Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Drunken Rant Thread


Make the drill work for YOU
20 June 2007
Thanks to a great idea from GG here it is, The Drunken Rant Thread

A place where we can go hell for leather on those stupid ideas that enter our head when on the sauce

Stipulations are;
Must make no sense
Spelling mistakes are a must
Heavy swearing (plz use the *, &,# and @ keys) encouraged
Posts apologising for previous nights rant will be frowned upon

Level of intoxication for entry;
Half bottle of spirits
1 & 1/2 bottles of wine
1/2 carton of beer
8 shooters
I wish I posted on here last night. I wrote posts when I got home that I have only just realised. I'll be suscribing to this thread, looking forward to writing here sometime soon :D:D:D
What about drunken stories ?

Who has done the most outrageous stupid act under the influence ?
I qualify for this thread..... Hic*

I would like to rant about the deception that this global ponzi scheme has been! Talk about Big Brother, these guys have takin us to the wall!!!!!! What a scam this financial system we have is.... How silly are we?

Further more, we atre jipped, cheated, coorted, conjoled, enchorouged, tricked, coersed, and plain bloody scamed into their ways.

These Jokers have rewarded tehmseklves with huge bonuses trhanks to the biggest ponzi scheme of our time!

Let's give ourselves asn uppercut in unisdon:eek:

But really, I don't give a toss, because:

I have outsmarted them, and they can't touch my money...... hahahahaahha

Stuff um.....
Well gg it's a lovely evening at Catseye....

Here's an old drinking buddy...

Dunno if anyone saw show the other night where someone said they were having a leak next to David Hassellhoff and noticed his trousers were getting very wet, turns out he was so drunk he had pulled one of his apples out of his pants instead of the trouser snake and proceeded to urinate while the ole boy was still in his pants.

Does he deserve a medal or what !
Dunno if anyone saw show the other night where someone said they were having a leak next to David Hassellhoff and noticed his trousers were getting very wet, turns out he was so drunk he had pulled one of his apples out of his pants instead of the trouser snake and proceeded to urinate while the ole boy was still in his pants.

Does he deserve a medal or what !

Mr Burns one of the FAs I'm with says it was on "Spics & Specks", yes pin that medal....

But what's scary here's something he did sober...

Ahhh yes Spicks and Specks , thanks for reminding me. I think they agreed it was the greatest story ever and I can't disagree;)
How about that Kevin F***Kin Rudd and his reported doin his f***king 'nana over not havin a hairdryewr on hand for his photo shoot with the troops?
What a f**khead hey?
He denied it straight away, but i believe it cos he is a f***ken pocket dictator hitler wanna be mofo prick
Put it together with his airforce dummy spit and we can see what type of prick u elected!
Me thinks we are gonna see more of this from this over-polished, pre-fabricated, plastic-faced piece of crap
You can only hide your well known temper problem so long Krudd
U make me sick everytime i see ur face
:Dho ho ho:D .................what more can i say nothing to raant over but sure feeling finely toxic..........

its an intresting time in the convent

Glad to finally qualify for this thread. Bottle of wine, 4 beers, and about 4 spirits :p: Now for my rant...Well dont have much to rant about, actually sick of newbies on this forum dishing out technical one liners that they have read in their latest book and proclaiming to know how the market operates. Only when you have put in the hard yards like tech and TH will you really know how the market works.

Will be up in 5 hours for market open....yehhaaarrrr :D
What about drunken stories ?

Who has done the most outrageous stupid act under the influence ?

I wonder how many ppl have proposed while under the influence, then been to embarressed to retract it in the cold sober light of the next day? ha ha ha.
What about drunken stories ?

here's mine when I was nine I was woken up in the morning with a whole lot of swearing and yelling I looked outside the house it was dark around 2am, there I saw my dad yelling at the old Hills Hoist claiming he stole his wallet after 30mins arguing with the hoist he later went inside wore me mum's undies and pissed in the closet, this put me of drinking anything with alcohol for at least 13yrs.