Do you think Costello introduced it to get peeps out of union funds?I think people are not thinking sensibly about the franking credit issue, which is exactly what Bill wanted and ultimately cost him his job.
If franking refunds is the big issue they made it out to be, they should have just stopped them, full stop. They were introduced 20 years ago, just say we are no longer refunding them at all.
To try and sell the fact that they are only unaffordable to SMSF's and low income earners was dumb.
Then add to that the fact they said, if you transfer your SMSF to an Industry super Fund, you can have your franking credits back.
It really didn't come over very well.
Like I said if they stopped the credits completely, we would be in surplus and have the debt paid off in a few years. Trusts instead of paying tax on 100's of millions of dollars pay nothing because the tax is washed with franking credits.
I don't mind losing them, because they don't make a lot for me, but I think that wasn't the driving initiative behind the changes and it was just a deplorable act.
Just my opinion.