Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is there an Airline Ombudsman? Jetstar does it again!

7 May 2006
Hi guys,
Just wondering if there is an Airline Ombudsman or anyone else who fields complaints about this industry?

Long story short, Jetstar has really pissed me off :banghead:
Originally we had straight through flights from Sydney to the Whitsunday Coast (Proserpine) and visa versa on the way back.... Anyway today we get a call today saying that they are putting in stopovers at Brisbane there and back, with a 4 hour wait in between flights... OK thats an inconvenience but I suppose I could handle it...
But then, get this, they say 'oh on the way back your flight is leaving from Hamilton Island now, not Proserpine'....:eek:
Of course the first thing that comes to mind is that Hamilton Island is off the mainland which means that not only is it further out of our way but we will also have to catch a boat across to Hamilton, which costs money, $106 in fact.:mad:

I asked the person from Jetstar if I could have their customer relations number only to be told that they don't have one, either that or they can't give it out. Where does this leave customers?

Surely they can't get away with this so easily? I sure as hell am not going to let them!!!;)

If I can cause them even half the trouble they are trying to cause me during my upcoming holidays then that would make me happy.

Thank you for your help in advance guys, much appreciated.


Don't Do it, Don't fly Jetstar
Magda Szubanski eat your heart out.
Hi guys,
Just wondering if there is an Airline Ombudsman or anyone else who fields complaints about this industry?

Long story short, Jetstar has really pissed me off :banghead:
Originally we had straight through flights from Sydney to the Whitsunday Coast (Proserpine) and visa versa on the way back.... Anyway today we get a call today saying that they are putting in stopovers at Brisbane there and back, with a 4 hour wait in between flights... OK thats an inconvenience but I suppose I could handle it...
But then, get this, they say 'oh on the way back your flight is leaving from Hamilton Island now, not Proserpine'....:eek:
Of course the first thing that comes to mind is that Hamilton Island is off the mainland which means that not only is it further out of our way but we will also have to catch a boat across to Hamilton, which costs money, $106 in fact.:mad:

I asked the person from Jetstar if I could have their customer relations number only to be told that they don't have one, either that or they can't give it out. Where does this leave customers?

Surely they can't get away with this so easily? I sure as hell am not going to let them!!!;)

If I can cause them even half the trouble they are trying to cause me during my upcoming holidays then that would make me happy.

Thank you for your help in advance guys, much appreciated.


Don't Do it, Don't fly Jetstar
Magda Szubanski eat your heart out.

Only ever flown 3 times with Jetstar:

1st - Flight delayed by 2 hours
2nd - Flight delayed by 2 hours and bags lost
3rd - Flight delays by 4 hours and ugly stewardesses

Never again.
Airlines are pricks in general.

I know of no ombudsman unfortunately.

Good luck
The attitude is why I won't fly with Jetstar. They seem to actually like seeing people miss flights through no fault of their own or otherwise be left stranded with nowhere to go.

This sort of nonsense is alarmingly common with them - they seem to know no limits as far as messing people about is concerned. Intentionally delaying passengers for more than a day is their worst habit and it makes the whole trip pointless if you're going to watch sport, attend a family gathering etc.

The classic one would have to be that person (reported in the media at the time) who flew Hobart to Adelaide. Bottom line is that they couldn't get there in time to meet the 30 minute check in deadline for the flight back - and the two flights were booked a few days apart. And no, it wasn't due to weather etc.
I have flown with them 3 times as well. All 3 times were very bad experiences. Even the final days of flying Anset were better by far. How on earth they stay in business is beyond me. Everyone I know has nothing good to say about them.
Everyone I know has nothing good to say about them
Well just so you'll know someone, I've flown with them 3 or 4 times and never had any problems at all. My wife's flown with them on a couple of other occasions as well, and she copped one return flight delayed till the next day, but they were put up in a good hotel with vouchers for food plus two $100 discount vouchers for future flights (which we've used).

Those were all international flights though.

Well just so you'll know someone, I've flown with them 3 or 4 times and never had any problems at all. My wife's flown with them on a couple of other occasions as well, and she copped one return flight delayed till the next day, but they were put up in a good hotel with vouchers for food plus two $100 discount vouchers for future flights (which we've used).

Those were all international flights though.


Na I'm talking domestic
Thanks for the reply guys.
Glad to know I'm not the only one, I was afraid of sounding like a whinger but then again, when the person representing Jetstar freely admits to you that they have completely screwed you then you know you have a reason to be mad!:mad:.... yes this did happen.

Thanks for the reply guys.
Glad to know I'm not the only one, I was afraid of sounding like a whinger but then again, when the person representing Jetstar freely admits to you that they have completely screwed you then you know you have a reason to be mad!:mad:.... yes this did happen.

That they act this way is what's wrong. It's one thing to have flights delayed etc, that's the reality of the airline industry. But it's an entirely different situation when you leave groups of school children, sports teams or even grown adults literally stranded at the airport with nowhere to go and no idea how long the situation will last.
1st - Flight delayed by 2 hours
2nd - Flight delayed by 2 hours and bags lost
3rd - Flight delayed by 4 hours and ugly stewardesses

hiya pg - you forgot...

4th - Flight wasn't delayed - but ugly passengers ;)

PS Would it be fair to say that other airlines also have delayed flights? Maybe the thread should be more of a comparison between local airlines?

Would it be fair to say that, in these days of stupid fuel prices, there are bound to be efforts to ensure flights are full - and especially with the cheaper airlines? :rolleyes:
hiya pg - you forgot...
PS Would it be fair to say that other airlines also have delayed flights? Maybe the thread should be more of a comparison between local airlines?

Would it be fair to say that, in these days of stupid fuel prices, there are bound to be efforts to ensure flights are full - and especially with the cheaper airlines? :rolleyes:
Yes the others do delay flights. But I don't recall them ever simply deciding that someone who booked a flight on Friday would now fly the following Tuesday (for example) simply to maximise airline profits.

The others have delays that's for sure, but it's due to weather, mecahanical problems etc rather than because someone sitting in an office decided that a 3 day delay would be a good way to boost profits.

Checking in is another one. Let's say I get to the airport an hour before the flight. Then Jetstar has some computer problems and it takes me 35 minutes to get through the queue. I'll be greeted with a grinning person behind the counter reminding me that I've now missed the flight, which hasn't even boarded yet, and it's my fault. That sort of nonsense just doesn't happen with Virgin or Qantas, at least it hasn't in my experience.

Bottom line is I accept that Jetstar is a cheap airline and you get what you pay for. But Virgin fares are generally only a bit higher and their service and especially attitude is far better so I choose to fly with them. Likewise no problems with Qantas although their fares generally are higher than Virgin's and I don't see any reason to pay the extra. I've never flown with Tiger so can't comment on them.:2twocents
1. ... I don't recall them ever simply deciding that someone who booked a flight on Friday would now fly the following Tuesday (for example) ...

2. ... some computer problems and it takes me 35 minutes ....missed the flight ... That sort of nonsense just doesn't happen with Virgin or Qantas, at least it hasn't in my experience.

3. ... no problems with Qantas although their fares generally are higher than Virgin's and I don't see any reason to pay the extra. I've never flown with Tiger so can't comment on them.:2twocents
hi, smurf

1. Bit like Mintman's original problem - i.e. "please get yourself to terminal B - btw, that's over on Hamilton Is ;)"

btw - you saying that happened, the 3 or 4 day delay thing? or hypothetical? They would have to refund fares for a start (surely). I concede that an urgent ticket purchased with another airline would come at a premium.

2. Qantas also screws up occasionally. I was in a massive queue one morning 6.00am flight from Sydney ... Tried to get an auto-dispensed ticket, but they asked me to go to the counter - for an exit row seat.

Finally got to the counter with about 32 mins to takeoff - I said "fairly urgent lady, I'm on that first flight to Perth" ... She turns round and says "too late!"
I said " you sure!"
"well for starters you need to be here 30 mins early for luggage"
looked at my watch - it's now about 30 mins on the dot. "sheesh lady, you a cricket umpire or what? - ok what options do I have - can I go now and the luggage follows?"
"nope, must accompany you!"
"Can I get the next flight - because I have a meeting today?" -
"Nope all full"
"When then"
"day after I can fit you in" -
"that's way too late"
"sorry - next please"

I start to walk away - then just for fun I tell her, "that's a seriously tough call lady.... I mean it's still 29 mins to go for that Perth flight. "
she looks at her screen ... funny look on her face ...
"Ahhh - For some reason I thought you were going to Brisbane on the earlier flight - no problems for the Perth flight.." :cautious:

3. Qantas are better for redeyes back from Perth - those flights that leave at 00.15am. Qantas allow changes on the previous day. Virgin need 24 hours notice. I've had to just rip up tickets with Virgin because I had to extend a stay in Perth - but Qantas you can change up until 11.59pm - just before the flight.

I, too am looking for an airline ombudsman, Having attempted to make an online reservation with Jetstar, an 'unable to process' window opened, which said the reservation could not be made, four days later, two days after the flight in question had departed, we received confirmation of booking as well as having $428 debited to our credit card. 3 letters to Jetstar customer service dept. later they have offered us a $25 discount voucher on any future flight we might make. No thanks Jetstar, you can stick it!
I, too am looking for an airline ombudsman, Having attempted to make an online reservation with Jetstar, an 'unable to process' window opened, which said the reservation could not be made, four days later, two days after the flight in question had departed, we received confirmation of booking as well as having $428 debited to our credit card. 3 letters to Jetstar customer service dept. later they have offered us a $25 discount voucher on any future flight we might make. No thanks Jetstar, you can stick it!

Talk to your CC provider about the money. If you pay for a good/service and dont receive it sometimes the CC provider can issue a refund.

But yes i agree Jetstar is useless.

For travel info/threads also check out this forum
Absolutely no excuse for ugly stewardess. But again when you fly budget airlines don't expect first class service.

As for Qantas they have the worst looking cabin crews. Sorry to sound like a male chauvinist but I have to be honest. The last time I flew Qantas one of the stewardess was so overweight that she can hardly fit in the aisle. The other male steward was gay.
I, too am looking for an airline ombudsman, Having attempted to make an online reservation with Jetstar, an 'unable to process' window opened, which said the reservation could not be made, four days later, two days after the flight in question had departed, we received confirmation of booking as well as having $428 debited to our credit card. 3 letters to Jetstar customer service dept. later they have offered us a $25 discount voucher on any future flight we might make. No thanks Jetstar, you can stick it!

Contact your credit card and dispute the transaction, the email you received after the flights left will have the date on it.
I used Qantas a few years ago from Narita to Melbourne. The service was nowhere near as good as the Singapore :22_yikes: , JAL :eek:, Malaysian :casanova: or Korean Air :1luvu:services I have used since. Geoff Dixon should take a good look at his company's share price before he accepts the highest airline remuneration of any CEO in the world.

As for Jetstar, I used them a couple of times domestically, the seats were small but the service was ok. Virgin seats seemed far more comfortable.

Just my 2 cents :2twocents
I used Qantas a few years ago from Narita to Melbourne. The service was nowhere near as good as the Singapore :22_yikes: , JAL :eek:, Malaysian :casanova: or Korean Air :1luvu:services I have used since. Geoff Dixon should take a good look at his company's share price before he accepts the highest airline remuneration of any CEO in the world.

As for Jetstar, I used them a couple of times domestically, the seats were small but the service was ok. Virgin seats seemed far more comfortable.

Just my 2 cents :2twocents

Some months ago I was booked into a Conference down South which involved 2 internal flights, all paid for a multinational corporation.

The last leg was on Jetstar.

I have never travelled on this airline, as I feel it is for those who have either low income or low standards.

Imagine my surprise when I was positioned in 1A with plenty of leg room and staff not caught up in the Virgin psychotic experience.

I'd give Jetstar a go again I must admit. My fellow passengers also appeared normal taxpaying people and not the gormands I had expected.
