Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Sarah Palin: The Barracuda

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
What a great lady the Republican candidate John McCain has picked for his running mate.

A far cry from the insipid lickspittle Biden, who Obama chose.

This is a full blooded American woman in the tradition of glass ceiling shattering women of that great nation, the USA.

And she gave credit where it was due to Hilary Clinton.

The Barracuda will eat Biden and take a reasonable bite out of Obama.

See this link for a bio.

John McCain will easily win this election with this lady as a running mate. she may be President one day.

Yeh good choice McCain.

A person with no foreign policy experience or clue. Another GW Bush who (like the great man himself) won't even be able to point out the countries the US invades on a map.

I mean lets not worry about brains, experience or character (McCain only met her once so can hardly have been his choice but one masterminded for him by the party machine). Lets just choose some gun toting idiot who likes "Mooseburger". Ho hum

I mean if your right Garpal then it will just hasten America going down the toilet in the eyes of the world (and probably economically as well)
Garpal.The loony left hate her, which is a good sign. I have a feeling though that you are trying to inflame 2020. It will be interesting to see if he takes the bait.
Republicans say Obama has not got the experience to lead the nation.
Voters say their biggest fear about McCain is that he will die in office - not that Obama will be assassinated!
Were that to occur they get Palin as President; someone significantly less experienced than Obama, and more right wing than the deeply discredited Bush.
Hilary Clinton will indeed be smiling as the Republicans yet again show their transparency in opting for appearances and inexperience when it really doesn't count.
lol Calliope - 'loony left'

Cmon mate try and come up with something more original than the facile replication of meaningless generalisations that idiots like Piers 'tubby guts' Akerman and his ilk use.

At least try and show us you have anything worthwhile to add?
2020. Bingo. You couldn't resist the bait and your mate Nashezz nearly blew a gasket. He has a nasty temper. I'd say he's a juvenile, but you are older enough to know better. But you are both agreeing with me, you do hate her.
bingo ? lol
all I can think of when I read your posts is "this must be a kid"
so far you have said nothing. - oops except for that quote of Truman's which I already said I enjoyed reading. cheers.

PS what do you think of the lady's lill elephant?
What a great lady the Republican candidate John McCain has picked for his running mate.

A far cry from the insipid lickspittle Biden, who Obama chose.

This is a full blooded American woman in the tradition of glass ceiling shattering women of that great nation, the USA.

And she gave credit where it was due to Hilary Clinton.

The Barracuda will eat Biden and take a reasonable bite out of Obama.

See this link for a bio.

John McCain will easily win this election with this lady as a running mate. she may be President one day.


Yep, Palin's a good pick for leading the superpower through diplomacy, sophisticated policy making, considered judgement etc..., but I don't believe she comes close to:
bingo ? lol
all I can think of when I read your posts is "this must be a kid"
so far you have said nothing. - oops except for that quote of Truman's which I already said I enjoyed reading. cheers.

PS what do you think of the lady's lill elephant?

I have no great interest in American politics so I have no intention in joining you in putting down those on either side. I don't enjoy seeing dirt dredged up by onlookers for political reasons. The politicians do that well enough on their own without any help from us. But I suppose you would say that you are just passing it on. Why?

Your recognition of the juvenile stupidity of your soulmate Nashezz's post on Gustav shows you can be rational on occasion.
Let me know when you're old enough to vote
And which party you vote for :eek:
I'll make a point of voting for someone else

Meanwhile I'll let you have the last word - diatribe that it is .... maybe you understand what you're trying to say

I have no great interest in American politics so I have no intention in joining you in putting down those on either side. I don't enjoy seeing dirt dredged up by onlookers for political reasons. The politicians do that well enough on their own without any help from us. But I suppose you would say that you are just passing it on. Why?

Your recognition of the juvenile stupidity of your soulmate Nashezz's post on Gustav shows you can be rational on occasion.
Let me know when you're old enough to vote
And which party you vote for :eek:
I'll make a point of voting for someone else

Meanwhile I'll let you have the last word - diatribe that it is .... maybe you understand what you're trying to say

Doris once said she didn't think you would get dementia:screwy: mmm.

hey calliope
You've whipped me bigtime
I'm off to read the bible thread to get the strength to carry on
pray for me please ...

hey calliope
You've whipped me bigtime
I'm off to read the bible thread to get the strength to carry on
pray for me please ...

Your recognition of the juvenile stupidity of your soulmate Nashezz's post on Gustav shows you can be rational on occasion.

Please explain (I say this with an Ipswich accent so hopefully you can understand me). Call me a cucumber but I believe he was suggesting you may be a juvenile. I tend to think that it is probably just that you are an idiot.
And she's proving she's human too by allowing her 17 year old to get knocked up and supporting a shotgun pink fluffy dress and penguin suit parade.

Dave's constituency in the bible belt will love that.

Going to hell!!

Unless she turns up each Sunday for a cracker.
This is from the Timesonline.

It is an answer to the nowrunningscared Obamaites who accuse Sarah Palin of inexperience in running for VP alongside JMc.

What a difference a week makes in politics.

Will Obama make a movie on Warming?

Is Mary just the ticket?

Thanks to the miracle of Sky Plus it's possible to watch the programme you want at the time you want, unconstrained by the tyranny of scheduling. Which is why, surfing coverage of the US party conventions this weekend, I was able to catch this vintage footage from al-Jazeera's Holy Land coverage of 2000 years ago...

“So, Luke, how are people reacting to the Almighty's pick of Mary for the cherished place on his ticket as Blessed Virgin?”

“Well, I have to say people are already asking some tough questions about this unconventional choice for the BV role. Who is this unknown with no experience of life outside the tiny community of Nazareth? How will she cope on the world stage? She's been plucked from obscurity to be one heartbeat away from the Messiah but there's nothing in her record so far to suggest she can hold her own against the formidable Herod machine.”

“What are the Establishment voices saying about this high-risk strategy, Luke, is there some criticism there?”

“You bet, Salome, there's real concern among the Jerusalem insiders, the Pharisees and Sadducees who have real foreign policy heft, that Mary will be way out of her depth and won't be able to impress in key centres of power. There's no way they'll ever lay on the bells and ceremonial for someone like Mary in Rome, they say.”

“And she's got very traditional redneck views, I understand, Luke.”

“Yes, she's pro-Life, which will appeal to the Almighty's base but as an unwed mother she may also have some crossover appeal with the all-important constituency of tax-gatherers, women taken in adultery and thieves whom the Almighty wishes to make his own.”

“And finally, Luke, any news from the Herod camp on this new rival?”

“They're very relaxed, and news that they've drafted in Pontius Pilate from the Caesar Augustus campaign team to work on their attack strategy is just bearing false witness, but I can confirm they will have Barabbas on their slate for the big vote later.â


go the bible belt.

I know of no quicker way to hurtle your country (further) into being the subject of ridicule then say, voting in someone whose resume apparently is loaded with important things like being a hockey mom, NRA member, liking Mooseburger and hunting. Except for, say, voting in someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger(sp?), or GWB a second time. Oh, you already did that....

I was living in California at the time the Governator got elected. One of his first money saving policies was to shut down or severely restrict public library opening hours. I lived near a poor area in Richmond, San Francisco and my local public library suddenly only opened a few times a week during working hours. Try helping yourself to a better life (you know the bastion of modern 'conservative' philosophy) when one of the great educational resources available to you is only open during work/school hours.... Good job Arnie. Expect no less from the next clueless idiot like 'el Barracuda'.