Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

Meanwhile, the man Tuckey is so fond of crticising has many honourable points ...

For instance, Malcolm won a a Rhodes Scholarship in his own right (studied at Oxford) etc - he also personally finances a scholarship at his old school Sydney Grammar.

And I can't see Wilson either
a) winning a Rhodes scholarship or
b) sponsoring someone to go to any bloody school , let alone Sydney Grammar

But the thing that amuses me in that respect (given that Malcolm has to symbolically pour scorn on means testing etc) is that his scholarship is means tested :rolleyes:
20/20 you don't need to be a Rhodes Scholar to be PM. All you need is to be well groomed in SPIN and BS and Rudd is a professional in that department.
20/20 you don't need to be Rhodes Scholar to be PM.
still, ... can't be a bad thing noco ..
Hawke was one too..
won 4 elections on the trot ;)

Personally I admired the work that Malcolm did trying to get the republic up and going - of course fighting off the SPIN and BS of Johnny Howard throughout.

PS what are we - on this republican issue? men or bludy mice? Let's hold nannie's apron strings for another 10 years.
Noco, Malcolm Turnbull is appealing to the blue blood Liberals like me and you. To the general population he comes across as a spoon in the mouth dullard. The camera does not do him any favours and he has little political skill. GREAT businessman and DEEP THINKER but sh!thouse with the swinging voters and the average man in the street. What he says no one wants to hear at the moment and the press is mocking of him at best. Mr Rudd's PIE FACE is everywhere and even the cartoonists draw him as Tin Tin. They purvey Turnbull to be a square jawed undertaker. He cannot survive and the polls evidence his terrible misunderstanding of what the people of Banana Republic Land want. :mad:

I understand what your saying trainspotter, but I think noco's got something when he say's there still time for Turnbull if he learns a few lessons. Howard had a tough time during the 80's & he always came back stronger.

And the labor party is really KRudd (the rest don't really count) - when he makes a mistake and I think he eventually will, it will mean a hammering not only for him, but the whole party.

And the labor party is really KRudd (the rest don't really count) - when he makes a mistake and I think he eventually will, it will mean a hammering not only for him, but the whole party.


Missus wanted to go back to Oz. I played some recordings of KRudd, Dullard & Swine.

She's changed her mind. :p:
Buckeroo, John Winston Howard = Elected to parliament in 1974. Howard was the Treasurer from 1977 - 1983 under Malcolm Fraser. He was then leader of opposition 1985 til 1989. He got beaten up by Hawke/Keating and retreated to the back bench until 1995 when he became leader of the opposition again and won the election in 1996 In total 22 years BEFORE being made P.M.

Comparing this to Malcolm Turnbull who entered politics in 2004 and became LOTO in 2008 really does not give him enough firepower in the political stakes IMO. :eek:

I'm surprised she did not run out of the house screaming her lungs out with blood extruding from her ears WayneL
Buckeroo, John Winston Howard = Elected to parliament in 1974. Howard was the Treasurer from 1977 - 1983 under Malcolm Fraser. He was then leader of opposition 1985 til 1989. He got beaten up by Hawke/Keating and retreated to the back bench until 1995 when he became leader of the opposition again and won the election in 1996 In total 22 years BEFORE being made P.M.

this also points to a lack of talent / charisma among federal political ranks. hang around long enough as other people implode and you'll get your shot eventually.

i liked alexander downers take on leadership -

Alexander Downer said:
"The moment when I wanted to [leave] was just about the first day I started in the job. There was many a time from the first day onwards when I thought to myself, 'How the hell can I get out of this?"
Turnbull has always seemed like he'd be a smug ****hole in real life, and a secondhand story of an encounter with him just confirms it. I don't want to see Turnbull as PM any more than I want to see Rudd retain the position. I could imagine having a drink with Bush, but not with Rudd, Turnbull or Obama. Maybe that's half of America voted for him each time - he comes across as less unlikeable.
Buckeroo, John Winston Howard = Elected to parliament in 1974. Howard was the Treasurer from 1977 - 1983 under Malcolm Fraser. He was then leader of opposition 1985 til 1989. He got beaten up by Hawke/Keating and retreated to the back bench until 1995 when he became leader of the opposition again and won the election in 1996 In total 22 years BEFORE being made P.M.

Comparing this to Malcolm Turnbull who entered politics in 2004 and became LOTO in 2008 really does not give him enough firepower in the political stakes IMO. :eek:

I'm surprised she did not run out of the house screaming her lungs out with blood extruding from her ears WayneL

I'm impressed, I'd have to do a bit of research to come up with a quick & accurate chronicle history of Howard - have you been reading his memoirs lately?

Nahhhh ... just got me finger on the pulse when it comes to this kind of stuff. I started in the Liberal Party when I was 10 delivering pamphlets in the NT. Fascinates me it does. It is very cyclic and the Libs are only going through what Beazly/Crean/Latham/Beazly then RUNT Rudd went through not that long back when John W Howard had them by the goolies. The voting public are a bloody fickle bunch I tell ya !
Turnbull has always seemed like he'd be a smug ****hole in real life, and a secondhand story of an encounter with him just confirms it. I don't want to see Turnbull as PM any more than I want to see Rudd retain the position. I could imagine having a drink with Bush, but not with Rudd, Turnbull or Obama. Maybe that's half of America voted for him each time - he comes across as less unlikeable.

He can be as smug as he likes brudda. THIS MAN CAN ACTUALLY RUN A BUSINESS and the sooner we wake up that Australia is a very large business the better. Meglomaniac Rudd steering the good ship "Credit Card" has really given me the irrits. Same friggin mentality of every bloody Labor Party previous. SPEND SPEND SPEND like there is no tomorrow. ZERO fiscal responsibiltiy. Promise the earth and deliver SFA. Yet again.
He can be as smug as he likes brudda. THIS MAN CAN ACTUALLY RUN A BUSINESS and the sooner we wake up that Australia is a very large business the better. Meglomaniac Rudd steering the good ship "Credit Card" has really given me the irrits. Same friggin mentality of every bloody Labor Party previous. SPEND SPEND SPEND like there is no tomorrow. ZERO fiscal responsibiltiy. Promise the earth and deliver SFA. Yet again.


I believe Turnbull would run the country far more effectively, but I'd really prefer there be a good option that is also likeable. Might be too much to ask. It gets old watching the news, seeing the PM and thinking "what a wanker".
Which is why we should start the alternative party called LABERAL. Some of Labors ideas on keeping the Unions under control with a dash of Liberal free enterprise might be good? Work in harmony ... OMFG !!!!!!

I believe Turnbull would run the country far more effectively, but I'd really prefer there be a good option that is also likeable. Might be too much to ask. It gets old watching the news, seeing the PM and thinking "what a wanker".

We'll I don't reckon Howard was all that likeable, but he had some exceptional talent behind him which he managed well

I'd prefer this than a likeable PM.

Which is why we should start the alternative party called LABERAL. Some of Labors ideas on keeping the Unions under control with a dash of Liberal free enterprise might be good? Work in harmony ... OMFG !!!!!!

MMmmm, sounds a bit like a dog - plus when you shorten it is still sound like labor (LAB)

I heard an interview of Malcolm's on ABC 92.5fm (NSW Central Coast) yesterday. He came across very poorly- when given opportunity to answer questions freely he waffled on and spent too much time trying to ridicule the nature of the questions he was asked. Poor old Malcolm needs to concentrate on delivering good alternative policies to Labour's in a clear, concise manner. You can beat Rudd with substance. He might do well to showcase the Liberal Party as a worthy brains trust in stark contrast to the singularly controlling figure of Rudd too.

I'd advise Malcolm to take himself out of conversations as much as possible, because Joe Punter's not interested. On the other hand, given Labour's current procrastination over the public health system, the Libs should be in there trying to forge tangible, worthwhile reforms. It's a big card coming into the next election.
Rubbish Macquack .. it is called ... so there !

(But now you mention it Macquack I will get some info from that source)

Turnbull needs to engage some PA's who can groom him a bit better. AND FAST !
That education opens up many doors. He also met and worked for the right people, doors opening doors etc. He may have worked hard, but to suggest he started with nothing is just silly. He had a very healthy advantage over most.
Well, if we were to follow your logic, every person who received a decent education should be able to run the country and should have acquired just as much wealth as Malcolm Turnbull.
I'm pretty sure I heard an ABC discussion about his early life, that his father wasn't around, and his single mother worked pretty long hours to pay for his education. That's much less of a start than a lot of people.

Maybe you could give an example of what 'starting from nothing' actually comprises.

Noco, Malcolm Turnbull is appealing to the blue blood Liberals like me and you. To the general population he comes across as a spoon in the mouth dullard. The camera does not do him any favours and he has little political skill. GREAT businessman and DEEP THINKER but sh!thouse with the swinging voters and the average man in the street. What he says no one wants to hear at the moment and the press is mocking of him at best. Mr Rudd's PIE FACE is everywhere and even the cartoonists draw him as Tin Tin. They purvey Turnbull to be a square jawed undertaker. He cannot survive and the polls evidence his terrible misunderstanding of what the people of Banana Republic Land want. :mad:
Yep I think you're absolutely right here, trainspotter.
Mr Turnbull really needs to learn some political savvy. He's failing to understand that what works in the business world just doesn't translate to the average punter.