You are Donald trump.Evidence or fact is not what I or anyone else says. It comes from reputable sources with evidence to back up statements. For example when Donald Trump said his inauguration was the biggest ever seen in US history the fact that there were pictures of past inaugarations which showed this was untrue was just disregarded.
When Donald Trump can't dispute the facts he turns to trashing the source ie Fake News media. In fact his whole political play has been to systematically destroy the legitimacy of any organisation or person who criticizes him or calls him to account and boost anyone who praises his supreme intellect and incredible skills.
On the current issue it was absolutely and totally clear, and totally understood by all who watched, that Donald Trump was suggesting that injecting or ingesting disinfectants to kill the COIVID virus should be considered by doctors as an experiment. And yet a mere few hours later he attempts to say this a sarcastic comment. No none believes that pullback because it just isn't true.
What was proven through the incident however was :
1) Donald Trump has minimal basic scientific knowledge. Not understanding that disinfectants are only suitable for surface use and a poison if ingested is very basic knowledge.
2) Donald Trump will never acknowledge a mistake. When it was made overwhelmingly clear how wrong and dangerous his comments were he attempted to say it was a "sarcastic" comment.
The films, the responses from everyone who saw it show this was just a fabrication to save him from saying "Oops - my bad"
3) Donald Trumps supporters will support anything he says or does no matter what. As moXjo and others here have proven, they will follow this creature up hill, down dale and over a cliff. It doesn't matter how stupid, wrong or criminally dangerous the action. The catch cry is always the same
I will follow him... he is my destiny
You post the exact same lies.
You make up the exact same stories.
You continue posting bull**** after I post information to disprove.
You follow a deranged group of like minded liars who can't take 5mins to google to see if it's indeed true.
And you post endless b.s. posts. I actually hope he doesn't win. Sick of the spewed propaganda.
All these supposed "smart" anti Trumpers are actual dumb as dogsht when it comes to facts themselves.
There's a difference between not liking a bad president and someone that acts as bad as a bad president.
I have never said trump isn't a liar.
Never said he is a good guy.
And I'd support a sensible option if they came along.
I won't lick up spoon fed b.s. and call it ice cream though.
And if you look back all through this thread, where did all those career ending "outrages" go?
Biden stands accused of rape by a democrat and the #metoo movement bent over for him.
Never mind sure we can bury it along with everything else.