Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The ScoMo Government

What Im finding interesting, is those that call out trolling, seem to find it ok, as long as they agree with the person to be trolled.??
Its ok though those that do it, wont even realise the irony.
Sounds like Sydney in the 1970's/80's... back in the days of Murray Farquhar

Anyone remember Murray Farquhar? He was the son of Mother Farquhar.
Any relation to this dude? looks like a Sydney sider, you know tickets on themselve's. ?

Screenshot 2022-02-16 154542.png
We all have bad days @orr ?

There will be nothing that resembles plan other than not to hve plan till post the next Fuderal election. At that point Australia will have gone with a cross bench at either the Forest,Cannon-Brookes, Zarli Steggle end of the spectrum or the Kelly, Palmer, Malcolm Roberts OneNation dead end of the scale.
Then , as not since our short lived Carbon price, Australia has a chance at a successful Plan for a future: Or it will have a plan/shambles that will fail the many, best described as a continuance....
Very good Trawler...What though? you unable to get the jist? (more than likely)
So over to you; Give us you're best description ( feel free to list the success) of Morrisons term...
But... There's only two to choose from....
Planned or Unplanned.... misogonystic rape excusing (only Barnaby's word to go ) , anti -scientific, future distructive, race baiting hate mungering, economy destroying.... Shambles.

Morrison... everything I ever expected and less.
By-election in Cook later this year? care to put $10 on it Trawler?
I've already stated my intention and I'm not putting money on Morrison, I didn't last election either. ;)
A mate cleaned up on the last election, I'm just not a gambler, the money was too hard earned to be betting it away.

With regard Morrisons successes, I guess cutting his holiday short to stop the bushfires for the State fire brigades was a winner, he didn't come over here last week to put ours out, but it is W.A and we can sort $hit out.
The corona virus has probably been a win compared to most of the World, in the last two years.
Those on welfare had a beano with the dole doubling, and now everything is settling down the dole has been increased by $50.
Teachers etc had a great long holiday.
Businesses had a huge injection and the all ords within 12 months has hit new records, after the biggest fall since the GFC.
Otherwise not much I suppose.
But I still think it is time for a change of Government, there is no way anything will get through parliament, unless Labor get in with a clear majority IMO.
Guess I'm just not a rusted on sort of person. ?

Your quote:
Planned or Unplanned.... misogonystic rape excusing (only Barnaby's word to go ) , anti -scientific, future distructive, race baiting hate mungering, economy destroying.... Shambles.

That to me is just mindless ranting, every party has its bad eggs, they should be thrown out and usually are. Only my opinion, but I could write the same scathing comments about most of our past Governments, both Liberal and Labor, they all have skeletons.
I could actually break that list down to dot points and give examples very easily for both Liberal and Labor.
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This is pretty edgy. Title says it all but the "story" delivers the other barrel - and then reloads and goes again.

This election will be focused on racism” Morrison says in surprisingly candid briefing

‘Japanese-y Albanese’ is what we’ve got so far – it’s the wrong country, sure, but I’m sure you’ll agree that doesn’t really matter. It’s the right part of the world”.
At least this explains why scomo seems to be completely blind to everything.
Yes I would be surprised if that sort of electioneering would get much traction these days, jeez I'm old and it doesn't resonate with me so I can't imagine it working with the younger generation.
I still think Albo has to pick up the pace, to get a message across, he could find himself having people think, better the devil you know.