Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


"Shingles is actually a reactivation of the herpes zoster virus"

i knew it sounded like an std! ;)

I never had chicken pox, nor any of the childhood diseases when I was a child. In my thirties, not long after serious back surgery I was plagued with sore throats. Antibiotics were useless. Eventually I went to a different Doctor who said it was herpes - IN MY THROAT! :eek: Oh my God, please explain! :mad:

Well, a couple of days later I got the first rash on my side. It was chicken pox - I had had a series of minor episodes in my throat that were diagnosed (incorrectly) as bacterial infections that eventually resulted in full blown chicken pox! Herpes Zoster! Not, just Herpes.

Phew! No STD after all. :eek:
"Shingles is actually a reactivation of the herpes zoster virus"

Can't believe you just worked that out until now must have a safe sex life.
I've heard it is utterly aweful and debilitating. Vit C and te B's will help your immune system. Needs a trigger to start up the dormant virus so just a little something in the right dose;) Zorvirax is very useful, a tad expensive though effective.

Hope you have a decent Easter break Tech/a Rest is always good, no sunshine directly and keep away from the kisses. All the best
herpes - IN MY THROAT! :eek: Oh my God, please explain! :mad:

I would be after a second opinion. If it lives in the nervous system dormant it could techincally erupt anyway you have nerves. nasty
I`ve been going to shingles clubs for years and shtill haven`t met the woman of my dreams.
Has anyone ever had shingles on their dick or parts connected, I have never , but just wondered is it possible?

GG i can't believe you said that:eek: I can only assume if males have a sensory organ which is sensitive to stimuli then yes it could occur. No experience here and I think Joe might be a little upset if we put a photo up.
Has anyone ever had shingles on their dick or parts connected, I have never , but just wondered is it possible?


Are you asking me?

Don`t hold back. A good laugh is an excellent cure for ailments. :)

GG i can't believe you said that:eek: I can only assume if males have a sensory organ which is sensitive to stimuli then yes it could occur. No experience here and I think Joe might be a little upset if we put a photo up.

I only asked for the males information on the forum as it is a major sensory organ, if not THE major sensory organ on the body.

So can you get shingles on your dick and how do you not know it is shingles and not herpes which I hasten to add I have never had either.

My understanding is that shingles belong to the herpes virus family. I've heard that you are more at risk if you have had chickpox previously another member of the herpes family.

Yes you can get shingles or a form of herpes on your member but to be certain you will need a swab of the blister fluid taken by a doctor and sent to a pathology lab. The wait must be excruiting. Always check your sexual partner gg for signs of herpes type blisters before engaging
I've heard it all now, Shingles on your dick! I suppose you got it from a dirty toilet seat. Or is this a polite way of describing the veranda over your toolbox, using shingles on the roof instead of slate or tiles?
Zorvirax is very useful

Thats what I'm on.
Other than very very sensitive skin all else is normal.
If this is as bad as it gets then easter wont be a complete loss.

Have a good one everyone.
My understanding is that shingles belong to the herpes virus family. I've heard that you are more at risk if you have had chickpox previously another member of the herpes family.

Yes you can get shingles or a form of herpes on your member but to be certain you will need a swab of the blister fluid taken by a doctor and sent to a pathology lab. The wait must be excruiting. Always check your sexual partner gg for signs of herpes type blisters before engaging

I've heard it all now, Shingles on your dick! I suppose you got it from a dirty toilet seat. Or is this a polite way of describing the veranda over your toolbox, using shingles on the roof instead of slate or tiles?

Thats what I'm on.
Other than very very sensitive skin all else is normal.
If this is as bad as it gets then easter wont be a complete loss.

Have a good one everyone.


That is all very well to say, but in the real world people don't say, "oh, let us get a sample and then we will hop in the cot"

In my world there is little time to make these complex decisions.

I have read about a bloke called Okham, who had a rubric that said simplify.

There was also a bloke called Flynn of whom I am a great fan.

So how do you know?

and that doco was proudly bought to you by (seriously)
Indi Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
405/406, Regent Chambers
208, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021
Makers of
Fusiderm Cream
(Fusidic Acid 2%)
Delivers the Power of Oral Antibiotics Topically​

Now that should be a warning in itself - The amount of nasties spread through oral is unbelievable. These silly fellows thinking only sexual intercourse spreads these:eek:
Sorry Tech/a

This thread is moving away from your great pain and I will halt it now. The drugs you quote are the cure, I've been told by a mate who has had it, the shingles that is.
