Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Pet Peeves Thread

Putting up the price of grog!!!:eek: thats akin to charging for the air we breathe... :eek:

But great work attempting to shift the goal posts.
Clearly robust argument there. :p:

AAHH.. another Dockers trajic... I'm chairman..ooopps.. chairperson .. of that particular club....

Same could be said for people in general. Perth is so boring!

Over 20 years I've been trying to get back out... butt it's hard going ploughing through the sand...

Now please explain how increasing tax achieves this outcome? The fact is it won't.......

My other point, how many kids do you know drink a glass of red? Still getting taxed....

I didn't think anything other than pre-mixers were having this massive tax hike.

If price rises are the most effective method of reducing demand, even slightly, out of the "easier" possibilities, then that's what they will do. There are arguments here saying it wont and it will affect demand... can't you guys make up your mind?

Considering the religious extremists are predominantly the reason for all this hoo ha, they should cop equal blame as well. Funny that, considering some of the biggest alcos of all time have been priests... :rolleyes:

I knew one of those kids very well. An ex of mine, drank a bottle of red every day from the age of 14. Ended up being a massive alco.

Until they sort out the liquor licensing laws, which encourages pubs to be situated into a tiny area, and have secure prior use legislation to encourage making money from entertainment, rather than volume alcohol selling, it will always be the case in Perth. Entertainment entrepreneurs are scared to start things up because of the old fogies complaining here, and the regulatory environment that creates. You only have to look at the dramas the Bakery and HQ (probably the only decent underage thing around in Perth) constantly face to see how hard it is. WOW and now WES owning 80% of pubs and bottle o's doesn't help either. And that severely limits the variety on offer.
AAHH.. another Dockers trajic... I'm chairman..ooopps.. chairperson .. of that particular club....

If only we had Doctorj shifting the goal posts on Friday night. :banghead: Haven't ever heard the crowd that loud and fired up before though.

I'm suing the Dockers as well. I'm going grey and bald at a very young age. And the only thing I can put it down to is the absolute frustration of being a Dockers supporter. If I don't have a heart attack at a Dockers' game in my lifetime, I think I will donate it to science as a wonder of the world.

PP: The ****ing Dockers!! Grrrrrrrrrrr...
I didn't think anything other than pre-mixers were having this massive tax hike.
What got my knickers in a knot is that the press today were talking about hiking the prices on all booze.

... something we all can agree is a bad thing
Before we all get our undies so far up our **** that we start prancing around like Warrick Capper, this increased tax is purely for so the called 'alcopops', or pre-mixed drinks. Alcopops will now be taxed AT THE SAME RATE as straight spirits. Don't worry lads, your six-packs of Cascade Light won't be affected.

Tony Abbot: "I am always a reluctant taxer but certainly increasing the tax, increasing the prices usually [is a] very effective way of reducing the consumption."

DSIC (Distilled Spirits Industry Council) Spokesman: "Normally when the price goes up, sales go down, so it'll have an impact there."

Hmm, price elasticity anyone?

What got my knickers in a knot is that the press today were talking about hiking the prices on all booze.

... something we all can agree is a bad thing


If you can get these pre-mixers, which seem to be pretty cheap, as expensive or more expensive than alcohol drinks that aren't as strong, then that will have an impact on their choices as well.

And that will probably have an impact on drunkenness outside of pubs and clubs as well, as everyone goes back to buying tap beer. I miss EB on tap as well. :eek:
If they increase taxes on meths I swear I'm going to change my vote!!!
KRudd... take note...

Before we all get our undies so far up our **** that we start prancing around like Warrick Capper, this increased tax is purely for so the called 'alcopops', or pre-mixed drinks. Alcopops will now be taxed AT THE SAME RATE as straight spirits. Don't worry lads, your six-packs of Cascade Light won't be affected.

Not what was in the press today if you RTFM... said:
The proposal
The Federal Government's preventive health taskforce made the call for increased taxes following the surprise 70 per cent tax increase on spirit-based alcopop drinks on the weekend to combat teenage binge drinking.

Australian General Practice Network chief Kate Carnell said it was time all alcohol was taxed at the same rate to cut drinking and improve national health.

"We believe the liquor excise should be the based on alcohol content, not what the drink looks like," she told The Daily Telegraph.

Currently beer and wine are taxed less heavily than spirits.
A uniform alcohol tax rate would mean increasing the cost of a beer by 46c and bottled wine by 63c a glass.

Tony Abbot: "I am always a reluctant taxer but certainly increasing the tax, increasing the prices usually [is a] very effective way of reducing the consumption."

DSIC (Distilled Spirits Industry Council) Spokesman: "Normally when the price goes up, sales go down, so it'll have an impact there."

Hmm, price elasticity anyone?
I'm beginning to think you just like arguing.

The point that you, the former minster for health and the DSIC fail to grasp is HOW MUCH consumption will fall per unit of price increase and whether or not that's worth it.

There's also plenty of research to suggest that education does work...
Successful programs use ‘social influence strategies’ to inform students about peer andmedia influence on alcohol and other drug use and provide strategies for resisting this influence. Life-skills training is the best known and most effective of the social influence approaches. It teaches secondary school students social and problem solving skills that focus on decision making and resisting peer and other influences (Botvin et al 1990; Holder 2002; Sanci et al 2002).

To quote someone else on the issue 'The point is that the tax is a rather blunt policy instrument for alcohol regulation. Like rain it falleth equally on the just and the unjust.'

If we're worried about our youth drinking to excess, I have good news - we could make a "law" to limit access to alcohol until they're adult. Oh wait... we have one of those already.

The fact is kids get grog from somewhere. Sure there is the occassional young'n with big brother's ID that is lucky enough to be served by someone that doesn't notice that little Billy is not infact 25, but the reality is that a good amount of alcohol these kids drink is given to them by their parents.
Not what was in the press today if you RTFM...

I'm beginning to think you just like arguing.

The point that you, the former minster for health and the DSIC fail to grasp is HOW MUCH consumption will fall per unit of price increase and whether or not that's worth it.

There's also plenty of research to suggest that education does work...


I love arguing.

Nope, I don't fail to grasp it. A fall in consumption is a good thing, and as I stated from the outset, price increases are the single most significant factor in reducing consumption.

I'm not saying that education doesn't work, it just doesn't work as well as price rises.

As for the taxes, your Cascade Light, or West Coast Cooler (hang on, is that an alcopop? :p: ) will not be affected by this recent change. What you quoted is a 'call' for increased taxes across the board, not actually increased taxes.
PP: The continued use of GLASS in those bus shelters with the advertising panels inside them. What's wrong with perspex? Surely the replacement costs of glass would make it uneconomical...
First time looking at this thread and I find the topics very interesting and life I will definitely be back!

On an aside I noticed that there are a CONSIDERABLE number of Sandgropers who are regular contributors.....what does that tell us???? By the way YES I also live in Perth..hmmmm

I agree with Sprinter in regards to the replacement of the glass bus gotta love those morons on the councils wasting our hard earned coin....they are now spending / investing / punting on the ASX....
On an aside I noticed that there are a CONSIDERABLE number of Sandgropers who are regular contributors.....what does that tell us???? By the way YES I also live in Perth..hmmmm
Not entirely surprising. A significant percentage of the listed companies (by number) are based in Perth. It's very hard to work in Perth without working for or with a listed mining company - it's only natural that people get an interest in it.
*deep breaths*

On one hand we have a government that amidst all the fan fare of the 20-20 summit announced an inclination to simplify the tax system who were elected, partly, on a promise of no increased taxes.

On the other, we have them raising taxes on alcohol while shouting from the rooftops “won’t somebody think of the children!” as if that’s meant to justify it. Anyone who speaks ill of it (as I expect to happen to me) is charged with neglecting the best interests of our children.

What we have here is a systemic failure in parenting and the public outsourcing responsibility to a government all too happy to bolster their coffers with increased taxes.

The reality?
Alcohol has long been proven VERY price in-elastic. Large increases in cost do little to reduce demand.

The cost?
Responsible people, such as you and I, are made to pay even more taxes than we already do for little or no REAL benefit to anyone but a government wanting to ‘look good’ and parents that lack the will to take responsibility for their children.

Governments should be responsible for providing what we as individuals can’t – they should not be responsible for making decisions for us.

Just on the subject of this tax hike, went into my local bottle shop last weekend to pick up some pre mixed stuff for Mrs Frink, she prefers the pre mixed ones to buying a bottle and mixing it herself, and was absolutely gobsmacked at the price. What used to cost $65 now costs $90! Decided to go the bottle instead. She'll have to learn how to pour a drink herself!

Speaking to the employee at the counter and asked what had happened since the hike. He laughed a little and said they weren't going to order half as much pre mixed stuff now, and will be getting in extra spirits in the bottle, as most had simply switched from pre mixers to buying a whole bottle at a time.

So much for promoting the responsible consumption of alcohol - instead of buying a 6 pack of cans, people will go off and buy a whole bottle instead:drink:
The metal teapots they use in cafe's.

I challenge anybody to pour a cup of tea from those stupid little metal teapots they use in some cafe's without spilling anything.
Speaking to the employee at the counter and asked what had happened since the hike. He laughed a little and said they weren't going to order half as much pre mixed stuff now, and will be getting in extra spirits in the bottle, as most had simply switched from pre mixers to buying a whole bottle at a time.

So much for promoting the responsible consumption of alcohol - instead of buying a 6 pack of cans, people will go off and buy a whole bottle instead:drink:

Surely nobody thought this tax hike was about encouraging responsible drinking? It's simply a cynical money grab by the Labor government that will lead to even more irresponsible drinking habits by teens and young adults. At the same time it punishes responsible drinkers who have done and continue to do absolutely nothing wrong.

Instead of drinking premixes which control the amount of alcohol in each drink teens will now be buying bottles and free pouring spirits into their drinks. So instead of 5-8% alcohol they will be consuming drinks with more than 10% and probably more than 20% alcohol! When you pour spirits out of a bottle you can pour in as much as you like. Sheer genius from the nanny state masters, the Labor government.

On top of all that it will also lead to the increased consumption of moonshine or home made spirits which is already becoming more common. I can't even begin to imagine what the long term impact of this will be.

Instead of leading to more responsible drinking habits this tax hike will lead to more irresponsible drinking.

Thanks Kevin Rudd, you idiot! :bonk:
Pedestrians who walk on the right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and people who try to get in a lift before the people inside have got out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excessive use of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
