Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The ScoMo Government

Job keeper debacle aside I will give them some points for getting the UK phisor swap How do you spell it?
Job keeper debacle aside I will give them some points for getting the UK phisor swap How do you spell it?
I think history will judge this period, more accurately than it is being judged ATM, the media are judging it daily, I don't think that will give a true representation.
Time will tell how Australia fares, at the moment it is all media 20 second time grabs, that helps circulation but doesn't really reflect the overall situation, just the situation at that point in time. :2twocents
Yes well I don't think he will be there next election, that's the problem when you go into politics, you go into a sphere where everything you ever did in your past, will come back to haunt you.
I know a lot of people, who wouldn't want their past indiscretions from when they were teenagers, coming back to haunt them.
Porter was a high flyer, but as always happens, their past catches up.

WOW. o_O o_O

Jo Dyer isn't taking any short steps in her condemnation of the utter shamelessness of this corrupt, incompetent excuse for a government. Long. Incredibly detailed and every allegation referenced.

Great find and certainly worth keeping. Far too hot and confrontational for any main stream media.

WOW. o_O o_O

Jo Dyer isn't taking any short steps in her condemnation of the utter shamelessness of this corrupt, incompetent excuse for a government. Long. Incredibly detailed and every allegation referenced.

Great find and certainly worth keeping. Far too hot and confrontational for any main stream media.
Jo Dyer, isn't she the good friend of the lady that Porter allegedly raped?
I googled her name and this article was first cab off the rank.

Sounds like she may have a few bias issues IMO. :rolleyes:
Jo Dyer, isn't she the good friend of the lady that Porter allegedly raped?
I googled her name and this article was first cab off the rank.

Sounds like she may have a few bias issues IMO. :rolleyes:

Jo Dyer goes far beyond the Christian Porter revelations. Her job on the Scumo Government is very detailed.
Your welcome to read it, check out the evidence and then comment on the assertion that this is a totally shameless government.
Jo Dyer goes far beyond the Christian Porter revelations. Her job on the Scumo Government is very detailed.
Your welcome to read it, check out the evidence and then comment on the assertion that this is a totally shameless government.
I'm sure she does, the article I posted wasn't about Christian Porter, it wasn't even about the Federal Government.
It was about her obviously deep seated hatred for the Liberal Party in general, as it wasn't even about a sitting Government, it was about a newly elected State Government.
I have no doubt that there are some horrible characters in politics, I personally think that it is probably a prerequisite for becoming a politician, the only ones I have seen that seem to have a moral compass usually leave politics.
As for myself personally, I'm not interested in being friends with politicians and or liking them, they are there to do a job and it is that on which I base my votes. If they happen to be a wonderful person and have a lovely family, well that's a bonus, not for me but for them.
I never liked many politicians on a personal level, yet some were excellent politicians, that did exceptional things for the country.
I would rather have nasty politicians with the publics interests at heart, than lovely politicians with there own interests at heart.
Just my opinion.
Man Who Remembers Bowl Of Prawns From 1988 Doesn’t Know Who Put Up To $1 Mil In His Bank Account


A former Attorney General who remembers the specific type of food that was provided at a debating function 33 years ago, can’t for the life of him think who might have deposited up to $1 million in a trust fund he set up.

“I just don’t have that sort of attention to detail, sorry,” said the man who also remembered the precise act of ironing a shirt on a university trip more than three decades ago.

He said the busyness of life meant it was impossible to keep track of every single little detail. “I’m across the big things, sure, like those yummy prawns from ‘88; they stick in my mind. About 10-12 cm long, with a beautiful zesty sauce. But for God’s sake, I can’t be expected to keep up with pesky little details like who’s funding a seven-figure law bill for a case I initiated!”

He said the funding could’ve come from anywhere. “On any given day there are literally thousands of people who could potentially deposit a large sum of money into an account. Who keeps a track of that sort of thing?

“If the money was deposited into a bowl that contained prawns or some other type of hors d’oeuvres, then absolutely I would’ve taken note of where it came from. But not if it goes into a financial account of with my name on it”.



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Malcolm Turnbull says Christian Porter's use of anonymous blind trust to pay legal fees an 'affront to transparency'

Federal minister Christian Porter's decision to accept mystery funds to pay personal legal fees has been described as a "shocking affront to transparency" by his former boss.

..Mr Turnbull questioned how Mr Porter could accept the money in good faith.

"This flies in the face of every principle of transparency and accountability in public life," the former prime minister told the ABC.

"This is an absolute affront.

"I will be even more staggered if the Prime Minister allows this to stand — it is a shocking affront to transparency."


"Politicians or political parties can't take money from anonymous donors," he said.

"If you walk in to the Liberal Party, you know, with a bag over your head, and a chaff bag full of cash and say 'I want to make this donation' they won't, they can't accept it.

"What Porter is saying is that it is okay for an Australian cabinet minister, a former attorney-general, not just of Australia, but of Western Australia, to take a large donation, a large gift to himself without disclosing who the donor was."

I guess its further evidence of the sheer arrogance of the Coalition quite amazing Porter has done this knowing the implications.

Malcolm Turnbull says Christian Porter's use of anonymous blind trust to pay legal fees an 'affront to transparency'

Federal minister Christian Porter's decision to accept mystery funds to pay personal legal fees has been described as a "shocking affront to transparency" by his former boss.

..Mr Turnbull questioned how Mr Porter could accept the money in good faith.

"This flies in the face of every principle of transparency and accountability in public life," the former prime minister told the ABC.

"This is an absolute affront.

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"Politicians or political parties can't take money from anonymous donors," he said.

"If you walk in to the Liberal Party, you know, with a bag over your head, and a chaff bag full of cash and say 'I want to make this donation' they won't, they can't accept it.

"What Porter is saying is that it is okay for an Australian cabinet minister, a former attorney-general, not just of Australia, but of Western Australia, to take a large donation, a large gift to himself without disclosing who the donor was."

Malcolm Turnbull has turned into a whiteant, with even less respect (except from the nematodes on the left).
Malcolm Turnbull has turned into a whiteant, with even less respect (except from the nematodes on the left).
Turnbull is a wretched ghost he really is a piece of work, he and Rudd would make a great tag team IMO.
But with regard Porter, I would have thought he has an obligation, as a standing politician, to declare who is giving him donations.
It could be seen as a bribe, I can't see how he wont have to disclose it. :2twocents
But with regard Porter, I would have thought he has an obligation, as a standing politician, to declare who is giving him donations.
It could be seen as a bribe, I can't see how he wont have to disclose it.

Ok. Spot on. It is beyond comprehension that a politician can accept such a donation for exactly the reasons you outline.

Why therefore are you attacking Malcolm Turnball for pointing out the legal and ethical problems of the deal ? o_O
Ok. Spot on. It is beyond comprehension that a politician can accept such a donation for exactly the reasons you outline.

Why therefore are you attacking Malcolm Turnball for pointing out the legal and ethical problems of the deal ? o_O

Because that is the job of the opposition. You would never find members of the Labor Party exposing each other's transgressions, but because Malcolm Turnbull is, was and always will be, a Manchurian candidate. He sees his job as destroying the party which has taken him in.

In other words, his motives are absolutely toxic and not in the interests of integrity, but rather, revenge and in keeping with his agenda of taking Australia to the authoritarian left, rather than the classical liberalism that the Liberal Party was founded on.

A c"£# of the highest order.

If porter has done the wrong thing, fine, call him out. But it is well past time to pretend that Malcolm is any part of the centre right/classical liberal values that the Liberal Party supposedly espouses.

It is time to recognise that Malcolm is of the authoritarian left.... And as indicated above, a Manchurian candidate.

Fwiw, the Liberal Party has a multitude of issues on which it should be called out for, as indicated I will putting them second last on my voting card... unless of course there is both a labour and green candidate, in which case I will be putting them third last.

The most laughableble thing is that the purulent left pretends that this doesn't happen on their own side of politics..
Why therefore are you attacking Malcolm Turnball for pointing out the legal and ethical problems of the deal ? o_O
I have always disliked Turnbull, he just isn't my cup of tea, so to speak, way too narcissistic IMO.
Also being disloyal to your former comrades , no matter what your leaning, isn't a good look.
There are plenty of opponents and media reps who can callout Porter, turning traitor isn't a good reflection on the ex leader and probably highlights one of his personality traits that resulted in him being turfed out IMO.
Porter is toast, I would be very surprised if he contests the next election, the non disclosure of both the donor and the supressed ABC info has destroyed any remaining credibility IMO.

Turnbull would be much better served, taking his own council and moving away from politics quietly. :2twocents
All that Turnbull is doing is underlying the possibility that it is media attention that he craves, maybe that was always first and foremost for him throughout his political career, who knows, it seems to be the driver of a few ex P.M's IMO.

From the article:
Turnbull said he would not be a “trappist monk” now he was out of parliament, but it was important not to be driven by hate.

“When you stop being prime minister, that’s it,” he said. “There is no way I’d be hanging around like embittered Kevin Rudd or Tony Abbott. Seriously, these people are like, sort of miserable, miserable ghosts.”
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Scott Morrison is an embarrassment to democracy. The Prime Minister does not need to ‘ask’ if it’s right or wrong what Porter did taking money from a blind trust. It’s ethically wrong and the Prime Minister should declare it’s wrong and ensure laws and rules are changed and the liberals should kick Porters a** to the kerb. I'd take back Rudd, Abbott, even Julia over this fool.

Years ago women couldn’t vote. It was the law. It was wrong. Just because it’s the law doesn’t mean it’s acceptable.

Rachit and Rune Solicitors

Caymen Islands

Today the Honourable Christian Porter has introduced a daring, stunning and innovative development of Blind Legal Trusts to ensure integrity in our political system. It is absolutely paramount that Australia's political system should be free from any suggestion of impropriety. The Blind Legal Trust, which was developed and is currently managed by Rachit and Rune, will ensure public confidence in the independence and fair mindedness of our politicians.

To ensure that all public political figures are on an even keel, Rachit and Rune will be rolling out an extension of the Blind Legal Trust format that will cover all State and Federal Politicians.
Every politician will be given a Blind Trust account which will be noted on their Registry of Interests. All donations will be made anonymously through our Caymen Island offices and will be open to every citizen determined to support the best governance possible for our vibrant democracy.

Rachit and Rune offers exceptional security on all our legal operations but particularly the new "Blind Trust" operation. We can guarantee there will no inappropriate access to the sacred privacy of these Trusts. The Firms extensive international business clientele can attest to the rigorous security procedures we have in place. These clients have already expressed keen interest in supporting the "Blind Trust" project for Australia's politicians as a way of ensuring the best governance for Australia.

Rachit and Rune believes this model of transparent public support for our leaders could be extended to other areas of Governance. Judges, Senior Public Service appointees, Local Government officials could be included in future rollouts of "Blind Trust". We envisage that, with sufficient public support for our elected leaders, Governments can reduce the economic burden of the current Parliamentary salaries to minimal amounts.

We believe this is an unparalleled opportunity to ensure Australians of every political persuasion can offer the practical recognition our political class needs to do our county proud.

Ken Rachit, Al Rune . Partners in law.
