Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Greed (on SBS)

I have no doubt there are plenty of gen yers who are very diligent savers and are quite financially sensible. Still get annoyed by the ones who aren't and don't do anything about it but bury their head in the sand.
Compared to who?

Those that get bailed out by the government and reserve bank for doing exactly the same thing, except being much older, and theoretically should be much wiser?

Financial irresponsibility is not a generational issue, it is a cultural one. If it was a purely generational one limited to those under 30, we wouldn't be in the massive financial hole we are.
no them too.

no worries, fair enough, all of there irresponsibility has cost me money as in deposit rate cuts , my tax dollars paying there way and various other ways my dollars bail out there recklessness.

could even go further and say it sheets me to tears actually that i am penalised for there mistakes/lack of responsibility
I get a bit f'd with all these so called "gen Yers" who say I don't get it so I'm just going to keep spending on credit. You don't have to get anything to understand that you can't keep spending on credit and survive financially. The other thing that pisses me off is they say it with a stupid giggle and laugh as if it is acceptable to be so unintellectual.

Yep. It annoys me when 'the mob' come out and point the finger at bankers, whereas perhaps they should also be pointing it at their own children and friends who borrow up to their necks in debt and don't seem to understand, or care for, the consequences.

why else we in and out of the markets ...... personally not doing it to make the world a better place......

IM in it to make MY world a better place ....




It's only money, so make as much as your little hands can get!
What a brilliant segment. Good on SBS. I get all homesick seeing some good old fashioned sensible Australian discussion. And they managed to get Peter Schiff about cream on top. Fantastic stuff.
What a brilliant segment. Good on SBS. I get all homesick seeing some good old fashioned sensible Australian discussion. And they managed to get Peter Schiff about cream on top. Fantastic stuff.

I'm with Schiff by the way...lots of faith in Australia for the short to medium term (2-5 years)...buying as many "on sale" Aussie dollars as I can!
Did you actually see the programme? It was overall very good.

The captains of capitalism, as you put it, e.g. Saul Eslake, but especially Peter Schift, made much sense.

I think it's difficult to define greed. It's very healthy to have ambition and to want to achieve success. Without this we'd all drift along on social security. Perhaps greed is the compulsion to continue acquiring affluence far beyond our needs, purely for the sake of such acquisition. Pointless, imo, unless you want it for the purposes of philanthropy.

Prawn, you're quite right about the unfortunate tendency to classify any generation into a personality type. It annoys me immensely about being a baby boomer, so, yes, to similarly classify everyone in a given age group as irresponsible GenY massive spenders is silly.

Given that remark, the young girl on the SBS programme, with her blithe assumption that everything would always support her philosophy of ever extending credit, was just so stupid. I find it really hard to believe that with all the information out in the market place anyone can be so ignorant.


no i didnt see the show at all, it was merely a remark in jest, trying to get the ball rolling so to speak.. sorry it slipped by you so easily..

but if this has to be so cut and dry..

if think greed through, it is such a strong motivational emotion is it not, i think it was an emotion paramount in the development and evolution and ultimate dominace of the human species.. it has its pros and cons..

with regard to naive remarks before about savings not been seen as a sign of greed, hilarious.. lmfao
Being a generation Y person myself I was repulsed by that girl's behaviour. A reflection of not just my generation but of a lot of people.

And another girl there claimed to follow the same example. So many girls I know that are like that "I have a positive philosophy on life; life doesn't throw anything at you that you can't take". I almost laughed at that and thought "where have I heard that before?" - just look at Africa or any other third world country and get some perspective. And they don't understand money or have any understanding about anything other than themselves. It's not greed; it's just that they don't want to know anything that doesn't make them happy. They ignore the realities of the world so that they can live.

These types of people expect the world to give them everything they want - right now. They can't wait and are for a lack of a better word spoiled. Reality eventually bites.
Some good comments there.

It can sometimes be amusing to see "GenY" comments and absolute philosophies on life, formed after a whole 5 years (or less in the adult world). Much of it seems to be as intellectual as they have read from a celebrity rag, maybe coming from the mouth of such luminaries such as Paris Hilton. It's very much a catch-cry society these days, if you can attach it to a slogan, or read it somewhere, it must be law. In many ways there hasn't been anything to challenge that in recent times either, to make people have second thoughts whether they really are absolute truisms or not.

Was quite telling that the woman was quite genuinely asking "what is a recession?" :eek: She literally didn't know what the term meant! Was good to see Linsey Tanner privy to this, it's important for the pollies to know that we have got to that stage, where it has been so long, that the younger generation doesn't even know what it means! The idea that one could go straight from one job to another just doesn't exist under a recessionary environment and only barely comprehended this. With almost "full employment" at the moment, it will be a shock to some, especially those that have been getting by taking the easy road.

In general, I think greed can be considered different things to different people. For me, it's wanting things in life at the expense of others, and at the exclusion of others. For others maybe the definition is simply having more than you really need. It could also be seen as simply wanting want somebody else has, and then when you get it, wanting something even better. This is inherent human behaviour.

I am sure back to the cavemen, they went and argued over who had the most prettiest rocks, and nicest spear before clubbing the other one to death to get them :) You can even see primates act out much the same things. The items have changed, but the concept remains the same.

Greed can be good I think if it helps give you the drive, makes you get up each day, and take on the world with both hands. But some people can take it to extreme, resulting in unhappiness eventually for themselves, and even others. Maybe even loneliness if they have everything in the world, but nobody to share it with.
I'm with Schiff by the way...lots of faith in Australia for the short to medium term (2-5 years)...buying as many "on sale" Aussie dollars as I can!
I actually found Schiff the most interesting observer of the lot - perhaps more interesting than the multitude of market commentators who fill our newspapers with boom/bust predictions that change by the day.

I found his prediction about New York becoming the next Detroit quite interesting as well - one fairly high staffer at Macquarie was insistant a few months ago that developing contacts in emerging Asian markets was 10 times more important than having a presence in Wall St. In terms of sheer population and regulated financial markets, the Asian markets trump the yanks by a fair margin.
Is it too early for a "gee, Keating was right" yet?
Its not Greed that is the Problem, it plays a part, but is not the cause. Ignorance plays a bigger role.

Greed can be a motivational factor. Greed in the sense of wanting more and more and more, and then when you have everything you've every dreamed of, still want more, isn't Good. Thats is what the common Idea of Greed is

Greed in the sense of wanting something and aiming to achieve that, is perfectly fine, but that isn't really greed, Its, like the Mr Tanner said, called Ambition, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But to constantly want more, over and above what you need to live a comfortable and happy life, at the behest of others, Is true Greed, and that is Wrong.

Ignorance of the realities of how the world works is the bigger problem, and like Peter Schiff said, Greed is counterbalanced by risk, take away the risk and greed runs rampant, that there is the problem. The cause of the problem is Debt, we need ever expanding consumption to balance the every expanding debt, otherwise inflation kills the entire system.

It all comes back to the system we run of debt based fractional reserve banking. That is the root cause, It allows greed to go unchecked by taking away the risk, people think prices will always go up because inflation makes it so, until you reach the point of excessive debt, where the people within the system can no longer afford to repay and the house of cards crashes!

Its the system, based on debt, which promotes greed and ignorance, that is the cause!
Quote by Lindsay Tanner
One of the legitimate complaints about people (executives) in the United States has been that they are actually able to earn ridiculous amounts of money taking very big risks that may not manifest themselves for a number or years.

So, one of the questions that will be interesting is to look back at the institutions that are now in considerable distress who might have had their decisions that have lead to that, been taken by somebody several years ago
who is long gone and taken one hundred million dollars with them.

Interesting question!

I would call it camouflaged bank r o b b e r y.
Do you think they wanted to invite responsible and thrifty GenYs for the program? No way. It would have made for a pretty boring hour. They want vacuous peroxide blondes who have $25000 credit card debts.

I think it was Peter Schiff who said greed in itself is not the problem, because greed is usually balanced by the fear of losing everything. Greed will continue to run amok now that investors expect bailouts.
Hmm if the monopoly men (central bank owners) are in control of issuing currency and money to most of the world the 1 would assume they have the majority of power???

If thats the case then what would be their motivation? i can only see 1 thing


The greed for control
Hmm if the monopoly men (central bank owners) are in control of issuing currency and money to most of the world the 1 would assume they have the majority of power???

If thats the case then what would be their motivation? i can only see 1 thing


The greed for control

I would actually say its power and the fear of losing it.

'Absolute power corrupts absolutely'
It Never ceases to AMAZE me

When are people going to get it??? Huh?? The reason why I went on the show in the first place was to help people understand the absolute importance of GREED.

I firstly want to thank everyone who posted positive and intelligent comments, and now to address the rest. Greed is very important. If controlled and educated GREED can get us out of this ridiculous financial situation that we have buried ourselves in.

I mean, who out there as a test, cares what interest rates go to??? 10% 15% 25%?? Does it matter, please respond to this question.

Further more, and to chops_a_must directly, perhaps directing your time to taking control of a situation, instead of making childish statements about a man whom you have never met, might do you some good.

Dont be envious of people who are out there working the system to their advantage, support them, and then perhaps with a little luck, you may even learn something....God forbid.
Re: It Never ceases to AMAZE me

When are people going to get it??? Huh?? The reason why I went on the show in the first place was to help people understand the absolute importance of GREED.

I firstly want to thank everyone who posted positive and intelligent comments, and now to address the rest. Greed is very important. If controlled and educated GREED can get us out of this ridiculous financial situation that we have buried ourselves in.

I mean, who out there as a test, cares what interest rates go to??? 10% 15% 25%?? Does it matter, please respond to this question.

Further more, and to chops_a_must directly, perhaps directing your time to taking control of a situation, instead of making childish statements about a man whom you have never met, might do you some good.

Dont be envious of people who are out there working the system to their advantage, support them, and then perhaps with a little luck, you may even learn something....God forbid.

hehe are you the property developer that was on the show????
Re: It Never ceases to AMAZE me

When are people going to get it??? Huh?? The reason why I went on the show in the first place was to help people understand the absolute importance of GREED.

I firstly want to thank everyone who posted positive and intelligent comments, and now to address the rest. Greed is very important. If controlled and educated GREED can get us out of this ridiculous financial situation that we have buried ourselves in.

I mean, who out there as a test, cares what interest rates go to??? 10% 15% 25%?? Does it matter, please respond to this question.

Further more, and to chops_a_must directly, perhaps directing your time to taking control of a situation, instead of making childish statements about a man whom you have never met, might do you some good.

Dont be envious of people who are out there working the system to their advantage, support them, and then perhaps with a little luck, you may even learn something....God forbid.

Methinks gekko, that you're takin the piss out of us. You can't be serious can you? But if you are, seriarse that is, then no doubt you are immersed in the world of Keynesian ecomonics. Therefore maybe you should study Keynesian economic theory a bit and the importance that interest rates have. Although maybe you're from the Austrian school. Not that there's anything wrong with that.:D
Spending money you have yet to earn is like wiping your ass before you sh$ite.