Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ABC is Political

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
I was stopped at a State/Federal Roadblock today with about 10 workers on a major highway, and was forced to listen to ABC Radio National Rural Report.

I expected to be regaled with low prices, lack of rain, etc. etc. but instead suffered 18 minutes of bloody global warming claptrap.

Do not these jokers realise the tide has turned against soft left/green propaganda.

I pity a farmer on his tractor or bike, having to listen to this rubbish.

Your spot on there GG. I was watching ABC 24 a few weeks back and it was amazing how pro anyone but the Libs, they were.
Will be interesting how that works out for them if the Libs win the next election.
What do they say about $#!ting in your own nest or burning bridges you may have to cross over. LOL LOL LOL.
It is unbelievable that these people call themselves reporters and even the lay person can see their bias.
How dumb is that if your job is to report, you don't want to allienate half the audience with your bias. Thats half your audience gone as well as your future bosses.
I was stopped at a State/Federal Roadblock today with about 10 workers on a major highway, and was forced to listen to ABC Radio National Rural Report.

I expected to be regaled with low prices, lack of rain, etc. etc. but instead suffered 18 minutes of bloody global warming claptrap.

Do not these jokers realise the tide has turned against soft left/green propaganda.

I pity a farmer on his tractor or bike, having to listen to this rubbish.


Farmers are being won over by the prospect of carbon into soil refunds.

This govt has lost its way.. we have industries here closing, and they are making us less competitive with this stupid tax. BTW I was listening to the same thing, and during the day, the car manufacturers gave their massive hint for extra compensation or downsizing or leaving the country.

More examples of mismanagement, sold under the proposition of saving the world, advertised by the national carrier, paid for by the people who will be slugged by the tax.

I hope the next 2 years fly.
There was a time about 20 or 30 years ago that I used to listen to the ABC for the news. It was actually "the news" unbiased with a broad spectrum of events, easily the best news service in Australia.

Now we get a very biased bulletin with free ads for Greens, Labor and bleeding hearts masquerading as a news service. The frightening thing is that they have just been given an open ended contract to broadcast this rubbish to Asia as Radio Australia.

I have read a couple of books written by ex ABC journos who were posted overseas. Both commented on the fact that other countries quite simply don't care about Australia, we are rarely mentioned in any broadcast over there.

They also commented that when the ABC reports that Australia has offended some other nation, there has been no mention of the alleged offense within that nation.

Funny how the ABC/lefty type people just think they are Soooo important, when in reality the only people taking them seriously are themselves. Everyone else is just getting on with life.
The ABC is now on-publishing articles from the Monthly, a magazine read exclusively by the academic left and inner city basketweavers.

How can climate change denialism be explained?


For several decades I have engaged in ideological disputes.

It would appear this new partnership is based on ideological synergy between left wing magazines of low circulation such as the Monthly and the ABC, a left controlled national broadcaster.

In fairness it would be good to see the ABC's left producers and management publish some articles in the Drum arguing the other side of the climate change hoax, from legitimate widely read sources such as for example Quadrant, or the Australian.

The ABC is now on-publishing articles from the Monthly, a magazine read exclusively by the academic left and inner city basketweavers.

It would appear this new partnership is based on ideological synergy between left wing magazines of low circulation such as the Monthly and the ABC, a left controlled national broadcaster.

In fairness it would be good to see the ABC's left producers and management publish some articles in the Drum arguing the other side of the climate change hoax, from legitimate widely read sources such as for example Quadrant, or the Australian.


Actually GG it would be great if any of the channels would put on an unbiased debate with the best from both sides.
I get so sick of hearing from the pro and anti being interviewed by the mentally dormant.
Who are just pleased to get to talk to someone or anyone, who will give them an interview opportunity.
T.v interviewing is a bit like watching " Australia hasn't got talent" . The problems are the presenters push their bias, therefore they only get interviews with guests who they are sympathetic to.
If they have an interview with someone they dissagree with, they interupt and don't allow them to have their say.
Just ends up as crap T.V
The ABC is now on-publishing articles from the Monthly, a magazine read exclusively by the academic left and inner city basketweavers.

It would appear this new partnership is based on ideological synergy between left wing magazines of low circulation such as the Monthly and the ABC, a left controlled national broadcaster.

In fairness it would be good to see the ABC's left producers and management publish some articles in the Drum arguing the other side of the climate change hoax, from legitimate widely read sources such as for example Quadrant, or the Australian.

I hope you're not holding your breath for the above.

The latest government move in terms of broadcasting has been with the dumping of any legitimate tender process for the Australia Network on the trumped up excuse of 'leaks', and the consequent awarding to the ABC of this prize, indefinitely.

This is Conroy's decision. Of course he would do this. In so doing he ensures that what goes from Australia to overseas reflects favourably the government's position.
The strong contender was Sky in which a very small stake is held by News Ltd.
God forbid that any such entity should have the slightest say in what Australia presents to the world.

gg, if you think the Country Hour is biased, have a listen to (a) The Science Show with Robin Williams, or (b) Late Night Live with Phillip Adams. Both on Radio National.
How Radio National in particular can claim to be 'balanced' is just a joke.
Same sort of issues in the UK's BBC:

The BBC is charged with failing to report on global warming with fairness, accuracy or even the most basic scepticism that is essential to good journalism:

Written by Christopher Booker, one of the UK’s most seasoned journalists, the report critically reviews the BBC’s coverage of climate change issues against its statutory obligation to report ‘with due accuracy and impartiality’.

His report, The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal, shows that the BBC has not only failed in its professional duty to report fully and accurately: it has betrayed its own principles, in three respects:...​

Read more: Not reporting, but propagandising
I hope you're not holding your breath for the above.

The latest government move in terms of broadcasting has been with the dumping of any legitimate tender process for the Australia Network on the trumped up excuse of 'leaks', and the consequent awarding to the ABC of this prize, indefinitely.

This is Conroy's decision. Of course he would do this. In so doing he ensures that what goes from Australia to overseas reflects favourably the government's position.
The strong contender was Sky in which a very small stake is held by News Ltd.
God forbid that any such entity should have the slightest say in what Australia presents to the world.

gg, if you think the Country Hour is biased, have a listen to (a) The Science Show with Robin Williams, or (b) Late Night Live with Phillip Adams. Both on Radio National.
How Radio National in particular can claim to be 'balanced' is just a joke.

Yes I know Robin.

He is a sad sack who has been playing the same tune for many years. He is not the brightest star in the firmament but is powerfully connected with a small coterie of faux scientists. I doubt if his powerful place in the politically correct firmament of Showbiz Science will be assailed this side of a heart attack. He is an impressive networker and has the ABC in thrall. He would not last two weeks on Sky or even on the Discovery Channel. A Jacque Cousteau he is not.

I have supped with Phillip Adams, and he is quite a nice guy, and outside of his studio is quite an agreeable fellow. I fear his mum may have dropped him on his head as an infant as he hates the beliefs of his antecedents.

I have supped with Phillip Adams, and he is quite a nice guy, and outside of his studio is quite an agreeable fellow. I fear his mum may have dropped him on his head as an infant as he hates the beliefs of his antecedents.

The wife follows him religiously, but I can't stand the guy. Just a Labor hack. Didn't Hawke give him some role some years ago - Minister for the Future, I think. I don't know if it was just an honorary or fully functional role. The way he introduces a discussion is so biased. If it is about a conservative person, he will have poisoned the listeners' minds before the person is discussed. Left wing opinion on issues is taken as a given fact and the discussion builds from there.

Some paper suggested he was a "national treasure" at one stage. Heaven help us.

I have given up reading his articles on the Weekend Australian. I just scan the article and if it contains the words Howard, religion or anything sacred to the conservative cause, I know it will be just a repeat of the same old drivel.
The wife follows him religiously, but I can't stand the guy. Just a Labor hack. Didn't Hawke give him some role some years ago - Minister for the Future, I think. I don't know if it was just an honorary or fully functional role. The way he introduces a discussion is so biased. If it is about a conservative person, he will have poisoned the listeners' minds before the person is discussed. Left wing opinion on issues is taken as a given fact and the discussion builds from there.

Some paper suggested he was a "national treasure" at one stage. Heaven help us.

I have given up reading his articles on the Weekend Australian. I just scan the article and if it contains the words Howard, religion or anything sacred to the conservative cause, I know it will be just a repeat of the same old drivel.

Phillip Adams is actually quite different in real life. He is an old trouper from movies and I suspect he secretly hates his persona.

And he doesn't breathe as heavily at dinner as he does on LNL. So I suspect he just does it because he's been doing it for so many years.

Many of his guests on LNL are faded lefties from the USA, Canada and the UK who cannot get airtime at home.

His latest joke is to support Kevin Rudd. He does like taking the piss.

Very prescient comments bellenuit.

I have always noticed that the ABC has a bias to the left. I don't normally watch its news or listen to it proper (I prefer Dribble J for the music content, its championing of local music talent and Dr Karl, but not for it's bent on news) but have occasionally listened in to its local (I live in a regional area) talkback radio.

Mention was made at the top of the thread of the poor cow cockies having to put up with listening to supposed climate change claptrap. What about the poor listeners putting up with silly cow cockies ringing in about the same subject? Recently, one had his 2 minutes of fame by blaming global warming on...gravity! "All the carbon that has been put in the air by the factories in town? Well, what comes up, must come down! Gravity is bringing the carbon back to earth, it used to just stay in the sky but now it's coming down which is why the climate is changing now, and since we can't change gravity, we just have to put up with it! The Carbon Tax won't reverse gravity!!!!"

I think he hadn't been into town for a long, long time.;)
About the only bearable ABC radio experience is the Classic FM station, but don't forget to mute the sound during the news bulletins. Radio JJJ do have their moments, give them their due, they will support local musicians.

The local ABC radio stations are good during natural disasters (flood/bushfire etc) when they temporarily climb down off the usual green/gay/sisterhood soapbox, and actually respond to the needs of local communities.
About the only bearable ABC radio experience is the Classic FM station, but don't forget to mute the sound during the news bulletins. Radio JJJ do have their moments, give them their due, they will support local musicians.

The local ABC radio stations are good during natural disasters (flood/bushfire etc) when they temporarily climb down off the usual green/gay/sisterhood soapbox, and actually respond to the needs of local communities.
Well, I find quite a few programs that I really enjoy: Radio National - "The Book Show "(some great interviews with writers/book reviews etc.); "The Philosophers' Zone",
"All in the Mind", "Sunday Profile" to name a few.

And on the Local Radio network the Qld "Evenings with Steve Austin" is usually able to offer more interesting fare than that on television.

But you do need to avoid "Bush Telegraph", "The Science Show", "The Country Hour" and Phillip Adams unless you want to be bashed over the head by 'climate change' every second sentence.
Well, I find quite a few programs that I really enjoy: Radio National - "The Book Show "(some great interviews with writers/book reviews etc.); "The Philosophers' Zone",
"All in the Mind", "Sunday Profile" to name a few.

And on the Local Radio network the Qld "Evenings with Steve Austin" is usually able to offer more interesting fare than that on television.

But you do need to avoid "Bush Telegraph", "The Science Show", "The Country Hour" and Phillip Adams unless you want to be bashed over the head by 'climate change' every second sentence.

Thanks Julia,

That is a good summary of the best and worst on Radio ABC.

I do enjoy Counterpoint and Garrison Keillors Radio Show as well.

As I said, if you listen to the undercurrent of Phil Adams he is a hoot. He has a show and he plays to it.

For example he adores Kevin Rudd, and would love him back as PM. Our 8c a day. And those Pommy and Canuck darlings who cannot get on their own shows who get up at ungodly hours to amuse us. One night I swear one was more cut than a godbotherer in Manila of an Easter.

ABC is Political, News Ltd is Political, 2GB is Political, Fairfax is Political, Nine Entertainement is Political, Ten Network is Political....

Thank god I need someone to make my mind up for me :p:
ABC is Political, News Ltd is Political, 2GB is Political, Fairfax is Political, Nine Entertainement is Political, Ten Network is Political....

Thank god I need someone to make my mind up for me :p:

The ABC is so political that the Drum, a site of comment on the ABC has not got one mention of the Queensland Health debacle.

This is what it is headlining.

Julia Gillard's stoush with Rudd
Durban Global Warming, a good result
Oznet given to ABC not Sky, the reasons why.
The perceived evils of Tony Abbott through leftie lens.
The American Elections
What makes Journalists tick
Marriage traditions forever evolving.
Julia Gillards stoush with Rudd again.
The luck of the Australian people to have Shorten, Roxon, Combet & Plibersek promoted.

Gimme a break.

I omitted the rider 'for continuous listening' when praising ABC Classic FM - mornings presenter Emma Ayres is a hoot, just outstanding, and a classically trained musician herself.

Selected ABC shows - I would agree, plenty of them. RN has Lucky Oceans with The Daily Planet, and there's Weekend Planet with Doug Spencer, these guys know their music. And Music Deli another one.

And of course the ABC's version of 'balance' - Counterpoint on Monday afternoons. Great show.