Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

What I learned today...

6 September 2008
I learned that there is a better morning TV show on ABC2, it has proper news not just a few grabs then "footy" stories and is hosted by intelligent people AND not one mention of Britany Spears the whole time, no resident flaming gay or idiot Hollywood reporter, no s******ing bimbo hostesses just decent measured people presenting things as the should be presented.

I also learned that EBay is a haven for petty thieves and cheats and although EBay pretend to give a damn, they don't.

PS - they edited s n i g g e r i n g presumably because it has the word n i g g e r in there, bizzare !
What I learn't today after seeing the US Dow Jones exceed 9000 points, that unemployment, homelessness, ballooning deficits and excessive debt really does not have any impact on the share market???!!!!:confused:
Well here's another thing for you to learn MB. vBulletin software (what this forum runs on) has inbuilt censorship for certain words, such as the one you just come across. Obviously administrators can also add words to that list.
You mean to say there is actually a factual and reliable news source on the ABC TV in the morning? Without being polluted by some mindless womans magazine who thinks that it is necessary for me to know that Posh and Becks have bought a new dog? Who would have thunk it?
What I learn't today after seeing the US Dow Jones exceed 9000 points, that unemployment, homelessness, ballooning deficits and excessive debt really does not have any impact on the share market???!!!!:confused:

Because the Gordon Gekko's of the world have this to say “… greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind.”
What a coincidence Mr Burns, I watched the ABC News Breakfast for the first time this morning too... Female host doesn't mind getting stuck into the politicians!
Well here's another thing for you to learn MB. vBulletin software (what this forum runs on) has inbuilt censorship for certain words, such as the one you just come across. Obviously administrators can also add words to that list.

I already knew that prawn but didnt know it was that clever, I thought I'd used the word s****** before and it wasnt a problem so there you go.
Better to be safe than sorry, If you can customise it I guess you could add the words tosser wanker and pissed off as well.

Non of them are very pleasant.

I also learned that no matter what you achieve Murphy's law applies, plenty of cash in the bank for the first time in my life over the past few years and interest rates have dropped to a 75 year low.
What a coincidence Mr Burns, I watched the ABC News Breakfast for the first time this morning too... Female host doesn't mind getting stuck into the politicians!

It really makes the other efforts of 7 and 9 look pathetic.
This thread could be incorporated with the recent one on Media that one again ,MB..Many of us have been watching the ABC for yonks...the only bastion of truth in journalism.
Wonder why it has taken you so long to get hip to this :confused:

Cheers Ya'll
I learned that there is a better morning TV show on ABC2, it has proper news not just a few grabs then "footy" stories and is hosted by intelligent people AND not one mention of Britany Spears the whole time, no resident flaming gay or idiot Hollywood reporter, no s******ing bimbo hostesses just decent measured people presenting things as the should be presented.

I also learned that EBay is a haven for petty thieves and cheats and although EBay pretend to give a damn, they don't.

abc2 have the best morning news, Virginia Triolli is an intellectual, the financial roundup at 9.00am is great as well, then I switch over to channel 10 to see how horny Kim Watkins looks (sound off usually) , while I do my pre-open research. She is on leave, so I switched it off instantly.

ps, cant work out what your s******ing word is, not enough spaces to be s***stirring..give me a hint pls
This thread could be incorporated with the recent one on Media that one again ,MB..Many of us have been watching the ABC for yonks...the only bastion of truth in journalism.
Wonder why it has taken you so long to get hip to this :confused:

Cheers Ya'll

Nope this thread is for what you learned today, or recently, not media.

I also learned that dieting is more difficult than quantum phsyics.
abc2 have the best morning news, Virginia Triolli is an intellectual, the financial roundup at 9.00am is great as well, then I switch over to channel 10 to see how horny Kim Watkins looks (sound off usually) , while I do my pre-open research. She is on leave, so I switched it off instantly.

ps, cant work out what your s******ing word is, not enough spaces to be s***stirring..give me a hint pls

s n i g g e r i n g
s n i g g e r i n g

thanks Mr B

doh! as Homer Simpson would say.

thing is about the ABC, they are a bit left wing, as GG opines

doesnt bother me, but I though u were in GGs camp, on that at least
I also learned that dieting is more difficult than quantum phsyics.

Have to cheat here, but might be new to you, probably not but worth a try.

It is not that bad if you make thousands tiny steps until you change your lifestyle.

Say for example you put 2 heaped teaspoons of sugar in every cup of tea, try 1 3/4 (one heaped and one not so heaped)

If low fat milk makes you feel like there is no taste in milk, mix it 2 litres of full cream with 1 litre of low fat, then after a while half-and-half with full cream and gradually get used to new taste.

You get the drift.
And good luck.
I learned to day that I'm going to Hawaii in a couple of weeks and there isnt a swim suit made that will make me look presentable so i'll have to get round it somehow.
I also learned that dieting is more difficult than quantum phsyics.

It is not that bad if you make thousands tiny steps until you change your lifestyle.

Similar suggestion from me MrB.

Start off with some of the wave/particle duality experiments and equations and build on these into the Uncertainty principle and Schrodinger's cat. For goodness sake, don't start with the Born-Oppenheimer approximation or time-independent perturbation theory! Goodness me no, just small steps at first.
I learned today that my son was using a file sharing site to download music, he thought we were on a plan that would slow the connection when we reached our limit but we're not, we're now over quota by around $600

Happy days.
I learned today that my son was using a file sharing site to download music, he thought we were on a plan that would slow the connection when we reached our limit but we're not, we're now over quota by around $600

Happy days.

Ouch! A similar incident in the paper the other week, a teenager downloaded a couple of movies under the same circumstances - he now has the most expensive copy of Dumb & Dumber in the world!