstra, 100% of Sydney Airport and were pushing for the privatisation of the Snowy Mountains hydro-electricity scheme and at the same time spent sweet f... all on infrastructure.

For once I agree with you Macquack. Liberal politics is TO PAY OFF DEBT. after that they are reall good for FLlCK ALL. They usually spend it on a WAR CHEST to help themselves at the next election. Great toe cutters but sh!thouse on rewarding the mug punters for putting them there.

If you read my previous posts you will see I have repeatedly said this is CYCLIC. Labor gets in and SPEND SPEND SPEND like a drunken sailor. We the voting public get sick of this real quick. Liberals get in and reduce DEBT.

GAMBLOR .... notice above no "silly" rhetoric about "CREDIT CARD" or "BANANA REPUBLIC LAND" .... just the facts M'aam ... just the facts.
It doesn't necessarily work for executives in private business, so what makes it foolproof in public office? Pay them too little and you risk not attracting the talent, but pay them too much and people might go for the job for the wrong reasons (money), or they may just become sloths.

How do you propose to make the hiring process transparent? I don't think that is possible. Candidates will still be backed by people with agendas, and we'll have the same problem as we currently do. The difference will be that with no opposition, for better or worse, it will be easier to get something done.

I find it enjoyable.

Most people go into politics for 2 reasons:

1) They want to make a difference and are prepared to defend their ideals. (factional support sorts these wankers out real quick)

2) Voter backlash .... "Lets put up a DUMBKOPF against incumbent person in this electorate." they say "Ohhhhhhhh sheeeeeet .. he/she/it won on preferences?" they wonder ... and finally "Whose idea was it to put the guy who stacks shelves at Woolworths against the incumbent ?" they finally realise. OH DEARY DEARY ME ???????????? :eek:

*Thanks goes to Mr J for finding my eloquence enjoyable* :D
Preposterous? I dont think so! Maybe WT doesnt want to invade poland, or France, or China, or Iraq, yet his views are just as disgusting in many respects. Why not go the whole hog and have WT as PM, and have the new front bench of the Lib's filled with the redneck backward Queensland Nationals. If we are going to hell then lets do it right!

The one thing that politics and politicans lack is creedability. It wont come back - if it ever was there - yet for anyone to take the smallest interest it has to have creedibility, and suggesting people like WT just makes it more of a joke than it needs to be.

This would explain many things like Matt Birney and Bob Brown for instance. More d!ckheads in parliamnet the better I reckon. We voted for them so we deserve them !!!!!!!! WAKE UP AUSTRALIA !!!!!! WAKE UP !!!!!!
Post #74 should have been URANIUM

Sorry for the confusion. Just ramping the thread to the magic 100 barrier. :banghead:
Ha people can we get back to the original thread. You are all going off on your own tangent that does not really have any relevance.

"Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?".

I believe he can because the odds are now turning against Rudd. Sooner or later he (Rudd) is going to come really unstuck. To be a good liar you have to have a good memory.

The polls may make him look like he can walk on water, but look what happened to JC when they put holes through his feet.