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Victorian Fires

On the other hand it could be a deliberate ploy to demean the office of GG in the republican cause. Maybe very clever.

I hadn't thought of that. I remember being very pleased that we had appointed a female GG, until I saw her very first T.V. interview. Her elitism was so blindingly obvious. It appeared as if her cocoon was so well built that I immediately lost any hope that she would be of any value to the average Aussie.
I hadn't thought of that. I remember being very pleased that we had appointed a female GG, until I saw her very first T.V. interview. Her elitism was so blindingly obvious. It appeared as if her cocoon was so well built that I immediately lost any hope that she would be of any value to the average Aussie.

Daisy, it will be interesting to to see what outfit our GG wears to Rudd's mournfest in Melbourne next Sunday. Will she wear the black number or the white one? Probably neither. They have probably already gone to St Vinnies for the deserving poor. Maybe yellow, representing a ray of hope in a desolate land.
Caught this programme other morning on radio national.
Now on-line.

"Distributing funds to bushfire victims

One of the most pressing tasks for those assisting the bushfire victims is how best to provide financial assistance. Australians have responded to appeals in an amazing way, with just on $100 million dollars raised in a week.

But how do you make sure these funds go to the right people at the right time? That task has fallen to the Bushfire Appeal Fund Advisory Panel, appointed by Victorian premier John Brumby in conjunction with the Red Cross."

to listen to this interview.
getting a bit off topic...start a new thread about that one....apparently she was going to spend 6.5 million on renovating the GG house....dont like her one bit....its all just a freebie taxpayer funded good time for her....never seen such wasted money....she attends all the causes and does nothing...just another front to be seen to do firing blanks
now good to see the firies raised 300,000 from the sale of those photos of Sam the koala...finally some news about the animals.....they have not found many...they think 10 mill animals now lost burnt died a horrid death
Daisy, it will be interesting to to see what outfit our GG wears to Rudd's mournfest in Melbourne next Sunday. Will she wear the black number or the white one? Probably neither. They have probably already gone to St Vinnies for the deserving poor. Maybe yellow, representing a ray of hope in a desolate land.

LOL... My bet is full black or possibly grey, but whatever it is I'm almost certain she won't pass up the opportunity to buy a new outfit, complete with carefully co-ordinated accessories.
here is a good story about an old man kangaroo...survived the fires and came back home to his 'family'

the greens....( a brief summary of what they do IMO)
take all the land you can, get it for nothing...lock it up so no one can enjoy it anymore....lock out the cattle and sheep that grazed there...
provide no maintenance whatsover.....
use the excuse you are protecting the land....if a tree falls on the road, just move it to the help build up the rubbish for future bush fires....
now when the fires they always will be so fierce that it will wipe out all trees and vegetation, and maim and kill all the wildlife that there is nothing left but scorched earth....
dont worry about this destruction polluting the water....
and requiring even more water in the future.........
we are the greens and we are protectors of this land.......... destruction of an unbelievable scale
I hear about them chasing the whale hunters....never hear of them on any other animal....including all the beaching of whales and dolphins...
One of the few positive outcomes from the fires is that the spotlight is now being turned on the environmental vandals. (ie the greenies)

I like this story In The Australian "cut and paste"
Rod Liddle in The Sunday Times:

PRINCE Charles is doing his bit to save the world from environmental destruction by embarking on a 26,240km eco-tour of South America on a large private jet. His intention is to see for himself the scale of destruction caused by global warming so far and, presumably, to try to double it.

As an environmental undertaking, it is equivalent to the Prince personally strangling 527 polar bears. His office has said that he fully intends to "offset" his enormous carbon emissions, which of course is the way affluent people get to have the eco cake and eat it. In this case it will probably mean the Prince foresting most of western Europe, leaving just a few acres of clear space somewhere in the area of Klosters.

He will be taking 14 staff with him, presumably including the flunkey who is said to boil him several eggs every morning. The jaunt will cost about a modest pound stg. 300,000 ($660,000), which he might be kind enough to offset by abolishing himself.
That story reminds of that "1 hour switch off your lights on Saturday night" rort, where Virgin Blue decided to hold a full on party that night, in candlight to honour it. But spent the afternoon and presumably the next day flying people from all over Australia to attend it in Brisbane.

I feel sorry for a greenie; he came round the next week handing out material for some Green group seeking donations. He asked me what I thought of the 1 hour electricity switch off - I told him I thought it was the biggest load of garbage (well, I said worse than that:eek:) and such a token gesture designed to make people feel good but totally ignoring what they were doing every day. At which point he sighed and walked off.
I've been walking around shaking my head and absolutely speechless over your story. If it wasn't so awful it would be funny.
Seriously wouldn't this be better put down ?, I think they've taken the save the animals thing a bit far here -



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But there will still be photo opportunities galore.
There was a cracker last week of Quentin Bryce jumping a puddle in Ingam.
She also apparantly engaged in conversation with with some of the locals while they were clearing the mud and rotten furniture from their houses.
There she was, all dressed in white, looking like some kind of stick insect,
while residents were sweating and covered in mud and muck from their clean-up.
Not very clever Quentin.
The Courier Mail ran an article recently criticising the Qld Governor, Penny Wensley, for not getting out and visiting the flood ravaged areas, and noted that Quentin Bryce had been setting a good example. It included some sarcastic remarks about tea parties.

So if Quentin Bryce had not in fact gone to the fire affected areas, wouldn't she equally have been criticised for 'not caring and remaining distantly in her ivory tower ?

If it were up to me I'd get rid of the offices of Governor-General and all the State Governors, but, since such offices do exist just what do we expect these people to do?

So Ms Bryce visited the fire areas dressed in white. What difference does it make what she wore? And why the unpleasant comment that she looked like "a stick insect"? Seems to me to be a gratuitous and quite nasty observation.

What exactly do you expect her to do? Start raking through the ashes?
Had she arrived in grubby jeans and shirt, someone would have said "Jeez, she's the Governor-General, wouldn't you think she could dress a bit better given what we pay her"!

I notice that none of you criticised Mr Rudd's dress or appearance (he wasn't grubby either) when he appeared amongst the fire survivors to offer comfort.
Wasn't Ms Bryce attempting to do the same thing?

So I can't help thinking in the interests of fairness to Quentin Bryce or any other holder of a similar office, that we just love to jump on any (real or imagined) opportunity to criticise. I'm really not sure why.

In another thread a while ago, someone suggested the tall poppy syndrome was alive and well in Australia. It would seem so.
O.K. Julia,
I take your point.
I just wish I could find the particular photo I was referring to.
Done an on-line search.
Can't find.
If you had seen it it may have tickled your funny bone as well.
Never seen anything looking more like a stick insect in my life.
Oh and while Ingham was suffering all kinds of shortages because it had been almost impossible to get supplies in because roads were blocked, while Ms Bryce was there she dined on fish (plenty of) and asparagus.
Something tells me it wasn't the canned variety.
And why not?... after all as you say she is a tall poppy.
So I can't help thinking in the interests of fairness to Quentin Bryce or any other holder of a similar office, that we just love to jump on any (real or imagined) opportunity to criticise. I'm really not sure why.
In another thread a while ago, someone suggested the tall poppy syndrome was alive and well in Australia. It would seem so.

Maybe you are right Julia about the tall poppy thing, but I prefer to think that its because Australians are good at sniffing out phonies, hypocrites and poseurs and I think that a lot of politicians and political appointees fall into this category. Whether they are tall poppies is immaterial.

Governors and GGs are political appointees. Most people would be quite happy if they could be content with just being the figureheads which they are and bide their time until they become redundant. Bryce wasn't appointed for her vice-regal qualities. She is there because she is a republican and a mate of the Rudd family. Her role, if anything. is to demean the office, and I think she is well suited for that role.

And by the way. I think stick insect is spot on.
Where is Anna Bligh? She's busy preparing her election campaign, notably having a MelbourneIT company prepare her new website.
Don't we have a capable IT company here in Qld, Anna?

But no doubt she's going to be whipping up north on the government jet to garner votes in the next weeks. Probably saving up the assistance that is so much needed now so she can be seen to be loving and giving during the campaign.

Enough said I think.

We've just had a 5-6 ft. king brown snake looking for shelter in our bathroom.
Thankfully I saw it before I walked in. It just sat a while and then slithered out under the side external door.
The reptiles up here are all over the place at the moment.
We usually know where the crocs are but with all the rivers bursting their banks they are turning up all over the place.

Taxi driver runs over crocodile in Mt Isa
February 18, 2009
Article from: Agence France-Presse
A TAXI driver has run over and killed a crocodile the centre of Mt Isa.

When the driver reported the accident, "police thought he may have been a bit strange or under the influence of liquor or something but it was all above board," Inspector Ray Pringle said.

The taxi collided with the one-metre croc while driving in Mount Isa in the early hours of today.

"Sure enough when they went down, there was this freshwater croc,'' Insp Pringle said on the ABC.

"It was quite severely injured and they looked at opportunities to save its life but the injuries were so bad it passed away."

Insp Pringle said that while there are freshwater crocodiles in Lake Moondarra near the city it was rare to have a crocodile reported in the city centre.

Earlier this month floods washed crocodiles onto the streets of two other towns in Queensland, prompting police to issue warnings to motorists.

One, measuring 1.6m was run over in Townsville. It lost a few teeth and suffered bruising but survived after receiving medical attention.,25197,25072517-26103,00.html

The media up here is no different. Bushfires have consumed us all.
In the meantime I don't even know what's going on in my own backyard..
Anna Bligh visited Ingham the day before the bushfires. This info clearly got lost amid the horror of Vic. There's a photo of her with bread and vegemite. Much more NQ style.>20090203)&gallery=FLOODS+NORTH+QUEENSLAND+

Also Emergency Services Minister Roberts made his 2nd trip to Normanton and Karumba yesterday. I actually have Townsville Bulletin today and this is not mentioned.

What has happened in Victoria is horrible. The loss of life is staggering. I truly hope that (one way or another) something constructive will come out of this so that even though there will probably be future fires, no more lives will be lost.