I thought it appropriate I start a thread that is the opposite of the 'rich peoples thread'.....however I doubt it will be as popular....since most people do not like to think of themselves as a loser.
the average joe thinks anyone that has more moneythen he, is a tall poppy....and they love to bash the 'tall poppy' types....
unless we are talking about the tall poppies who run the resources companies..including the penny dreadfuls....then that tall poppy is truly a tall poppy and to be admired...let that tall poppy run amok, tell tall stories to boot, load himself up with a lovely big salary, and millions of options....
and you will find he becomes almost god like,,a guru, and woe betide anyone who questions the actions of said 'tall poppy'.....
now I have not checked out the stock posters forum on this site....maybe its different to the other HC site....so I had better not assume its similar.....
but over there...a share can go from 10 cents to 10.00....and everyone is on a winner.... all the stock pickers are guru's.... especially that first poster who selected the stock and suggested everyone follow him.....that poster also has guru status...
same stock falls back to 1.50 and any of the posters that suggest there was something wrong....are attacked by all other posters....regardless if all shareholders have lost their life savings....then finally, said detractors are soon sent to purgatory for life......
am wondering if I should have called the thread...how to become a loser, then we could all share our stories about how we lost big time.....and the best ways to become a loser......there should be more stories on how to become a loser than there are on how to become a winner....since there are so few winners...but thousands of losers ???
or the suckers thread.....
the average joe thinks anyone that has more moneythen he, is a tall poppy....and they love to bash the 'tall poppy' types....
unless we are talking about the tall poppies who run the resources companies..including the penny dreadfuls....then that tall poppy is truly a tall poppy and to be admired...let that tall poppy run amok, tell tall stories to boot, load himself up with a lovely big salary, and millions of options....
and you will find he becomes almost god like,,a guru, and woe betide anyone who questions the actions of said 'tall poppy'.....
now I have not checked out the stock posters forum on this site....maybe its different to the other HC site....so I had better not assume its similar.....
but over there...a share can go from 10 cents to 10.00....and everyone is on a winner.... all the stock pickers are guru's.... especially that first poster who selected the stock and suggested everyone follow him.....that poster also has guru status...
same stock falls back to 1.50 and any of the posters that suggest there was something wrong....are attacked by all other posters....regardless if all shareholders have lost their life savings....then finally, said detractors are soon sent to purgatory for life......
am wondering if I should have called the thread...how to become a loser, then we could all share our stories about how we lost big time.....and the best ways to become a loser......there should be more stories on how to become a loser than there are on how to become a winner....since there are so few winners...but thousands of losers ???
or the suckers thread.....