I think it is another case of political correctness gone mad.
How many of you have seen pictures of workmates children on their desks? One of my bosses had a very cute picture of his daughter in a flower pot with a gumnut hat on her head but no top on. Is this considered pornographic or just representative of the sort of pictures parents have of their children? Should I have called the police?
There is a park near my house where children play softball. I wanted to go there and practice some action photography but decided better of it for fear of being reported as a pedophile.
How many of you have seen pictures of workmates children on their desks? One of my bosses had a very cute picture of his daughter in a flower pot with a gumnut hat on her head but no top on. Is this considered pornographic or just representative of the sort of pictures parents have of their children? Should I have called the police?
There is a park near my house where children play softball. I wanted to go there and practice some action photography but decided better of it for fear of being reported as a pedophile.