Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Road incidents

11 July 2005
From Nine MSN
Sunday Feb 17 08:54 AEDT

A family has been allegedly run down in a car park in southern NSW by a suspected drunk and unlicensed teenage driver.
Police said the mother and her two boys, aged nine and five, were in the car park of a family restaurant at Sutton Forest, near Bowral, around 8pm (AEDT) Saturday.
The family was walking on a marked pedestrian crossing when a Hyundai Accent driven by a 16-year-old boy allegedly struck them, forcing the mother onto the bonnet and the boys under the car.
The boys were dragged for about 15m until the vehicle came to a stop, police said.
Both boys suffered multiple fractures, bruising and abrasions, while the older child also suffered serious facial injuries and his younger brother sustained cuts to his left eye.
They were treated at the scene and then airlifted to Westmead Children's Hospital, Sydney, where they remain in a stable condition.
Their mother suffered injuries to her left arm and bruising and abrasion, and accompanied her sons to hospital.
The teenager allegedly returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.09 - nearly twice the adult legal limit.
Police said the vehicle was unregistered and uninsured and the driver was unlicensed.
The teenager was released into the custody of his parents while police continue their investigation.
A 16-year-old girl who was on the crossing at the time of the incident was clipped by a side mirror of the vehicle.
She was treated at the scene by ambulance officers.

What is more often occurring that not only substance is involved, but:

vehicle was unregistered and uninsured and the driver was unlicensed

How can you possibly have any form of compensation if driver with no assets is unlicensed, uninsured and vehicle unregistered?
What a joke! That kid should be castrated so he can't plant his seed. All we need is more people without a brain. Being drunk is not an excuse!
What is more often occurring that not only substance is involved, but:

How can you possibly have any form of compensation if driver with no assets is unlicensed, uninsured and vehicle unregistered?
This is the great advantage of the NZ Accident Compensation Commission.
Everyone pays a levy, much as we do here with Medicare levy, then when there's any sort of accident, medical costs and subsequent compensation are determined by a Board and paid for by the central fund. The lawyers here don't want it, of course. Just imagine the fees they would miss out on.
How can you possibly have any form of compensation if driver with no assets is unlicensed, uninsured and vehicle unregistered?

Maybe you can sue the Nominal Defendant to gain compensation. But probably not as the driver/vehicle has been identified.

See link below for NSW

I'm pretty sure that there is similar legislation on other states.

The vehicle may well have been insured and registered however it is a condition of both of these systems that the driver be licensed and sober, It is an automatic thing that if you are unlicensed or drunk then the vehicle is automatically uninsured and unregistered. in fact I think if you are drunk then you may automatically be unlicensed as well. I do hope the police can confiscate the car

There was a time when the juvenile driver would have found himself in the navy, his parents obviously can't control him and he needs discipline, but we don't do that anymore

What is more often occurring that not only substance is involved, but:

How can you possibly have any form of compensation if driver with no assets is unlicensed, uninsured and vehicle unregistered?

I'm assuming you're refering to the driver being the victim in this instance.

That's usually how the law sees it.

From ABC, 10 Apr. 08


The Police Commissioner, Karl O'Callaghan, says new hoon legislation is working despite the arrest of a man for allegedly driving at more than 100 km/h above the speed limit.
Police say a 33-year-old man was caught travelling at 203 km/h in a 100 zone in the Perth suburb of Leeming in the early hours of this morning.
Police also alleged he was talking on a mobile phone, was driving under the influence of alcohol and was driving without a licence.

The Commissioner says tougher penalties introduced earlier this year are working because there are few repeat offenders.
"The legislation is having impact," he said.

"We need to keep doing what we're doing, we need to keep arresting hoons and we need to keep advising the community that we're going to be tough and no-nonsene when it comes to hoons."

What worries me most is this bit -

and was driving without a licence.

In other words, law is far law abiding people.

What are they going to do? They will take his license away, which he did not have in a first place for several years.
If car was stolen, are they going to pancake it, or confiscate it?

What is going to stop him driving without license?
- At least I think I know an answer to this question.
From ABC, 20 Apr. 08


New research has found 60 per cent of disqualified drivers continue to get behind the wheel.
The study by the Monash University's Accident Research Centre has found more men than women lose their licences.

The study also found the most likely cause of disqualification is drink driving, followed by speeding.
The survey shows 28,000 drivers ignored the ban and continue to drive each year, with most believing they would not get caught and that they do not pose a risk.

Not all 28,000 don’t know how to drive, but don’t deserve to be on our roads, but proof that as said above, law is only for those who obey it.
How can you possibly have any form of compensation if driver with no assets is unlicensed, uninsured and vehicle unregistered?
In Tas at least I'm pretty sure the MAIB (Motor Accidents Insurance Board) would pay medical costs, loss of income etc to a third party whether or not the vehicle that caused it was registered and the driver licensed. But if no rego then they won't pay for the driver / owner's injuries. That's my understanding at least.
Highly unlikely we've heard the end of this one yet..
The bloke screeches to a halt in front of numerous cyclists (including Olympians training) - who crash into him.
Allegedly someone calls out to him to stay because so many are hurt and the cops have been called.
He takes off - leaves the scene of a crime/accident/ whatever - allegedly he and his mate think its funny.
Someone has the sense to copy his number plate..
Now he's being "interviewed".
Kersten in on-air clash with 'goose' driver
Posted Fri May 9, 2008 12:00pm AEST
Updated Fri May 9, 2008 12:24pm AEST

...Almost 50 cyclists were riding along Southern Cross Drive in Botany when a driver overtook them and then stopped suddenly, causing the lead riders to crash into the car.

..... A caller named 'Jason' has told Radio 2GB in Sydney that he pulled in front of the cyclists because his car stalled and he had to restart it.

"I did get injured mate and I'm training for the Olympics and I've got a trial in two weeks and I ran into the back of you. You're a goose," Kersten told the caller on air.

'Jason' replied: "You ran into the back of me and I'm the goose?"

Kersten said: "You stopped in the middle of a bloody 80k zone in front of 200 or 100 cyclists. What were you thinking?"

'Jason' replied: "What do you mean? I'm half in the left lane and half in the breakdown lane because my car stalled."

Kersten says the driver was reckless and people could have been killed

so his car stalls - and he has to screech to a halt? (at least) half in their lane? then takes off from scene? - sounds like a smartass conman to me :2twocents
Police continue cyclists crash investigation
Posted Fri May 9, 2008 10:41am AEST

Kersten says the crash has temporarily affected his training for the Olympics.

He says road rage against cyclists is becoming so bad in Sydney that he is considering moving overseas to continue his training.

"Living in Sydney and trying to be a road cyclist is not an option really, it's obviously circulating road rages and stuff," he said.

"If riders are supposed to be out for five or six hours a day, that's just not possible.

"We are already getting up at four and five in the morning and copping abuse."
Dont forget 2020 he aint been charged after being interviewed by the police,not being there its hard to comment as we did not see what happened.

Now myself being a b-double driver try to give cyclists as much room as i can as when i pass them im always worried about them getting sucked in between my trailers,saturday morning is when they hit the roads in big numbers so i try to get back to the yard early to avoid the traffic.

2 things cyclists must do.stay 2 abreast in the fog line & get some brighter clothing & night lights.i dont really worry about them not paying rego etc,they must stay off the road away from the big bangers...tb:D
Dont forget 2020 he aint been charged after being interviewed by the police,not being there its hard to comment as we did not see what happened.

True , but it sounds like there's 50 witnesses to say his version is total fabrication - possible class action etc :2twocents

Huss was driving his sedan along Southern Cross Drive at 6.45am on Thursday when he encountered a large group of cyclists returning from a training ride.

The speed limit for vehicles was 80kmh and Huss was obliged to slow. "I've got in front of, overtaken all of the cyclists, and while I'm sort of in the middle lane … another car in front of me, he has slowed down. I've accelerated to get into the left lane - and I just got a car two days that is a gas and petrol thing - and it backfired, the airbox popped."

On his account most of the cyclists sailed past him but two went "thud, thud" into his boot. He found himself surrounded by up to 50 angry cyclists and thought it prudent to drive off. On the accounts of several cyclists involved, there was a pile-up involving injuries to up to 20 cyclists.

Yesterday on Macquarie Radio and calling himself "Jason", he defended himself and said he had even put on his hazard lights. Ben Kersten, one of the cyclists, rang the station to call Huss a liar: "We have 50 witnesses to say everything you have said is false."

Police have interviewed Huss, and last night had laid no charges but the cyclists have intimated they may mount a class action and seek up to $50,000 compensation... etc .
From ABC, 27 May. 08


A teenager who killed a man in a road crash three years ago will not spend any time in detention.
Michael James Hart, 19, admitted he was travelling up to 50 kilometres per hour above the speed limit when he crashed into another car at Elizabeth in Adelaide, killing driver Allan Wilson.
Hart suffered a brain injury in the crash, leaving him unfit to stand trial for causing death by dangerous driving and other charges.

District Court Judge Andrea Simpson has ruled that Hart should not be detained in a mental health facility.
She has released him to live with his grandfather.

Maybe brain injured, maybe just got “good advice”.

Hope they keep an eye on him and possible miraculous recovery later on.

True , but it sounds like there's 50 witnesses to say his version is total fabrication - possible class action etc :2twocents

"Sounds like" doesnt mean proof...just remember hes only been charged with leaving the scene of an accident...

bike riders are a very big hazard to all drivers,if it wasnt a dedicated bike lane then they shouldnt be riding on that road...

the breakdown lane is not for bikes unless stated,southern cross drive in morning peak hour...brain dead action...:banghead:...tb:D


..brain dead action...:banghead:...tb:D

When I am on the road on my pushbike I am mindful of cars and I never execute my right to be on the road and take good part of whole lane.

It is probably because as car driver I see how it looks from the other side of windscreen.

I have a lot of bad memories how pushbike riders behave on the road; sometimes I think they are deliberately taking whole lane just because they can, not to mention that traffic lights don’t apply to many of them.

Dont forget 2020 he aint been charged after being interviewed by the police,not being there its hard to comment as we did not see what happened.

Now myself being a b-double driver try to give cyclists as much room as i can as when i pass them im always worried about them getting sucked in between my trailers,saturday morning is when they hit the roads in big numbers so i try to get back to the yard early to avoid the traffic.

2 things cyclists must do.stay 2 abreast in the fog line & get some brighter clothing & night lights.i dont really worry about them not paying rego etc,they must stay off the road away from the big bangers...tb:D

Heres what i said before..

You got 2 types of bike riders,the pusbiker who rides his bike & the you got the pros in this accident,who think they can ride 3 abreast in peak hour taking up a lane...:banghead:..not on,it is these riders you will find that are getting run over more than the guy who goes for a pedal...

it dont matter if you are a wannabe olympian,sydney peak hour is not the place...let me tell you,these riders cause alot of prangs when you have to use the next lane(sorry car in that lane wannabees need this lane..!:mad:)tb:D
From ABC, 22 Jan. 09

Police in New South Wales say a man they chased from the Hawkesbury to the Hunter Valley overnight had already been disqualified from driving for the next 49 years.
Officers say the chase started when the 30-year-old failed to stop for a random breath test at Wilberforce, in Sydney's outer north-west, about 10:00pm (AEDT).
They followed him for about 50 kilometres before ending the pursuit on the Putty Road.
Hunter Valley police took over the pursuit just after 11:00pm.

They used road spikes to deflate all of the car's tyres, but the driver continued on bare rims.
The man continued to drive through Singleton and Gresford before finally stopping at Mitchell's Flat.
He was arrested and taken to Muswellbrook Police Station where officers say they realised he had been disqualified from driving until 2058.

The 30-year-old was charged with seven offences including giving police a false name.
He will face Muswellbrook Local Court today.

There are more and more incident when there is driver without license often in unregistered and uninsured car and we (legal system) seem to be out of our wits what to do with it.

I see it this way if somebody cannot obey our law we lock him or her up so they cannot break it.

Fair and simple and of course the usual - work in locker to pay for their keep.
And no tax payer funded sex change while there either.

tigerboi;297499bike riders are a very big hazard to all drivers said:
if it wasnt a dedicated bike lane then they shouldnt be riding on that road[/B]...
Correct that they shouldn't be riding in a breakdown lane. But if there's no bike lane then the proper place for them to be riding is to take up one complete traffic lane. Those behind need to either travel at the same speed as the bike or overtake safely in another lane just as they would overtake a car or other vehicle. If they can not overtake safely then don't overtake.

I can follow the argument about cyclists not paying rego etc but I must point out that much the same applies to SUV's etc as well. They're paying rego, but they're not paying twice as much as a small car despite taking up twice as much space on the road etc. So cyclists aren't the only ones getting a subsidy.

I can follow the argument about cyclists not paying rego etc but I must point out that much the same applies to SUV's etc as well. They're paying rego, but they're not paying twice as much as a small car despite taking up twice as much space on the road etc. So cyclists aren't the only ones getting a subsidy.

While I agree with you, I think the real problem is not subsidy but the speed.

Bikes are pushing it to keep 50 k/hour and if there is one lane, big traffic, drivers have no room to pass safely, they start to speculate – shouldn’t bikes be more courteous and give away their right to clog the full lane.

I have always more time than I need to reach the destination as I give myself bit of margin of safety for traffic, some road obstructions and even time to stop and answer call of nature if I have to.

But many drivers have no luxury or foresight to do it this way and being always too late additional -unfair obstacle- in their opinion makes them aggressive to the point of taking excessive risk, injuring or effectively murdering pushbike rider/s.

I personally as push bike rider never execute my right of lane hogging, just cannot bring myself to do it.

Dont forget 2020 he aint been charged after being interviewed by the police,not being there its hard to comment as we did not see what happened.

Now myself being a b-double driver try to give cyclists as much room as i can as when i pass them im always worried about them getting sucked in between my trailers,saturday morning is when they hit the roads in big numbers so i try to get back to the yard early to avoid the traffic.

2 things cyclists must do.stay 2 abreast in the fog line & get some brighter clothing & night lights.i dont really worry about them not paying rego etc,they must stay off the road away from the big bangers...tb:D

Correct that they shouldn't be riding in a breakdown lane. But if there's no bike lane then the proper place for them to be riding is to take up one complete traffic lane. Those behind need to either travel at the same speed as the bike or overtake safely in another lane just as they would overtake a car or other vehicle. If they can not overtake safely then don't overtake.

I can follow the argument about cyclists not paying rego etc but I must point out that much the same applies to SUV's etc as well. They're paying rego, but they're not paying twice as much as a small car despite taking up twice as much space on the road etc. So cyclists aren't the only ones getting a subsidy.

as i pointed out previously bike riders are dangerous especially on a saturday 1 rider killed on the m4...:banghead:

where do you get the idea that bike riders are allowed to take up one lane & cause absolute chaos to traffic???

bike riders do not have the right to disrupt the other drivers...

like i said riders out on saturday mornings thinking they are allowed to take up a lane...bang

got no problem sharing the road as a professional driver however cars & trucks have priority...

bike riders be told...metro highways are not training grounds...tb