Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum



However, evidence from a few studies indicates that as many as 20% to 30% of patients receive inappropriate care.

An estimated 44,000 to 98,000 among them die each year as a result of medical errors.2

This might be tolerated if it resulted in better health, but does it? Of 13 countries in a recent comparison,3,4 the United States ranks an average of 12th (second from the bottom) for 16 available health indicators. More specifically, the ranking of the US on several indicators was:

* 13th (last) for low-birth-weight percentages
* 13th for neonatal mortality and infant mortality overall 14
* 11th for postneonatal mortality
* 13th for years of potential life lost (excluding external causes)
* 11th for life expectancy at 1 year for females, 12th for males
* 10th for life expectancy at 15 years for females, 12th for males
* 10th for life expectancy at 40 years for females, 9th for males
* 7th for life expectancy at 65 years for females, 7th for males
* 3rd for life expectancy at 80 years for females, 3rd for males
* 10th for age-adjusted mortality

This article is a classic case of how two different thing are incorrectly linked to reach a conclusion.
The reason the US comes very low as compared to other countries in the world e.g. last in infant mortality!!! Is that if you are poor you do not get access to proper medical treatment. There was a great article in New Scientist that showed more mothers and babies die in the US than other OECD countries because they are not given medical access. It is disgusting. One City did a trial and lowered the mortality rate significantly however Bush said he didn't want to encourage a welfare state. The fact that single mothers had no hope of paying for private insurance and so were having no health checks during pregnancy didn't enter his so called Christian heart or head.

If I did get one of the diseases which is highly unlikely if you are on a Raw Food Diet and getting proper nutrition, I'd hit it with Dr Schulzes Plague Tonic. I hade a sore troat the other day, I gulped down some of his Plague Tonic which I made myself and the sore troat was gone within a couple of hours.

I love how you would prefer to use Dr Schulzes Plague Tonic.
If you got a disease rather than prevent the disease such as German measles or Whooping cough or Polio, and therefore risk spreading rubella to an unborn foetus within a young pregnant women or kill a new born baby with Whooping Cough or cause a young child to grow up unable to walk after getting Polio. You are strong enough but the little are not.

Does it work on the plague by the way?
I love how you would prefer to use Dr Schulzes Plague Tonic.
If you got a disease rather than prevent the disease such as German measles or Whooping cough or Polio, and therefore risk spreading rubella to an unborn foetus within a young pregnant women or kill a new born baby with Whooping Cough or cause a young child to grow up unable to walk after getting Polio. You are strong enough but the little are not.

Does it work on the plague by the way?
Maybe you should do some research before spouting off about vaccines...

Doctor’s are starting to think that the polio epidemics of the 1940’s and 1950’s may have been caused by the high number of tonsillectomies done in the 1920’, 30’s and 40’s. They have discovered that the only area of the body that can synthesize the antibody to poliomyelitis is the tonsils. If you don’t have tonsils you can’t fight off polio.

"During the polio epidemics it was found that people who had their tonsils removed were 3-5 times more likely to develop paralysis….There were many at that time that suggested that polio was an iatrogenic disease…..we caused thousands of cases of paralysis. We did not cause the polio , but we converted people who would have recovered from a vial illness into people with a paralytic illness."—Dr Mark Donohoe MB BS

Maybe you should do some research before spouting off about vaccines...


Removing tonsils has nothing to do with the validity of vaccines. I'm sure you can do better than a 50 year old medical article...

And the fact remains, polio is still a problem in areas where I doubt anyone has the means to have tonsils removed.
Another thing about countries that don't have fluoridisation, they are generally all hard core lefty socialist types. Countries with fluoride are generally apathetic and conservative politically. I'm sure it's a position Julia doesn't want to be in: opposing fluoride, and having wave upon wave of socialist government. :p:
Herewith list of fluoride status of several countries. I wouldn't have thought they - with the exception of China and Poland - fit your categorisation as hard core lefty socialists!


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Removing tonsils has nothing to do with the validity of vaccines. I'm sure you can do better than a 50 year old medical article...

And the fact remains, polio is still a problem in areas where I doubt anyone has the means to have tonsils removed.
Dr Schulzes Herbal Formula for Polio etc, you can even make it yourself, all you need is a Blender and Vodka...

Nerve Stimulative and Restorative Tonic:
Application: This Herbal Formula is VERY EFFECTIVE for Nervous System Degeneration (A.L.S., C.P., M.D., M.S., Polio, ...)!!
Therapeutic Action: This VERY POWERFUL Formula will STIMULATE, REPAIR, RESTORE and REBUILD the AFFLICTED Nerves!!​

Formula: 4 parts - Skullcap, 4 parts - Oat Seed, 2 parts - St. John's Wort Flowers, 1 part - Celery Seed, 1 part - Lavender, 1 part - Coffee Bean, 1 part - Kola Nut, and 1 part - Ephedra/Ma Huang (optional).
NOTE: Part EQUALS Volume, NOT Weight when making this Tincture. Modify the Tincture Procedure by using DRIED Herbs ONLY, if FRESH Herbs are NOT AVAILABLE, and when making other Herbal Tinctures also.​

Dosage: Take 2 dropperfuls (35-70 drops) 6 or MORE times per day INTERNALLY. Also can be applied around and in the Ears and especially Fomentations on the afflicted Area of the Body.
NOTE: Nerve Stimulative and Restorative Tonic is NOT AVAILABLE from American Botanical Pharmacy, because the F.D.A. won't allow Dr. Schulze to make this POWERFUL Herbal Formula, that REALLY WORKS! If you want to make your own Nerve Stimulative and Restorative Tonic, then please CLICK HERE for the BEST Tincture Method and HERE for Bulk Herbs to make your own Nerve Regeneration Formula.​

Combine the above with good nutrition, hot/cold showers, some bodywork etc and you'll be better in no time...​

Oh right. So that's what has almost eradicated it has it?

Are you on commission?
Commission for making it yourself, how do you work that one out?!?!?

I just did my research and I feel great since I started doing what Dr Schulze Teaches and my medical bills have plummetted...
Commission for making it yourself, how do you work that one out?!?!?

I just did my research and I feel great since I started doing what Dr Schulze Teaches and my medical bills have plummetted...
For plugging his products in general.

If he was practicing in Australia, he would be de-registered straight out. He breaches just about every code of conduct and regulation within the Australian alternative therapy associations. Nuff said.

I can just imagine this guy being in the ER. "Doctor, this patient has a femoral artery bleed."
"Ok. Give him some guarana and hot and cold showers, stat! See, this is what happens when you don't eat healthy, people starting hitting you in the legs with axes."

Wackos like this are really really damaging to the industry.
For plugging his products in general.

If he was practicing in Australia, he would be de-registered straight out. He breaches just about every code of conduct and regulation within the Australian alternative therapy associations. Nuff said.

I can just imagine this guy being in the ER. "Doctor, this patient has a femoral artery bleed."
"Ok. Give him some guarana and hot and cold showers, stat! See, this is what happens when you don't eat healthy, people starting hitting you in the legs with axes."

Wackos like this are really really damaging to the industry.

I'm not plugging his products, I'm plugging his techniques.

We wouldn't want to have people getting educated and taking control of their health, now would we.

The treatment for bleeding, strokes and heart attacks is extremely strong cayenne pepper tincture or powder ==>

Maybe when the doctors want to start chopping pieces out of you or you have been given 4 weeks to live of you you might be a little more receptive to looking into alternative medicine. Dr Schulze spent 20 years treating people with Terminal Diseases who had been given death sentences by their doctors only to have many of his patients recover and proceed to outlive their bigotted, narrow minded doctors

Cayenne Pepper Video's

Maybe when the doctors want to start chopping pieces out of you or you have been given 4 weeks to live of you you might be a little more receptive to looking into alternative medicine. Dr Schulze spent 20 years treating people with Terminal Diseases who had been given death sentences by their doctors only to have many of his patients recover and proceed to outlive their bigotted, narrow minded doctors

Mate, my work is in the alternative health industry. So yes, I know a thing or two about it.

There is a difference between writing unsubstantiated and unverified dribble, and actually using and applying tested and quantified techniques and methods. I'm not exactly sure how this guy can claim anything, considering he can't even get the terminology correct in the areas he is supposedly treating.

Most of these terminal diseases would be cancerous, and you can't say it is the doctors that have given them the death sentence, it's the illness itself. Oncologists are perhaps some of the toughest bastards I've ever met, but you would have to be too if you knew a fair chunk of your patients were going to die, and you had to constantly tell people's families that. By and large most oncologists are adaptive and accepting of ideas. But only if they are backed up with evidence (rightly so), not utter bollocks like this. A lot of alternative therapies are being tested at University level, and those that aren't should be taken with a grain of salt. One of my specialist modalities is linked to Universities in Adelaide, Austria and Canada, and has been proven to help prevent onset of cancer (in high risk groups), recurrence and other post surgical intervention complications.

Unless you can find THAT sort of backup for HIS claims, I suggest you ask him, and yourself, why not?

I can sit here and say that this method and that method helps prolong peoples lives, but it means nothing, because there is always a random survivability element. And what these charlatans do, is latch onto that as some kind of proof for their "miracle work", without actually looking at the base case of "survivor" rates.

I spent a great deal of time looking at his sites, and I saw absolutely nothing to back up his claims. I can say here that I have a 150% winning rate on my trades, with an average win of 20R, but I will provide no proof. Who the hell would believe me?

Until you can find independently verified support for his claims, I will continue to tear his ideas to shreds.
Unless you can find THAT sort of backup for HIS claims, I suggest you ask him, and yourself, why not?
Here's a whole Forum Sub-Thread dedicated to Dr Schulze's technique, etc.

A couple of testimonials from people who have used Dr Schulze's techniques

You will find several testimonials here in this forum. I helped my Dad with the Incurables Program. He was supposed to be dead here in a couple of months, but he is doing great. He had advanced metastasized prostate cancer. The doctors said there was nothing they could do for him. They told him to go home and live a nice couple of years, but that was all he should expect. I have also worked with several other people. A lady with Breast Cancer that I worked with was supposed to be dead last fall, but she feels better than she has in years and all of the cancer markers are gone. I am working with a woman who has lymphatic cancer. The progress has arrested. She is not diligent in the IP protocol, but has adopted some of Dr. Schulze 's protocols.

I have cured my CFS and IBS using Dr. S's methods. I've completely cured tough eczema in people using Dr. Christopher's. I've had one cold in 3 years when I used to get 3-4 per year. I've cured people's constipation, sore throats, Crohn's, avoided knee surgery, halted depression.......

The methods are impressive.

Hi! I am on the Incurables program for Breast Cancer right now and it is going great! YOu can email me if you want and I will share more with you. I do however, know a man I met through Dr. Schulze 's pharmacy who cured himself of lymphoma that had spread to his bone. He had tried chemo but it was not any better. They gave him a 2 month break and when he went back he was completely cancer free. He lives here in California and would certainly talk to you. He is an amazing man and very inspirational. Let me know and I will arrange a conversation.

Shred Away
"I've cured people's constipation, sore throats"

You can't cure temporary conditions!

Anecdotes just don't cut it. This person next to me thinks my work is the most awesome awesome that ever awesomed. Doesn't mean squat...
Kimosabi, your patience is admirable and the information you provide in your posts appreciated.

Chops, it is people like you that make me long for life on a distant planet.
Always arguments both sides of the fluoride debate. For what it is worth, I went though an extended phase of a sore gut. Got all the regular endoscoscopies and stuff and in the end they said it was just your typical IBS and could not do much about it. It really was driving me nuts.

It did not click at the time, but as it happen, my dentist had put me on a toothpaste with a high fluoride level about when the IBS started. One day I ran out and forgot to replace the tube. The IBS vanished. Went back on the higher fluoride stuff to test the theory and it came back straight away.

At least if the IBS comes back after fluoride is added to the water I will have a fair idea of what is going on in my situation.

Just my experience, not advice one way or the other, but was glad to be rid of the IBS.

Kimosabi, your patience is admirable and the information you provide in your posts appreciated.

Chops, it is people like you that make me long for life on a distant planet.


"I like money..."

Say's it all.

People like Dr Schulze who provide information for free and empower people to take control of their own health are a threat to those in the medical industry who make a living from the unnecessary suffering of those who have been duped by the misinformation from pharmacutical, medical, chemical, food industries etc.

There ain't no money to be made in having a healthy population and Chops has obviously demonstrated that he is part of the Problem...
Say's it all.

People like Dr Schulze who provide information for free and empower people to take control of their own health are a threat to those in the medical industry who make a living from the unnecessary suffering of those who have been duped by the misinformation from pharmacutical, medical, chemical, food industries etc.

There ain't no money to be made in having a healthy population and Chops has obviously demonstrated that he is part of the Problem...

Once again you demonstrate you have absolutely no idea.

It's a quote in a movie from that character in my avatar.

Try again.
~~ my dentist had put me on a toothpaste with a high fluoride level about when the IBS started. ~~

You're not supposed to swallow :)

That for me is the point about Fluoride, if you want it you can get toothpastes, have a fluoride treatment with your yearly dental check up, so you have Fluoride where it does some good, in your mouth.
Always arguments both sides of the fluoride debate. For what it is worth, I went though an extended phase of a sore gut. Got all the regular endoscoscopies and stuff and in the end they said it was just your typical IBS and could not do much about it. It really was driving me nuts.

It did not click at the time, but as it happen, my dentist had put me on a toothpaste with a high fluoride level about when the IBS started. One day I ran out and forgot to replace the tube. The IBS vanished. Went back on the higher fluoride stuff to test the theory and it came back straight away.

At least if the IBS comes back after fluoride is added to the water I will have a fair idea of what is going on in my situation.

Just my experience, not advice one way or the other, but was glad to be rid of the IBS.

Andy, even the pro fluoride lobby acknowledges that gastrointestinal upset is a potential side effect of fluoride. You have simply demonstrated how easy it is for this to happen. Thanks for recounting your experience.

What will you do if you find the IBS recurs when you start drinking fluoridated water?
The Queensland government has announced it will put fluoride in the water supply from next year.

Has anyone successfully fought local or State governments on this issue?

Not this particular issue, Julia... but I have had success in other local and state government issues.

Since this thread has enlightened me, I'm on the case for this one now too.

But you won't see me out there waving plackards etc. trying to browbeat them into change. That usually only causes them to dig in and fortify their position until it gets to the point where their pride forbids them from admitting they are wrong and do it anyway.

The formula goes: Thought + belief = Action.

I think you will understand where I'm going, Julia. :D