Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Tony Abbott for PM

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
Seeing as Costello says he won't change his mind, this godbothering pugilist might be the next best bet for Australia.

It seems that godbotherers are de rigeur for leaders these days.

Even the old KGB toecutter Putin bends the knee weekly in St.Petersburg.

Go for it Tony.

Give the lad with Scores on his board a run for his money.

He'll be sitting on Silvio's knees wearing nothing but his sock suspenders and ear wax in a few hours.

Tony Abbott for PM.

Seeing as Costello says he won't change his mind, this godbothering pugilist might be the next best bet for Australia.

It seems that godbotherers are de rigeur for leaders these days.

Even the old KGB toecutter Putin bends the knee weekly in St.Petersburg.

Go for it Tony.

Give the lad with Scores on his board a run for his money.

He'll be sitting on Silvio's knees wearing nothing but his sock suspenders and ear wax in a few hours.

Tony Abbott for PM.

Born in London, England - PM of Australia???????????????
If Abbott is the best the Libs have got then even Gillard will get a go at PM (unless Krudd does a Howard).
I generally don't care one way or the other as most pollies are as bad as each other but Abbot is one bloke I would never vote for.

He would have no chance, remember when Gillard used to make him look stupid on one of those morning shows?

Oh Thank You GG. That's the funniest thing I've heard all week. People Skills Abbott for PM. Oh my aching ribs.

OK... Seriously now... what about Steve Fielding???
Good old GG, you certainly know how to stir the indians.

I could never comment on the man, id spew. agree with blah blah blah
gg, you are simply stirring. You have some appropriate response. Now stop being silly. If the Libs were not already in deep ****, electing Abbott to the leadership would completely ensure Rudd & Co's re-election.
Give the lad with Scores on his board a run for his money.

He'll be sitting on Silvio's knees wearing nothing but his sock suspenders and ear wax in a few hours.

Kevvy will be hoping the new-look Therese doesn't make too big a hit with Silvio.
Glenn Milne at his finest. Thanks to the Herald Sun for the info below.

MALCOLM Turnbull could face a leadership challenge from a so-called "Two Tonys ticket", Tony Abbott with Tony Smith as his deputy, if his opinion poll ratings fail to recover.

Continuing rumblings inside the Liberal Party indicate Liberal MPs now believe Mr Turnbull has only until Christmas to demonstrate his personal vote and that of the Coalition are rising in the polls.

Otherwise, as one frontbencher said, panic will set in among MPs facing the prospect of losing their seats.

There is now a deep-seated pessimism within the Coalition party room that Mr Turnbull can bounce back from his seismic drop in the polls following the disastrous fake email affair.

Many believe that the Ute-gate affair - in which Mr Turnbull called for the resignation of both Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan on the basis of an email later proved to be a fake - was the first occasion on which voters had tuned into to the Opposition Leader.

Given it was a political disaster for Mr Turnbull, those voters might never listen to him again, say worried Liberal MPs.

The promotion of Mr Abbott as a possible alternative follows his stabilising performance during the fake email affair in the role of Acting Manager of Opposition Business in Parliament.
For my post #1000 I thought I would copy an early post of mine from 10 months back, to illustrate that nothing has changed.

For Godsakes, Start Being an Opposition

I lifted this title from Lenore Taylor's column in The Australian yesterday and I am sure it puts into a nutshell how many people are thinking.

The Coalition, up against a government which governs by grand symbolic gestures, white papers, green papers, reviews and watch programs, has barely laid a glove on them. Costello, the man who wants to be Prime Minister but hasn't the guts to be opposition leader, has destabilised the Liberals since the election.

What is needed now is a "night of the long lives" from which a leader with backbone and strong party support could emerge. The problem at this time is that I have no idea who this could be, and there is a long list of those it shouldn't be.
No to Tony Abbott and I'm still waiting for the Yanks to announce they've caught Bin Ladin.
It has to be Costello or Hockey, Hockey has a nice friendly face, not like Rudds that just screams PUNCH ME !
Burnsie...loved your work last night....maggotts....I was being kind calling them weasels....thought they were more like **** roaches

Joe Hockey will probably not survive Mt Kilimanjaro...with his big fat frame...I posted the article somewhere here today...Hockey and Kooch going there the end of the month
therese rein and son there too but they dont say when.....I dont think the climb is for the overweights.....thought one needs to be fit...but then again they will probably be surrounded by enough people to actually carry them up to the top.....
I cannot say what I am hoping for.....
who was the PM who dissapeared at Portsea ???
Abbott is a good bloke who's not afraid to do a bit of head kicking when the need arises.

He beats Rudd intellectually hands down, even though the former boxed for many years and the latter has littered many a book with his earwax.

Abbott is a good bloke who's not afraid to do a bit of head kicking when the need arises.

He beats Rudd intellectually hands down, even though the former boxed for many years and the latter has littered many a book with his earwax.


Abbott is way too religious, apart from that he should take over immediately, Rudds getting away with murder with no one challenging him from the opposition at present.
Nah, Wilson Tuckey's the man?????? He's got plenty of guts to stand up and speak his mind. Send him in to bat at the next wicket to fall, but he will have to watch Kevvie the spin specialist; he's trickey on a turning pitch.

I reckon Wilson could swing the bat around the heads some of those Liberal ETS supporters.

Don't forget old "IRON BAR" has plenty of runs on the board.
What do you reckon GG ( aka the Townsville MP) has Wilson got a chance?
Tony Abbott is just a bad choice for so many reasons.
Wilson Tuckey is simply ludicrous. And, Noco, can you seriously imagine Mr Tuckey on the world stage???

It would be just silly to throw out Malcolm Turnbull (who still has potential to be a decent leader) for either of these non-contenders.
And remember, for the Libs to change leaders again at this stage would make them look even sillier than they do now.

Much as I can't stand Rudd or Gillard, Tanner and Smith go some way to making up for them. If the Libs' choice came down to Abbott or Tuckey, I'd actually vote Labor.