Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Sarah Palin: The Barracuda

Letterman said tonight:

Arizona is helping her a lot on developing her foreign policy skills as she's training for her debate:

"She can see Mexico from Arizona!"

He said he feels like a kid on Christmas eve, waiting to watch the debate. (at 10am here)

I wish her luck. But not too much! (Who said that?) ;)

A political commentator on Jim Lehrer's News Hour (SBS) said tonight that if McCain loses the election, Palin would probably be the leader of the Republican party. :eek:
Was anyone else horrified to see Palin, post-debate, give her baby to her young daughter,
just before they walked down to speak to the moderator?

Shades of Michael Jackson!
That poor kid looked precarious as she took each step down!

I held my breath hoping she would not trip!
Palin stepped down ahead of her and didn't even look to see the situation!:eek:
I felt sorry for Biden. He is a decent man. Being an old fogy myself, I am sure I would go to water if stacked up against an attractive, articulate young mother. He never laid a glove on Palin. He is too decent to join in the hate and ridicule Palin movement. I have a feeling they may get to like each other. It was their first meeting
If that is the only thing you can say about the debate, she must have done ok.

I thought she did Quite well, It was all for her to stuff up.
She definantly held here own against her more seasoned rival.

The race is still alive.
The debate is over, Sarah beat Biden's butt. Wow. I was right, she's been sandbagging all along.

ZzzzDad, I guess we see what we want to. You're less than objective about the candidates. I only saw the last half hour but thought they both acquitted themselves quite well in completely different ways.
Mr Biden epitomised experience and a serious approach, plus good command of facts, whereas Ms Palin will have appealed to her already captive audience with her folksy "doggone" persona.

I had to smile at her sometimes but doubt her approach - whilst probably admirably suited to downtown Wassila - is quite as appropriate for the V.P. of the US.

I doubt that too many minds would have been changed by the debate but would be interested in what others think.
What a master (mistress?) Palin was in skirting most of the questions to regurgitate her rote rhetoric. This was her major strategy for not slipping into a Gotcha moment. Filled up the two minutes well with little substance many times! She went 10-20 seconds over her allocation a few times (should have watched the flashing light on Gwen's desk as Biden did) and I was amused when finally Gwen called time out... in which case Palin had not even begun to answer the question! Gwen's exasperation, IMO, was gentle yet clear in her voice.

I thought Biden won this debate hands down. He answered each question asked and gave relevant details with assured statesmanship. He refuted Palin's inaccuracies with respect and good-will yet credibility. I was impressed.

No doubt McCain will have a new ad with Biden saying 'McCain's a good man' as he did with Obama's 'John was right'... their effort to project respect.

I loved Palin's dismissal of a question by saying 'you're finger pointing backwards, we're looking to the future'.
Biden was quick to say 'The past is prologue'. You betcha. ;)

I also liked Biden's assurance and its source, that he does not question opponents' motivation, but their judgment.

I'm interested to hear (see) what you thought!
Biden came across informed, articulate and well spoken. He does have many contacts and years of experience. What I found interesting as that when asking; along the lines of "What would have to change in your campaign in light of the financial crisis?" Biden was precise and direct that certain things would have to be amended.

Palin said we won't change anything.

I didn't like her 'folksy' 'darn, 'heck', 'doggone' words - not the words of a dignified VP whom I could respect, I'm sure other world leaders thought the same.

She skirted a few questions and as others have said already. Kept going on about energy and the State of Alaska with oil.

I noticed every time she referred to the 'hockey mom' or similar statement about herself the line for the focus group men and women, dropped suddenly.

She did Ok but as she said "I've only been at this for 5 weeks". Not tnough to instill confidence and trust. That takes more than being a 'hockey mom'.

I found Biden to be humble and as commentators have said. "Restrained". He let her go on a few things which she didn't correct.

Don't let the skirt, heels, and smile (sex appeal to the males) persuade the your vote. Look at the facts. She is high on adrelinine and pumped. Let the euphoria die down and see
From the WSJ:
I humbly agree!
She didn't answer the question on deregulation but inserted her own agenda of advertising her 'experience'.
Shame on her trainers! They didn't rote prime her on deregulation.

Biden delivered a withering critique of Sen. McCain's economic agenda.
He attacked McCain for favoring deregulation.

Given an opportunity to respond to that, Palin went after Obama on taxes instead -- one area of the economy where polls show voters trust Republicans more.

That prompted Biden to say:
"The governor did not answer the question about deregulation,
did not answer the question of defending John McCain about not going along with the deregulation, letting Wall Street run wild."

Palin smiled in response and used the occasion to underscore her frequent attacks on the media: I may not answer the questions the way that either the moderator or you wanna hear, but I'm gonna talk straight to the American people and let 'em know my track record also.

Though Palin held her own in most cases, it was clear that Biden had a deeper understanding of many of the issues. He offered a detailed critique of the Bush administration policy on the Middle East. He noted, for instance, the fallout from supporting Palestinian elections that wound up legitimizing Hamas, a terrorist group.

Palin's response hit on none of the substance but suggested that Sen. Biden and his running mate spend too much time pointing to problems in the Bush administration.

Relevant doyathink? :confused:
All I can say is Sarah far exceeded expectations, and made no gaffes.

Can you imagine if Sarah had called the the Bosnians Bosniacs?

Not a big deal, but the media would have crucified Palin if she had said Bosniacs like Biden did.
All I can say is Sarah far exceeded expectations, and made no gaffes.

Can you imagine if Sarah had called the the Bosnians Bosniacs?

Not a big deal, but the media would have crucified Palin if she had said Bosniacs like Biden did.

Bosniac = Bosnian Muslim
Biden is miles ahead of you zzd ;)
The Bosniaks or Bosniacs[25] are a South Slavic people, living mainly in Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Bosnia") and the Sandžak region of Serbia and Montenegro, with a smaller autochthonous population also present in Croatia, Kosovo and the Republic of Macedonia. Bosniaks are typically characterized by their tie to the Bosnian historical region, traditional adherence to Islam, and common culture and language.

In the English-speaking world, Bosniaks are most commonly known as Bosnian Muslims.

PS she might have exceeded expectations, but imo she was still trounced - in the nicest way :2twocents
Just heard on the radio ...
Biden knew they just have to hold their position, and they're over the line,

Palin? - well when expectations are so low, she was able to succeed by just getting a passmark.

But the thought of her taking over the Whitehouse? - needed more than a passmark - surely :eek:
When even the Australian ABC allows that Sarah Palin has been done over by the media, then the left horde who seem to have taken this thread over, should sit up and pay attention.

The Currency Lad, a lucid light in the Blogosphere wrote the following last night.

" Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Governor's Strenuous Life

WHEN Republican-loathing women politicians like Cheryl Kernot and Nicola Roxon criticise the kind of treatment received by Sarah Palin, it's a fair bet the Governor of Alaska definitely has been done over by journalists and commentators frantic to annihilate her for impacting on their ongoing canonisation of Barack Obama. The two women were speaking on tonight's Q&A and both pointed out that Governor Palin had received a level of 'scrutiny' no male candidate has ever received. Naturally, the two left-of-centre men on the panel - host Tony Jones and David Marr - indulged in butch condescension of the woman with far more experience than the junior senator from Illinois. Jones even segued to the supposedly campaign-destroying segment of Governor Palin's CBS interview with Katie Couric and compared it - split-screen style - to an SNL skit. Curiously, the ABC apparently has no access to 'misstatements' by Messrs Obama and Biden - although Marr himself cited YouTube as a reliable source."

Open his diary note and add to your favourites for an excellent commentary on politics here and overseas.

Youtube is a great reference to see how kooky Palin is. The Church speeches are especially interesting. McCain and Palin are stooges being setup for the fall imo.
All I can say is Sarah far exceeded expectations, and made no gaffes.

Can you imagine if Sarah had called the the Bosnians Bosniacs?

Not a big deal, but the media would have crucified Palin if she had said Bosniacs like Biden did.

She did admit schools need to be ramped up.
- She's a prime example of the need for elocution to be taught! (My Fair Lady!)
- Did she have to go to so many schools for failing to answer the questions asked in her exams?

... don't you mean 'as Biden did'? :cool:

Do pedantics matter when the message is understood?
Does Palin know what Bosnia is? ;)
Two instant polls agree: Biden won debate

More bad news for John McCain:
Two quick, post-debate polls agree that Joe Biden was the better performer in his debate Thursday night with Sarah Palin.

-- CBS used uncommitted voters, who gave Biden the edge in early numbers, 46-21 percent, over Palin.

-- CNN's instant poll of regular voters showed Biden victorious, 51-36.

More polls will be released early Friday.
If Obama doesn't get his 270 electoral votes by the time California votes... no matter! :D

Some bloggers on

*There is no way that Palin compares in depth in experience for the VP of the USA. She is way under qualified for that position. There is a huge difference between talking points that were well rehearsed by Palin and many years of experience of influencing policies like Biden to take on the depth of responsibility of running a country like America.

* biden is the man! honest, informed. human. he was not scripted. he is genuine. .The man for our times

* It is very difficult for me to understand how any intelligent individual could possibly think or believe that Governor Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice President. Her performance in the debate was horrific. She doesn't have a clue of what the office of Vice President entails. Her responses or should I say lack of responses were terrible. They were the kind of responses that most high school kids make. In fact, most high school kids could have responded more intelligently than Governor Palin did. I find it difficult how Senator McCain could possibly keep her on the ticket as his running mate.

* Joe Biden provided substantive answers. Sarah Palin dodged important questions, offered platitudes and false information, and clearly prepared and rehearsed answers. Sarah Palin is an embarrassment to all women and a clear example of the Republican Party's sexism, in that they obviously think this is the most you could expect from a woman candidate: little experience in the world of work or government, poorly informed about critical issues, and questionable higher education with poor academic achievement. It is frightening that she does not know enough to know that she does not know enough!

20 seconds says it! ;)
The highlights of the debate today:

90 seconds each - Their health care plans are first up - - Biden doesn't know where to start after Palin's answer!
