Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

PM reduced hostess to tears over meal

You do have to wonder about voters. Rudd was elected on populist opinions on issues where we as a country have very little control. ie - climate change, cost of fuel etc.
He has not delivered on climate change, water, fuel prices, grocery prices, infrastructure... need I go on.

Hopefully people are starting to realise this. My wife & mother in law swung their vote Rudds way, but they will not make that choice twice.

Back to the subject though - Rudd - picking on an airline hostess. You gutless excuse for an Australian. What do you think was going to happen. She was going to step off the plane and get you maccas drive thru??
You do have to wonder about voters. Rudd was elected on populist opinions on issues where we as a country have very little control. ie - climate change, cost of fuel etc.
He has not delivered on climate change, water, fuel prices, grocery prices, infrastructure... need I go on.

Hopefully people are starting to realise this. My wife & mother in law swung their vote Rudds way, but they will not make that choice twice.

Back to the subject though - Rudd - picking on an airline hostess. You gutless excuse for an Australian. What do you think was going to happen. She was going to step off the plane and get you maccas drive thru??

Agree with both your posts glads262, well said.
Rudd can be an arrogant , rude SOB can't he. And it was crass to pick on the poor flight attendant.

But when I contrast him to some other politicians , Howard for one, I still believe he is in another (much better) league.


He actually has brains and can see past the 4 corners of one room. He recognised how badly Australia treated its original citizens and hopefully we can make changes to redress that situation. He does have the strength of will to mix it in the unforgiving political field.
Finally when he does stuff up he apologizes quickly and honestly. Just can't remember Howard ever apologizing for anything. Children overboard for example. Treatment of refugees. Takeover of the waterfront..
Rudd may be a bit of a dud, but there was no way I was voting for Howard last election, I suspect it was the same for many people. Rudd didn't win, Howard lost.

I can't ever imagine yelling/abusing a flight attendant for not bringing my correct meal... That is definitely not a good way to act.
So does anybody here have an actual transcript of the 'conversation' that took place - or are we all just being sucked in by the media hype and making assumptions about what was actually said to whom, and by whom.

I'm not condoning any form of abuse at all - but as 'media consumers' we need to realise that media organisations profit hugely from muck raking and making mountains out of molehills wherever they can.
It's also quite possible that the someone overeacted - taking a customers frustrated criticism on board as a personal affront - which also happens regularly.

It happened the other day at work - coworker 1 (fem) made a silly but non-personal comment. Coworker 2 (fem) burst into tears and left the room. She later said she'd had a bad morning with family issues etc.

... my point - nothing is as the media portrays it to be... and we will probably never know the exact nature of the exchange - so why make judgements about something when we don't know all the facts???


I agree with basilio - compared to little johnny - kevvy - usually - is on a higher moral plane altogether, and I'm much happier to be living under a PM who's above using using hapless refugees as a scare tactic to win an election. Ruddy's true strength will show through again - probably in response to this media frenzy.

And as far as the governments response to the GFC is concerned - does anybody really believe that the libs would do anything significantly different if they were still in power - handouts etc. of course they wouldn't! The are the opposition now ... so they OPPOSE! thats their job! But if they were in power they'd be arguing for the same handouts...
- more :2twocents
My opinion of Rudd has been lowered even further. He just screams of insincerity and smugness everytime he speaks and I am yet to hear him actually answer a question properly. He always just goes off on a tangent about some other great stuff he's supposedly doing.

Then again I have very little respect for the media and how they spin things to grab people's attention. So I'm reluctant to pass judgement without knowing more.
So does anybody here have an actual transcript of the 'conversation' that took place - or are we all just being sucked in by the media hype and making assumptions about what was actually said to whom, and by whom.

I'm not condoning any form of abuse at all - but as 'media consumers' we need to realise that media organisations profit hugely from muck raking and making mountains out of molehills wherever they can.
It's also quite possible that the someone overeacted - taking a customers frustrated criticism on board as a personal affront - which also happens regularly.

... my point - nothing is as the media portrays it to be... and we will probably never know the exact nature of the exchange - so why make judgements about something when we don't know all the facts???

Spot on Dukey - anyone notice the source of this groundbreaking story? That doyen of truth, justice and credible journalism the Daily Telegraph:p:. The rest of the papers picked it up on the Wires service and added their own teaspoon of vinegar to liven up another non-story.

Im not a Rudd fan but these stories are timewasting beat-ups to help move more papers and ad space at the Kath & Kim end of the media food chain. Im just annoyed the Terrors NWS stablemate the Australian chose to run with this tat as well.

Anyway, the RAAF should know better - imagine if they'd have served that meal to a visiting foreign diplomat who follows a veg diet? Major international incident. He's our PM and if we cant get those kind of basics right that doesn't speak well for our armed forces - that should be the story.
Spot on Dukey - anyone notice the source of this groundbreaking story? That doyen of truth, justice and credible journalism the Daily Telegraph:p:. The rest of the papers picked it up on the Wires service and added their own teaspoon of vinegar to liven up another non-story.

Im not a Rudd fan but these stories are timewasting beat-ups to help move more papers and ad space at the Kath & Kim end of the media food chain. Im just annoyed the Terrors NWS stablemate the Australian chose to run with this tat as well.

Anyway, the RAAF should know better - imagine if they'd have served that meal to a visiting foreign diplomat who follows a veg diet? Major international incident. He's our PM and if we cant get those kind of basics right that doesn't speak well for our armed forces - that should be the story.

That's BS Kevey didn't get his din dins and couldn't handle it, big girl.

The report was correct and not denied by Rudd or anyone else, no beat up just a reflection on what a shallow piece of work this Chinese girlyboy really is.
Isnt this trolley dolly in the RAAF ?


God help us if some one actually fires a gun near her?

I mean really, was on qf 3078 last week syd to nyny and they tried to serve me Languedoc Sauvigon Blanv 1967 instead of my requested 1966 boy did i tear them a new one

And dont get me started on the quality of the caviar! !

Seriously if you cant lord it over the staff whats the point :eek:

Who cares? seriously..

Girl cries after being yelled at by grumpy old man, happens all the time in situations all across Australia. Harden up little girl, aren't you meant to be working for the RAAF? :rolleyes:
As I said, the Kath & Kim end of the media food chain.

I dont like Rudd but I dislike ignorant racial slurs like that even less. Please show some decorum.

Don't judge others on the basis of your own ignorance, I was referring to his preference for China over Australia.
So does anybody here have an actual transcript of the 'conversation' that took place - or are we all just being sucked in by the media hype and making assumptions about what was actually said to whom, and by whom.

Yeah you`re right there.It could very well have been K.R. shedding tears after the hostess said ...

No we haven`t got your effen mung bean meal and if you don`t effen like it you can effen get out at the the next effen airport.
Yeah she should have told him to **** off and make his own din dins , the woos.

Exactly :) I know I love it when a woman talks to me like that :p Okay, maybe she wouldn't be in that position to say that, but I'm sure not breaking down as opposed to being firm in response in saying no or just ignoring his tone would be the more mature position. I would have thought plenty of times she would have been talked to stirnly in a military environment by superiors and would be quite used to that sort of thing.

Anyhow, wasn't there, don't know the true situation.
I dont particularly care about this incident one way or the other. But what it does show, yet again, is the flaws in his character. I have heard (OK its heresay) that the man has a bad temper, is rude to his staff, and basically a bit of an ********. Yes, I know the great unwashed love him (Can I have some more money, please, sir) but IMO he's a twit.
I dont like Rudd but I dislike ignorant racial slurs like that even less. Please show some decorum.

That wasn't a racial slur Kath, it refers to Chinese effeminate boys who dress as women and work as prostitutes, they're all over Malaysia, or didn't you know .........or notice:rolleyes: