Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Australian Federal Election - 2019

Ah yes... this is what those people who cannot mount a case will say.
No evidence to back themselves of course.
Trudeau was a virtue signaller there is plenty of evidence. All his bs is coming to light.

Ardern is a politician that works the media. She may have meant well on the way in, but its how long that goodwill is going to last before she begins to compromise her values.

To those dealing with her she is another politician.

It ain't about sides, its about reality.
Yeah - but look what's happening in small business and non-unionized workplaces today.

Wages and superannuation are being stolen by employers on a mass scale. Unions can't control small business and that's fine. But when the law can't control them you have a major problem.
Thats the line they run. A lot of the time its some obscure rate that was meant to be paid then ran as a scare campaign. There isn't always clear wage direction. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of terrible bosses ripping people off. But there are just as many- if not vastly more sht workers ripping off bosses. Guaranteed the bosses will get caught and then raped by authorities.
Years ago the construction industry just wanted a set wage no matter how high just so they didn't have to deal with the dozens of different wage tack ons. Not sure what happened in the industry since as I moved on to greener pastures.

Aussies are some of the worst workers in the world mixed with some of the best.
Poor ScoMo - you know you've got a problem when even Meghan went into labour :cool:
Lest We Forget
Short memories are problem aren't they ? This Honest Government ad is a refresher on 6 years of Lib-Nat Government.

A question for Sarah Hanson-Young ( rhetorical obviously, in the context of this forum):

Seeing as you are such an enthusiastic supporter of the boy egging Senator Fraser Anning, do you support the attempted egging of the prime minister today? If so would you support the egging of the opposition leader, or indeed your Dear Leader, Richard Di Natale?
Haha - I wonder if they have a similar chart for Govt dept to GDP levels ?

Might end up with a mirror image :)

Howard presided over a once in 100 year mining boom, plus soaring property prices, and reasonable wages I'd say tax receipts naturally expanded through that period, regardless of policy.

Rudd & Gillard came in just as the global economy imploded, and did what all Governments had to do at that time, provide stimulus and hand out tax breaks.

Rather than tax/gdp being a symptom of which party is in power, much of the time it's more governed by the economy and global factors which Australia has little control over.

Having said that, Shorten-led Labor are now proposing some of the biggest tax hikes we've ever seen. We haven't seen such a divergence in tax policy between the two major parties for a very long time.
Yet another article on the inequity of Labor's proposal.

You can only think Labor is lying. Common ploy ala "MediScare" campaign last election

I only got as far as this

"The logic for this policy is, broadly speaking, “rich people shouldn’t get tax refunds, they should effectively pay more tax”"

Its actually a tax refund when no tax has been paid in other words its a "hand out" (bough in by Howard god knows why) that being the case why don't we go full socialist instead of 1/2 socialist and give everyone a fee hand out?
A question for Sarah Hanson-Young ( rhetorical obviously, in the context of this forum):

Seeing as you are such an enthusiastic supporter of the boy egging Senator Fraser Anning, do you support the attempted egging of the prime minister today? If so would you support the egging of the opposition leader, or indeed your Dear Leader, Richard Di Natale?

Very good point. It has been going through my thoughts that someone will out-do the egging assault with something more deadly.
I only got as far as this

"The logic for this policy is, broadly speaking, “rich people shouldn’t get tax refunds, they should effectively pay more tax”"

Its actually a tax refund when no tax has been paid in other words its a "hand out" (bough in by Howard god knows why) that being the case why don't we go full socialist instead of 1/2 socialist and give everyone a fee hand out?
I will preface this by saying that we get 6k in franking credit refunds-all of those shares are held outside of superannuation-have not got a smsf.My wife can still get to use those credits as she is still called in for some casual work.
As I see it ,as I have said before,these self-funded retirees never show their hands.I strongly suspect that most intend to live off the proceeds of their assets,and never touch their capital-even increase it.Not what superannuation or retirement income is designed for.
The capricious lowering of the income and assets tests qualifications by Coalition affected retirees much more than what is proposed more.This passed without a peep.
I hear it said that it is hard for retirees to change from shares?Shares are liquid and can be almost instantly sold.As I have said there are many other investment opportunities,but the franking credits lurk is too hard to pass up.Think on your feet!

If you have no aspiration to ever earn more than $100k a year, or if you are on welfare, or if you are retired (but not self-funded) you will be better off under Labor.

I'm all for helping those less fortunate, but the percentage of net welfare-recipients in this country is going to grow substantially under this suite of policies, and the incentive to succeed will be eroded.

Anyone who wants to start a business, or advance their career and incomes will be tarred with the label "top end of town" and be targeted for not paying enough tax (even though that's where the vast majority of tax revenue is generated). These people create all the jobs and pay all of the tax in Australia, I just think that is not being appreciated by the Labor party right now. If we continue too far down this path, watch the budget deficit blow out, and unemployment start to edge higher.