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A Teddy Bear Named Mohammed

I worried what these barbarians have done to the poor teddy bear, I would adopt him if i could, but im sure hes been cleansed/purged/purified/eradicated or something by now :(
Teacher Sues Over Evil Teddy Bear Film
Indiana Teacher Sues Students And Claims Film Starring Killer Bear Defamed Him
INDIANAPOLIS, June 1, 2007

(AP) A math teacher whose name is used in a student film featuring an evil teddy bear that orders other stuffed animals to kill a teacher is suing the four children who made it, alleging it defamed him.

Daniel Clevenger's lawsuit, filed May 16 in Henry Superior Court, is the second round of legal action related to the 78-minute film "The Teddy Bear Master." Two months ago, school officials settled a federal lawsuit filed by three of the students to fight their expulsion from Knightstown Intermediate School.

The lawsuit claims the film mocked the teacher's appearance and mannerisms by portraying a math instructor named "Mr. Clevenger." It also contains "graphic depictions of violence" and the eventual murder of Clevenger and his wife, Christine, the lawsuit said.
I think blaming the muslims for a ploy that American teachers use is stretching this argument a little too far to the right.
I mean you have to wonder how something this trivial can represent the entire muslim faith and all of its millions of followers around the world. Then again how can the average westener expect to know any better...for many people the only time they are touched by this religion and the people who follow it is via the it any wonder perceptions are the way they are?

I was roaming an international forum and found this `example` of the thought processes from a mohammad follower.First is the thread opener from a Dane and then the reply from a person claiming to be a _______ .

Is this typical for atheists, buddhists, hindues, jews, pagans, bahias, christians?

In fact is this typical for any other religion than islum? They are going to give a good ole spanking to this poor teacher because she let a kid call his teddybear Muhammed....come on...his teddy bear...

Typical islam - they are just like that - full of hate and violence...

No not full of hate but love for our prophet. You dont understand. She did wrong by insult and should get at least 40 lashes for her crime. An example should be set so others dont do that kind of hate. It is about love. You dont understand so you say hate. You are a stupid pagen kuffar.

ps the following replies are unprintable on asf.
I was roaming an international forum and found this `example` of the thought processes from a mohammad follower.First is the thread opener from a Dane and then the reply from a person claiming to be a _______ .

One can generalise to the n-th degree. Its not difficult to be ignorant. I could start on mine or other people's experiences of the Danes. We could talk about the democratically elected government who popularly reduced immigration from the highest level in the Scandinavian region down to a single digit percentage representation. Many people think of the Danes as happy-go-lucky funky furniture designers who live in cute houses. Many of the Swedes I have spoken to (including one with a Danish father) says they're racists. Are they right?

If people are racist or intolerant there will be a reason. Often its nothing more advanced than an opinion shaped by tabloid newspaper articles and lunch room talk with others who are getting their information from the exact same sources. Then someone decides to go the extra mile and brings in outside 'evidence', like a quote from an online forum, and is everyone now supposed to now say, "you see its exactly like they've been saying, these people are dangerous!"

And who are they anyway? Probably nothing more sinister than a bunch of journalists and newspaper magnates trying to make their numbers.

You don't have to go and hug a muslim or anything, but at least think for yourself.
Maybe having their GOD likened to a toy namesaked after an ex American President????

Maybe they are so bored in their lives they need an excuse to band together and cause a rucus - similar to any mob mentality - driven by their religious superious in a show of one minded unity .... reason doesn't really matter, any excuse for a "party"
I was roaming an international forum and found this `example` of the thought processes from a mohammad follower.First is the thread opener from a Dane and then the reply from a person claiming to be a _______ .


ps the following replies are unprintable on asf.

Every religion has their extremists, its just that some are in the media more than others ;) :rolleyes:
What we can do instead is generalise and invalidate everything from the act right through to the religion itself. I mean you have to wonder how something this trivial can represent the entire muslim faith and all of its millions of followers around the world

if this were the only case of followers of the "religion of peace" behaving like lunatics then i would agree with you, however since this is yet another example of how unhinged many followers of the prophet are, i'd say we are validated in our criticism of them.

more to the point, seeing how muslims have made a massive immigration push into the western world over the last few decades and are busy setting up their own little ghettos while agitating for reforms within their host society, while also being responsible for high levels of crime and being the main source of terrorist attacks, then we are entitled to point the finger at these people and tell them their ideas are rubbish. if they want to burn embassies over cartoons, commit pack rape against western women (you're in sweden, do some research on rape statistics over there) yet cry for foreign aid and technology then we can criticise, ridicule and attack them for their behaviour.

theasxgorilla said:
Then again how can the average westener expect to know any better...for many people the only time they are touched by this religion and the people who follow it is via the it any wonder perceptions are the way they are?

way to generalise yourself. maybe people have been educating themselves about islam and the more they discover about its nature then the more disgusted and opposed to it they become? i don't need CNN to tell me the muslim world is in a crap state and wherever they are there are problems.

theasxgorilla said:
If people are racist or intolerant there will be a reason

bingo. wonder why the muslims are the target du juor? it's certainly not just simple intolerance that has muslims fighting against everyone else in thailand, indonesia, the phillipines, algeria, afghanistan, iraq, pakistan, india, sudan, ethiopia or anywhere else these people have a power base without power.


  • policehell.jpg
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As side teddy bear comment, I just thought about Sudan, we have migrants from Sudan.

Are they checked for their social values, are they aware that women here in Australia have equal rights and few other things and how fanatical they are?

And most importantly are they going to obey our rules?
As side teddy bear comment, I just thought about Sudan, we have migrants from Sudan.

Are they checked for their social values, are they aware that women here in Australia have equal rights and few other things and how fanatical they are?

And most importantly are they going to obey our rules?

Most Sudanese immigrants here are refugees and having anything to do with Islam is the last thing on their mind...
As side teddy bear comment, I just thought about Sudan, we have migrants from Sudan.

Are they checked for their social values, are they aware that women here in Australia have equal rights and few other things and how fanatical they are?

And most importantly are they going to obey our rules?

Well the statistics show these people having some serious integration issues hence the Government slashing the Sudanese refugee intake.

Couple of Brisbane police where recently bashed by a group of them at a football club, was on TV but cant find the Interview on the net, it was basically a racist attack, but the news i can find on the net omits the interview with the police officers.
Well the statistics show these people having some serious integration issues hence the Government slashing the Sudanese refugee intake.

Couple of Brisbane police where recently bashed by a group of them at a football club, was on TV but cant find the Interview on the net, it was basically a racist attack, but the news i can find on the net omits the interview with the police officers.
Throw a little mud and a lot sticks, even if it's baseless:

Is there somewhere the government can send you back to if you don't obey the rules?
I especially enjoyed your grammatical abstraction, "are they aware that women here in Australia have equal rights and few other things and how fanatical they are?"
I too have come across the fanatical Australian women who have equal rights, and "few other things".
Glad you can enjoy what I write, I would be really ecstatic if you could learn something from me too.

But would not hold my breath, cos could be fatal.
Glad you can enjoy what I write, I would be really ecstatic if you could learn something from me too.

But would not hold my breath, cos could be fatal.
Interestingly enough it is actually impossible for the average person to "hold their breath" until they are dead.
It's one of our more curious intrinsic qualities which, equally curiously, requires no thought.
By the way, I did learn from you how to hijack the theme of a thread and turn it to another agenda..... happy?
Luckily don't have a teddy bear, so there will be no names calling or calling names as it would be in your language.